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d dash made at Freeman's ford, about noon, as Jackson's rear was passing that point. His rear guarrning the river was swollen past fording, and Jackson's advance, under Early, was isolated on the fngstreet. Three hours later, after reporting Jackson's crossing, he again telegraphed: I must . . eavy rain of the night of the 22d interrupted Jackson's movement and compelled Lee to abandon, for dential reasons, and sought a conference with Jackson, to which the latter, a little later, called nton Springs, as did also his troops, leaving Jackson free to begin his movement on the morning of ndria. Late in the night, when the import of Jackson's movement dawned upon him, Pope again changetention of Hooker with Ewell at Bristoe, that Jackson's command was at Manassas Junction, Pope conc afternoon, he was marching along in front of Jackson's concealed army, the divisions of TaliaferrocDowell and Reno, ready to throw them against Jackson with the advance of Porter. In the morning, [64 more...]
hich was one of the cherished designs of Stonewall Jackson. The one obstacle to delay this movemend the fate of the beleaguered town whenever. Jackson, the commander of the gathered forces, should advanced corps. Lee, before the coming of Jackson, posted his men with Longstreet on the right mac, and pushing forward a battery, opened on Jackson's left. Poague silenced this in about twentyfederate batteries, well disposed in front of Jackson's line, wrought havoc with this advancing houns raked his advance with an enfilade, while Jackson's, from the commanding ridge behind the West nsfield, and sought to try a third issue with Jackson on the left. An artillery battle first took nst the West woods, at the Dunker church, but Jackson's volleys promptly sent this attack in confus across from the front of the Dunker church. Jackson was hastening to obey, and Stuart's guns were, to the great disappointment of both Lee and Jackson, the movement was abandoned. Learning, dur[47 more...]
Richmond, Lee sent D. H. Hill's division, of Jackson's corps, to watch the crossing of the Rappahathe exigencies of the occasion might demand. Jackson established himself in the vicinity of Guineys well as his infantry. He promptly directed Jackson to concentrate his men on the right of the armand of the right wing. Capt. J. P. Smith, of Jackson's staff, rode, late in the day, 18 miles, to n anticipation of the coming fray, Lee joined Jackson to witness the opening. Meade's division ledd line, the oncoming Federal tide of attack. Jackson, promptly informed of this assault, rode headlight of Franklin's men from their assault on Jackson, he saw Sturgis' division, of the Ninth corpsvement on Lee's right had been discomfited by Jackson and Stuart, while the assaults on Lee's left,nce forbade any attack on the Federal right. Jackson received permission to attack the Federal lefas promptly reported, and Stuart, followed by Jackson, marched to meet it. It was soon learned that[25 more...]
d in the Gettysburg campaign, but not by Stonewall Jackson. Generals of lesser rank formulated p out, and at midnight of the same day ordered Jackson's corps, which he had some days before concenhe mass of Lee's army, some 41,000 men, under Jackson, Anderson and McLaws, were moved to within fogeous old fighter to whom he gave it. When Jackson reached the vicinity of Tabernacle church, hthus taken converged at Chancellorsville. As Jackson had divined, Hooker, having started at 11 a. ps, advancing on the turnpike, was flanked by Jackson and repulsed in front by McLaws; while Anderseld with his cavalry leading to its rear, General Jackson, after some inquiry concerning the roads uch was suggested by the sudden appearance of Jackson and the score or more that accompanied him, counce musket balls, which desperately wounded Jackson, killed Captain Boswell, his chief engineer, nflicted the fatal wound on Jackson. After Jackson had been removed to the field hospital and hi[47 more...]
