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Fitzhugh Lee 369 33 Browse Search
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eting and the hearty cooperation of our friends there. A gallant and accomplished soldier, a graceful and eloquent speaker, a genial and popular gentleman, and an enthusiast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Confederate soldiers' home for Louisiana was organized in New Orleans in April last, and our friend, Private John H. Murray, advised us that he had sent us an account of its organization; but we regret to say that the paper containing it somehow miscarried, and we must ask for a brief sketch of it for future publication. Valentine's Recumbent figure of Lee will be unveiled at Lexington, Va., on the 28th of June, with appropriate ceremonies, a full account of which we hope to give in our next. Meantime we cordially congratulate the Lee Memorial Association on the co
siast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Confederate soldiers' home for Louisiana was organized in New Orleans in April last, and our friend, Private John H. Murray, advised us that he had sent us an account of its organization; but we regret to say that the paper containing it somehow miscarried, and we must ask for a brief sketch of it for future publication. Valentine's Recumbent figure of Lee will be unveiled at Lexington, Va., on the 28th of June, with appropriate ceremonies, a full account of which we hope to give in our next. Meantime we cordially congratulate the Lee Memorial Association on the completion of their labors in the production of one of the most superb works of art in the country, and in so appropriately decorating the grave of our grand old chieftian.
George W. Bagby (search for this): chapter 58
renewals continue to be very much in order, and in fact very much desired. $3,00 is a small matter to each individual, but the aggregate of the subscriptions due us make an amount which we need just now, and we beg our friends who are in arrears to remit at once. And you will make your own remittance all the more welcome if you will send another subscription along with your own. Mr. Corcoran's valuable and highly appreciated gift of the Ana, of the war, collected and arranged by Dr. Geo. W. Bagby, has been completed by the turning over to us of the last two volumes. We again express our warmest acknowledgements of this renewed expression of Mr. Corcoran's interest in our work—an interest to which he has again and again given practical expression. our endowment Fund project grows upon us, the more we think of it, both as to its necessity and the practicability of its accomplishment. An endowment fund of at least $100,000, and a fire proof building are both absolutely essent
W. W. Corcoran (search for this): chapter 58
subscriptions due us make an amount which we need just now, and we beg our friends who are in arrears to remit at once. And you will make your own remittance all the more welcome if you will send another subscription along with your own. Mr. Corcoran's valuable and highly appreciated gift of the Ana, of the war, collected and arranged by Dr. Geo. W. Bagby, has been completed by the turning over to us of the last two volumes. We again express our warmest acknowledgements of this renewed expression of Mr. Corcoran's interest in our work—an interest to which he has again and again given practical expression. our endowment Fund project grows upon us, the more we think of it, both as to its necessity and the practicability of its accomplishment. An endowment fund of at least $100,000, and a fire proof building are both absolutely essential to our full success. And the conviction increases that we can and will (by God's blessing and the cooperation of our friends) accomplish both
George D. Johnston (search for this): chapter 58
by paying the fee of $50? 4. Can you not get up in your community a lecture or entertainment of some sort for the benefit of the fund? 5. Can you not send us lists of names of those likely to help us? Let us hear from you. General George D. Johnston, our efficient representative, is now canvassing Texas in behalf of the Society, and is doing, as is his wont, a good work-organizing local branches, enrolling members, and stirring up general interest in our cause. Having just made a Houston, where we are sure he will meet a cordial greeting and the hearty cooperation of our friends there. A gallant and accomplished soldier, a graceful and eloquent speaker, a genial and popular gentleman, and an enthusiast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Confederate soldiers'
iast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Confederate soldiers' home for Louisiana was organized in New Orleans in April last, and our friend, Private John H. Murray, advised us that he had sent us an account of its organization; but we regret to say that the paper containing it somehow miscarried, and we must ask for a brief sketch of it for future publication. Valentine's Recumbent figure of Lee will be unveiled at Lexington, Va., on the 28th of June, with appropriate ceremonies, a full account of which we hope to give in our next. Meantime we cordially congratulate the Lee Memorial Association on the completion of their labors in the production of one of the most superb works of art in the country, and in so appropriately decorating the grave of our grand old chieftian.
John H. Murray (search for this): chapter 58
our friends there. A gallant and accomplished soldier, a graceful and eloquent speaker, a genial and popular gentleman, and an enthusiast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Confederate soldiers' home for Louisiana was organized in New Orleans in April last, and our friend, Private John H. Murray, advised us that he had sent us an account of its organization; but we regret to say that the paper containing it somehow miscarried, and we must ask for a brief sketch of it for future publication. Valentine's Recumbent figure of Lee will be unveiled at Lexington, Va., on the 28th of June, with appropriate ceremonies, a full account of which we hope to give in our next. Meantime we cordially congratulate the Lee Memorial Association on the completion of their labors in the produ
Dallas, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 58
4. Can you not get up in your community a lecture or entertainment of some sort for the benefit of the fund? 5. Can you not send us lists of names of those likely to help us? Let us hear from you. General George D. Johnston, our efficient representative, is now canvassing Texas in behalf of the Society, and is doing, as is his wont, a good work-organizing local branches, enrolling members, and stirring up general interest in our cause. Having just made a most successful canvass of Dallas, he now goes to Houston, where we are sure he will meet a cordial greeting and the hearty cooperation of our friends there. A gallant and accomplished soldier, a graceful and eloquent speaker, a genial and popular gentleman, and an enthusiast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Con
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 58
e we are sure he will meet a cordial greeting and the hearty cooperation of our friends there. A gallant and accomplished soldier, a graceful and eloquent speaker, a genial and popular gentleman, and an enthusiast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Confederate soldiers' home for Louisiana was organized in New Orleans in April last, and our friend, Private John H. Murray, advised us that he had sent us an account of its organization; but we regret to say that the paper containing it somehow miscarried, and we must ask for a brief sketch of it for future publication. Valentine's Recumbent figure of Lee will be unveiled at Lexington, Va., on the 28th of June, with appropriate ceremonies, a full account of which we hope to give in our next. Meantime we cordially congratulat
Harrisburg (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 58
your community a lecture or entertainment of some sort for the benefit of the fund? 5. Can you not send us lists of names of those likely to help us? Let us hear from you. General George D. Johnston, our efficient representative, is now canvassing Texas in behalf of the Society, and is doing, as is his wont, a good work-organizing local branches, enrolling members, and stirring up general interest in our cause. Having just made a most successful canvass of Dallas, he now goes to Houston, where we are sure he will meet a cordial greeting and the hearty cooperation of our friends there. A gallant and accomplished soldier, a graceful and eloquent speaker, a genial and popular gentleman, and an enthusiast in his work, General Johnston never fails to make friends for the Society wherever he goes. We hope to be able before long to announce for him a programme which will go far towards ensuring the success of our effort for permanent endowment. A Confederate soldiers' home
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