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T. J. Wood (search for this): chapter 5
s held in reserve, ready to support the left of Wood, and the cavalry, which had hitherto guarded th left, from the direction of the Hardin road. Wood, at the centre, was to support Smith's left, onat in reserve, but instructed to cooperate with Wood, at the centre of the line. The plan was simplle, as soon as Smith had struck the rebel left, Wood, at the centre, assaulted Montgomery Hill, and . At six o'clock on the morning of the 16th, Wood pressed back the rebel skirmishers across the Fime moved out by the Nolensville road, securing Wood's left flank, while Smith established connectiotis, black and white indiscriminately mingled. Wood, however, re-formed his troops in the position ne of retreat from the enemy. At the same time Wood and Steedman's troops, hearing the shouts of vit roads to Bainbridge, on the Tennessee river. Wood's corps kept well closed up with the cavalry, bected A. J. Smith to take position at Eastport; Wood was to concentrate his troops at Huntsville and[7 more...]
ill he did not attack. At 9.30 P. Mr. he telegraphed to Halleck: There is no perceptible change in the appearance of the enemy's line to-day. Have heard from Cumberland, between Harpeth and Clarksville. There are no indications of any preparation on the part of the enemy to cross. The storm continues. On the 10th, no despatches passed between Thomas and either Grant or the government; but on that day the general-in-chief directed Halleck: I think it probably will be better to bring Winslow's cavalry to Thomas, until Hood is driven out. So much seems to be awaiting the raising of a cavalry force, that everything should be done to supply this want. Hearing nothing whatever from Thomas, at four P. M., on the 11th, Grant telegraphed him once more: If you delay attacking longer, the mortifying spectacle will be witnessed of a rebel army moving for the Ohio river, and you will be forced to act, accepting such weather as you find. Let there be no further delay. Hood cannot even
J. H. Wilson (search for this): chapter 5
ll greatly outnumber mine, until I can get General Wilson's force back from Louisville.—Thomas to Hay's Mills, where the rebel army was crossing. Wilson was cut off, and no communication could be hadthe fortifications around Nashville, until General Wilson can get his cavalry equipped; he has now bfortifications for an indefinite period, until Wilson gets equipments. This looks like the McClellanoxville. Nothing heard from Forrest, but General Wilson is looking after him, and no apprehension ported: With every exertion on the part of General Wilson, he will not be able to get his force of c had directed Thomas to move without regard to Wilson, and on the receipt of these despatches, he tee field; and when this was apparent, Smith and Wilson began the grand movement of the day, wheelingery and thousands of prisoners were captured. Wilson's cavalry, still dismounted, had advanced simued army. It saved Hood from annihilation, for Wilson proceeded no further, but went into bivouac, w[33 more...]
G. Weitzel (search for this): chapter 5
outh of Cape Fear river orders to Butler and Weitzel orders to Sheridan movement of Meade againsthe army of the James. Grant selected Major-General Weitzel to command the force, and sent him dow one moment by the army. In conjunction with Weitzel's movement, Butler had been ordered to send ad the troops you propose to send south [under Weitzel], unless otherwise directed. Thus, while bration of Palmer with the expeditions of both Weitzel and Meade; he also sent orders to Sherman to n the 6th, he gave Butler detailed orders for Weitzel's operations. The first object of the expedies. He therefore had directed him to place Weitzel in command of the expedition; and had in factss, he did not now forbid Butler to accompany Weitzel. It was difficult thus to affront a commande he wrote detailed instructions to Butler for Weitzel's expedition, and minute orders to Meade for raphed to Butler, now at Fort Monroe: Let General Weitzel get off as soon as possible. We don't wa[4 more...]
