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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 227 5 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 144 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 112 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 56 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 50 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 26 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 24 4 Browse Search
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill) 12 0 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 11 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 8 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Acadia, or Acadie, (search)
th them. Unfortunately for the poor people, some of their best men presented a petition to the governor at Halifax. He would not receive it, and demanded that they should immediately take the oaths required before the council. We will do as our people may determine, they meekly replied, and asked permission to return home and consult them. The next day, perceiving the perilous position of their people, they offered to take the oaths. By a law of the realm, said the governor, Roman Catholics who have once refused to take the oaths cannot be permitted to do so afterwards, and are considered Popish recusants. They were cast into prison, and the chief-justice decided that all the French inhabitants — hundreds of innocent families who were ignorant of all these proceedings — were rebels and Popish recusants, and stood in the way of English interests in the country. and that they had forfeited all their possessions to the crown. So their doom was sealed. See Longfellow's Evangel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alden, John, 1599-1687 (search)
and in 1621 was married to Priscilla Mullins. For more than fifty years he was a magistrate in the colony, and outlived all the signers of the Mayflower compact. He died in Duxbury, Sept. 12, 1687. The circumstances of his courtship inspired Longfellow to write The courtship of miles Standish. They were as follows: The dreadful famine and fever which destroyed one-half of the Pilgrims at New Plymouth during the winter and spring of 1621 made a victim of Rose Standish, wife of Capt. Miles dor of love repeated his message, and when Priscilla asked, Why does he not come himself? and was answered, He is too busy, the indignant maiden declared that she would never marry a man who was too busy to court her. She said (in the words of Longfellow): ”Had he waited awhile, had only showed that he loved me, Even this captain of yours — who knows?--at last might have won me, Old and rough as he is; but now it never can happen.“ John Alden pressed the suit of Standish, when Archly the m<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hall of fame, (search)
tober, 1900, a jury of 100 persons was appointed to invite and pass upon nominations for the first fifty names. The number of names submitted reached 252, of which twenty-nine received fifty-one (the minimum) or more votes. These were, therefore, declared eligible The following are the names, with the number of votes, which were accepted. The remaining twenty-one are to be selected in 1902: George Washington, 97; Abraham Lincoln, 96; Daniel Webster, 96; Benjamin Franklin, 94; Ulysses S. Grant, 92; John Marshall, 91; Thomas Jefferson, 90; Ralph Waldo Emerson, 87; Henry W. Longfellow, 85; Robert Fulton, 85; Washington Irving, 83; Jonathan Edwards, 81; Samuel F. B. Morse, 80; David G. Farragut, 79; Henry Clay, 74; Nathaniel Hawthorne, 73; George Peabody, 72; Robert E. Lee, 69; Peter Cooper, 69; Eli Whit ney, 67; John J. Audubon, 67; Horace Mann, 66; Henry Ward Beecher, 66; James Kent, 65; Joseph Story, 64; John Adams, 61; William E. Channing, 58; Gilbert Stuart, 52; Asa Gray, 51.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882 (search)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 1807-1882 Poet; born in Portland, Me., Feb. 27, 1807; was a descendant of William Longfellow, of Newbury, Mass., and on his mother's side of John Alden, a passenger on the Mayflower; and graduated at Bowdoin College in 1825. He studied law a short time, when he received the appointment of Professorages of Europe, and these are models. As a translator, says a critic, he has succeeded admirably in preserving the spirit of the originals, and as a Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. poet he appeals to the universal affections of humanity by the thoughts and images derived from original perceptions of nature and life. As an indication of the popularity of Mr. Longfellow, the sales of his poetical compositions had amounted in 1857 (when he was fifty years of age) to 293,000 copies, and his prose productions to 32,550 copies. Since that time the number has probably been increased to 500,000. The sales in England, where he is as popular as in America have b
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Longfellow, Stephen 1775-1849 (search)