Culp's hill and the Cemetery, toward his broken center and left. Fortunately for the Federal commander, just then his Sixth corps, under Sedgwick, arrived upon the field and joined in driving back Wright's advance and checking the tile of defeat which had already set in. Just before sunset, but after Longstreet's battle was ended and the Federal left re-established, Ewell began his tardy and long-delayed attack, which should have been a simultaneous one, on the Federal right; and Stonewall Jackson's old division, under Edward Johnson, assaulted Culp's hill, fought its way up its rocky and brushy slope, and captured the first line of Federal intrenchments. Early also advanced, on Ewell's right, under a withering fire of infantry and artillery, overran the Eleventh corps and established himself in the Federal works on the summit of Cemetery hill; but Rodes, on his right, failed to advance, and so rendered no assistance to Early and held back Hill's left, which was to move in conc
ill had already repulsed Burnside's feeble attack on Lee's center, and the time was opportune for renewing the attack on Grant's flanks. As Lee moved to assault the Federal left on the plank road, Ewell detached Johnson's and Gordon's brigades from his extreme left, under the leadership of Early, to wheel to the right, from their intrenchments, fall upon Sedgwick's right flank, and sweep the rear of his breastworks. The sun was low as this masterly movement began, but these men, that Stonewall Jackson had often led to flanking victory, knew what was in the air when the order to march was given, and they at once, with a wild yell, swung into line, fell upon Milroy's old brigade which they had routed in the Valley the preceding spring, just as its men were cooking their suppers, as was Hooker's right when struck at Chancellorsville, and quickly routed a mile of Sedgwick's line, capturing 600 of his men and two of his brigadiers; and they were still sweeping on to victory, even throug
ews came to Lee of the death of Gen. James Ewell Brown Stuart, the Jeb Stuart of the Confederacy and of history, who had fallen, the day before, at the Yellow tavern, a few miles to the north of Richmond, in repulsing an attempt of Sheridan to capture that city. Fully occupied with the enemy in his front, Lee waited until the quiet of the 20th before officially announcing to his army the great loss he had sustained, a loss only second, in its far-reaching consequences, to that of Stonewall Jackson. In his tribute to this grand leader of his cavalry corps, he said: Among the gallant soldiers who have fallen in this war, General Stuart was second to none in valor, in zeal, and in unflinching devotion to his country. His achievements form a conspicuous part of the history of this army, with which his name and services will forever be associated. To military capacity of a high order and to the nobler virtues of the soldier, he added the brighter graces of a pure life, guided and s
ivision to drive the Federals back, but without success; for they had not only seized, but had at once fairly well fortified the line they had secured. The opposing forces spent the night in throwing up lines of defensive works. Early the next morning, Lee rode to his left and sharply rebuked his lieutenant for having allowed Warren to cross the South Anna and secure a position that cut his line of communication with the great storehouse of the Valley, saying to him: Why did you not do as Jackson would have done—thrown your whole force upon these people and driven them back? His left having been forced back, Lee shortened his line by retiring his center, until it was nearly in the form of a right-angled triangle, with the right angle opposite Quarles' mill, or the Ox ford. The left, under Hill, was extended northeast and southwest, from the North Anna, across the Virginia Central railroad to Little river, facing the Fifth and Sixth Federal corps. The First and Second corps were
s division of infantry, King's artillery, and Jackson's, Imboden's, McCausland's and Jones' brigadeody to Rockville and attacked the rear guard, Jackson's brigade of cavalry, but were handsomely repthrough Snicker's gap of the Blue ridge, with Jackson's cavalry in advance; and Gordon's and Whartoear Cameron station. Vaughn's, Johnson's and Jackson's brigades of cavalry advanced to Leetown andwhich he held until after dark, when, leaving Jackson's cavalry on picket, he followed his trains bllowed, with Pegram in advance, and occupied Jackson's old camp within the western entrance to Brogreat highway, in the very position that Stonewall Jackson had taken, but for a brief interval onlyecond corps of the army of Northern Virginia, Jackson's old command, embracing the remnants of his an of its strength of numbers and efficiency, Jackson led it against Pope at Cedar run, had, in fouFishersville. On the 24th, the brigades of Jackson, Imboden and McCausland met the advance of t[13 more...]
ent State Line: Hounshell, David S., colonel; Jackson, William A., lieutenant-colonel; Radford, Joh, major; Gibson, John A., lieutenant-colonel; Jackson, George, major; Thorburn, Charles E., coloneleenth Cavalry regiment: Downs, George, major; Jackson, William L., colonel; Kesler, Joseph K., majomajor; Barbee, Andrew R., lieutenant-colonel; Jackson, William A., lieutenant-colonel; Mc-Donald, J P., major; Hoffman, John S., major, colonel; Jackson, Alfred H., lieutenant-colonel; Jackson, WillJackson, William L., colonel; McCutchen, J. S. Kerr, major, lieutenant-colonel; Reynolds, Samuel H., colonel. ieutenant-colonel; Reynolds, A. D., major. Jackson's Cavalry battalion (afterward Jackson's TentJackson's Tenth Cavalry): Jackson, William L., lieutenant-colonel. Jackson Hospital battalion: Scott, H. C., mJackson, William L., lieutenant-colonel. Jackson Hospital battalion: Scott, H. C., major. Keen's Infantry battalion (merged into Fifty-seventh regiment): Keen, Elisha F., major. h, George W., major. State Line Artillery: Jackson, Thomas E., colonel. Stuart Horse Artiller
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