C. C. Washburne (search for this): chapter 5
omas replied at length, detailing his difficulties, but concluded: The moment I can get my cavalry, I will march against Hood. If Forrest can be found, he will be punished. Yours of 4 P. M. yesterday just received. Hood's entire army is in front of Columbia, and so greatly outnumbers mine that I am compelled to act on the defensive. None of General Smith's corps have arrived yet, although embarked on Tuesday last. The transportation of Hatch and Grierson's cavalry was ordered by Washburne, I am told, to be turned in at Memphis, which has crippled the only cavalry I have at this time. All of my cavalry were dismounted to furnish horses to Kilpatrick's division, which went with General Sherman. My dismounted cavalry is now detained in Louisville, awaiting arms and horses. Horses arrive slowly; arms have been detained somewhere en route for more than a month. General Grierson has been delayed by conflicting orders in Kansas, and from Memphis. It is impossible to say when
G. K. Warren (search for this): chapter 5
r, now at Fort Monroe: Let General Weitzel get off as soon as possible. We don't want the navy to wait an hour. At ten P. M., he reported to the government: General Warren, with a force of twelve thousand infantry, six batteries, and four thousand cavalry, started this morning, with the view of cutting the Weldon railroad as farby the mind of the master-workman. On the same day, taking every contingency into consideration, Grant said to Meade: If the enemy send off two divisions after Warren, what is there to prevent completing the investment of Petersburg with your reserve? The country meanwhile had become uneasy, and the government was even more hed eighteen miles the day before. If you do not get off immediately, you will lose the chance of surprise and weak garrison. Good news, however, came in from Warren. He had completely destroyed the railroad, from the Nottoway river to Hicksford, meeting with only trifling opposition The weather had been bad, and marching and
Jeff Thompson (search for this): chapter 5
ce at dark, and pushed on himself with Ruger's troops to open communication with Stanley. The head of the main column followed close behind. Schofield struck the enemy's cavalry at dark, about three miles south of Spring Hill, brushing them away without difficulty, and reaching Spring Hill at seven. Here he found Stanley still in possession, but the rebel army bivouacking within eight hundred yards of the road. Posting one brigade to hold the road, he pushed on with Ruger's division to Thompson's station, three miles beyond. At this point the camp fires of the rebel cavalry were still burning, but the enemy had disappeared, and the cross-roads were secured without difficulty. The withdrawal of the force at Columbia was now safely effected, and Spring Hill was passed without molestation in the night, the troops moving within gun-shot of the enemy. Before daylight, the entire national column had passed, and at an early hour on the 30th, Schofield's command was in position at Fran
George H. Thomas (search for this): chapter 5
ght Grant gives peremptory orders Excuses of Thomas Grant's general supervision of armies Butler and at four P. M. that day, he telegraphed to Thomas: Do not let Forrest get off without punishmentle. At 11.30 P. M. on the 30th of November, Thomas announced the result of the battle to Grant, a replied to this at nine P. M. If you wish General Thomas relieved, give the order. No one here wilhington, on the 15th, was met by the news that Thomas had attacked Hood and driven him on the Frankl seventeen hundred. On the 10th of December Thomas returned present equipped for duty:— Infantth, the Secretary of War proposed to confer on Thomas the vacant major-generalcy in the regular armyto the enemy than Wilson's pursuing column. Thomas's strategy in the earlier part of the campaigns possible that the delay made Hood weaker and Thomas stronger, and thus increased the preponderancebel commander moved to the Ohio, and compelled Thomas to follow, that officer would never have been [196 more...]
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
attack the rebel forces in your front, and expresses great dissatisfaction that his order had not been carried out. Moreover, so long as Hood occupies a threatening position in Tennessee, General Canby is obliged to keep large forces on the Mississippi river, to protect its navigation, and to hold Memphis, Vicksburg, etc., although General Grant had directed a part of these forces to co-operate with Sherman. Every day's delay on your part, therefore, seriously interferes with General Grant's pheir homes. In January he was superseded by General Richard Taylor, and what was left of the rebel army of Tennessee was shortly afterwards transferred to the Atlantic coast, to oppose the advance of Sherman. In all the region between the Mississippi river and Virginia, there was then no formidable organized force to oppose the national armies. Thomas's entire loss, during the campaign, did not exceed ten thousand men, in killed, wounded, and missing; and half of the wounded were speedily ab
Gulf of Mexico (search for this): chapter 5
e to throw troops into Savannah. Ossabaw Sound, in that vicinity, was the point where it was expected Sherman would appear. Here supplies were waiting for him, and hither Grant sent a messenger with orders, to greet .him on his arrival. The inland fortifications were believed to be weak, but the obstructions in the Savannah river prevented any aid to Sherman by the fleet, until he actually struck the coast. As yet, however, it was far from certain that Sherman would not turn to the Gulf of Mexico, and maps and newspapers were carefully studied by Grant, to divine his course. Meanwhile, the cooperative movement of Canby was delayed, as we have seen. Until Thomas assumed the offensive against Hood, Canby was obliged to hold Vicksburg and Memphis so that they could not be seriously threatened, and his own expedition into the interior was thus postponed. At last, came rumors of the capture of Millen by Sherman, and, on the same day, the news of Schofield's victory at Franklin; an
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