Longfellow, Stephen 1775-1849 Lawyer; born in Gorham, Me., June 23, 1775; father of Henry W. Longfellow; graduated at Harvard, and was admitted to the bar in 1801. In 1814 he was a delegate to the Hartford Convention, and was a member of Congress from 1823 to 1825. In 1834 he was president of the Maine Historical Society. He died in Portland, Me., Aug. 2, 1849.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McLellan, Isaac 1806-1899 (search)
McLellan, Isaac 1806-1899 Poet; born in Portland, Me., May 21, 1806; graduated at Bowdoin College in 1826. During his course there he was a fellow-student of Henry W. Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and George B. Cheever. After graduation he studied law and practised in Boston for several years. In 1851 he removed to New York and applied himself to literary work, chiefly poetry and writings on field sports. His publications include The year, and other poems; The fall of the Indian; Poems of the Rod and gun; Haunts of wild game; War poems, etc. He died in Greenport, Long Island, Aug. 20, 1899.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
Miner, Stephen W. Dorsey, M. C. Rerdell, Thomas J. Brady, William H. Turner, and J. L. Sanderson are indicted for frauds and conspiracy to defraud the government in bids for mail service on star routes......March 4, 1882 Edmunds's law, excluding bigamists and polygamists in the Territories from voting or holding office, passed......March 22, 1882 Engineer Melville finds the bodies of De Long and eleven of his men, near the mouth of the River Lena, Siberia......March 23, 1882 Henry W. Longfellow, born 1807, dies at Cambridge, Mass.......March 24, 1882 Northern boundary of Nebraska extended to forty-third parallel by act of......March 28, 1882 Annual pension of $5,000 each granted to widows of James A. Garfield, James K. Polk, and John Tyler, by act of......March 31, 1882 President Arthur vetoes bill restricting Chinese immigration for twenty years......April 4, 1882 Secretary of the Interior Kirkwood resigns......April, 1882 Secretary of the Navy Hunt resigns
he St. Croix, made a report that the mouth of the river is in Passamaquoddy Bay, in lat. 45° 5′ 5″ N., and long. 67° 12′ 30″ W. of London, and 3° 54′ 15″ E. of Harvard College, and that the boundary of Maine was up this river and the Cheputnatecook to a marked stake called the Monument ......Oct. 25, 1798 Kennebec county erected from north part of Lincoln......Feb. 20, 1799 Northern parts of York and Cumberland counties erected into the county of Oxford......March 4, 1805 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow born in Portland......Feb. 27, 1807 County of Somerset established from the northerly part of Kennebec......March 1, 1809 Three commissioners appointed by governor and council to act on land titles in Lincoln county......Feb. 27, 1811 Boxer, a British brig of eighteen guns and 104 men, Captain Blyth, engages the American brig Enterprise, sixteen guns and 102 men, Captain Burrows, off Port land. In thirty-five minutes the Boxer surrenders and is taken to Portland
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
isco, Cal.......Aug. 5, 1878 Act abolishing nine separate State boards, and creating the board of health, charity, and lunacy, passed by legislature, which adjourns......April 30, 1879 French ocean cable landed at North Eastham, Cape Cod.......Nov. 15, 1879 Cape Cod ship-canal from Buzzard's Bay to Barnstable Bay begun......1880 Anti-screen liquor-saloon law, enacted 1880, goes into effect......1881 National law-and-order league organized at Boston......Feb. 22, 1882 Henry W. Longfellow, born 1807, dies at Cambridge......March 24, 1882 Ralph Waldo Emerson, born 1803, dies at Concord......April 27, 1882 Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women, Harvard annex, organized Jan. 14, 1879, incorporated......Aug. 16, 1882 Celebration at Marshfield of the 100th anniversary of the birthday of Daniel Webster (postponed from Oct. 3)......Oct. 11, 1882 Tom Thumb (Charles H. Stratton), born 1838, dies at Middleborough......July 15, 1883 Foreign exhibition op
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washingtoniana. -1857 (search)
ington, which came into the possession of Prof. Robert W. Weir, instructor of drawing in the United States Military Academy, and which he deposited in the archives of the War Department at the national capital in the year 1873, may be found the famous order against profanity, written by the commander-in-chief's own hand: The following is a list of the localities of the principal headquarters of Washington during the Revolutionary War; Craigie House, Cambridge (residence of the late Henry W. Longfellow), 1775-76; No. 180 Pearl Street and No. 1 Broadway, New York City, 1776; also Morton House (afterwards Richmond Hill), at the junction of Varick and Charlton streets; Roger Morris's house, Harlem Heights, New York, 1776; the Miller House, near White Plains, Westchester co., N. Y., 1776; Schuyler House, Pompton, N. J., 1777; the Ring House, at Chad's Ford, on the Brandywine, and the Elmar House, Whitemarsh, 1777; the Potts House, Valley Forge, 1777-78; Freeman's Tavern, Morristown, N.