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Blue Ridge (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
he Shenandoah empties into the Potomac. At the confluence of the two rivers is Harpers Ferry. It is dominated on the Maryland side by the southern terminus of Elk Ridge, called Maryland Heights, and on the Virginia side by the northern end of Blue Ridge, known as Loudoun Heights. Harpers Ferry is, of itself, a cul de sac, indefensible against the dominating heights on either side. Both Loudoun Heights and Maryland Heights are accessible from the rear by roads, and can be carried by a determinlovely view. Middletown Valley, rich in orchards, farm houses, barns, and flocks and herds spread before you, down to the Potomac and Virginia on the left, and up to Mason and Dixon's line and Pennsylvania on the right. The South Mountain, or Blue Ridge, stretches out, a wall of green on the western side of this Elysian scene, while Catoctin forms its eastern bounds. From Hagans the gap at Harpers Ferry is plainly visible. With a good glass you can see through it to the line and hills beyond
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
n was received that the troops which had occupied Winchester had retired to Harpers Ferry and Martinsburg. The war was thus transferred from the interior to the frontier, and the supplies of rich anossed into Maryland he knew that eleven thousand Federal troops were stationed at Winchester, Martinsburg and Harpers Ferry. After he had crossed, he was informed that they had retired from Winchestf Maryland Heights, and Jackson, with the Second corps, to proceed by way of Williamsport and Martinsburg to invest Harpers Ferry, on the line between the Potomac and the Shenandoah. General Jacksone to Boonsboroa, then turned to the left, crossed the Potomac at Williamsport, passed through Martinsburg and closed in on Harper's Ferry by noon of the 13th, a march of sixty-two miles in three daysake possession of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and capture such of the enemy as may be at Martinsburg, and intercept such of the enemy as may attempt to escape from Harpers Ferry. General Longstr
Paris (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
Richmond, I told the President that I would, if possible, relieve Virginia of the pressure of these two armies. If I cross here, I may do so at the cost of men, but with a saving of time. If I cross at Williamsport, I can do so with saving of men, but at cost of time. I wish Walker were up, or words expressing a desire or anxiety about Walker. This incident I relate to prove what, in my judgment, was the real objective of General Lee in the Maryland campaign. It was not as the Count of Paris states in his history of the civil war, or as General Palfrey, in his well-considered and elaborate memoir of Antietam says, that by the transfer of the seat of war to the north banks of the Potomac the secessionists of Maryland would be afforded an opportunity to rise, and by revolution, supported by Lee's army, transfer Maryland to the Confederation of States. General Lee knew perfectly well that a people who had been under military rule for fifteen months, who had been subjugated by ev
France (France) (search for this): chapter 102
on until the next season. 2d. To inflict as great an injury, material and moral, to his enemy as was practicable. 3d. To reinforce the Confederacy by the alliance of Maryland, which could have been certainly secured by a permanent occupation, and by an exhibition of superior force. 4th. As a consequence, the occupation of the Federal capital, the evacuation of it by the Federal government, the acknowledgment of the Confederate government as a government de jure, as well as de facto, by France and England, and the necessary achievement of the independence of the Confederate States. During the summer of 1862, the Emperor of the French had been openly in sympathy with the cause of the Confederate States, and under the name of, sometimes mediation, sometimes recognition, had always been anxious to intervene in their behalf. He was pressing the English government, without ceasing, to unite with him in acknowledging the existence of the new government, and recognition, as all the w
Seneca, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
s was the position on the night of September 5th. On the 6th, Leemoved his infantry to Frederick, the cavalry retaining its line. On the same day McClellan moved out as far as Rockville, which brought him within fifteen miles of Stuart's pickets. By the 9th he had cautiously pushed out some eight or nine miles further, the right wing, under Burnside, occupying Brookville; the centre Middlebrook, and Franklin on the left Darnestown; while Couch was kept close on the Potomac at the mouth of Seneca. The position thus taken by Mc-Clellan was a defensive one, on the ridges along the line of Seneca Creek, and was intended by him to be occupied in defensive battle. He had no idea of attacking, and, as far as can be seen, his single hope was to interpose such a force in front of Washington as might best defend an advance from the conquering legions of Lee. General McClellan was undoubtedly overpowered by his own estimate of the forces, moral, political and military, of his adversary.
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
wo corps of Federals had been exhausted. Burnside still stood motionless in front of the bridge, less than a mile and a half from the only road to Virginia, accessible to Lee for reinforcement or retreat. In front of him was Toombs, with three Georgia regiments and Jenkins's brigade. From his position he could see every movement of the Confederates, and each detail of the struggle on the left. Between 9 and 10 o'clock he attempted to carry the bridge by assault, and up to 10 o'clock made foom Harpers Ferry and across the Potomac Ford since sunrise. The brigades of the light division deployed at a double-quick. Pender and Brocken-borough on the right, Branch, Gregg and Archer on the left, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama joining hands with Toombs and D. R. Jones, they went through Rodman and Wilcox with a rush and saved the day. Burnside withdrew to a position in front of the bridge, and later in the afternoon, to the east side of the
Rohrersville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
ed with two regiments, and requested Munford to post them. While he was doing so, in a second line in rear of his first, the infantry of the first, whose ammunition had given out, fell back. At this, Cobb's regiments broke in panic and went pell-mell over the mountain, carrying back with them the rest of Cobb's brigade, which was moving to their assistance. Slocum's advance, Cobb's fugitives and the dismounted cavalry all arrived at about the same time, in the dark, at the forks of the Rohrersville road. Stuart came up and assisted in rallying and reforming the infantry. A line was formed across Pleasant Valley, and Franklin's further progress stopped. Turner's Gap is six miles north of Crampton's. It is passed by the National road in a series of easy grades. The mountains on either side command the approaches to the pass. A mile west of Middletown at Koogle's bridge, a country road leaves the broad turnpike on the left or south side of the pike, and passes over South Mountai
Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
on. Their batteries poured grape and canister into the Confederate line. McClellan's long range guns, east of Antietam, showered shell and shrapnell into their flank and rear, and Pleasanton crossed four batteries at the Keedysville Bridge and fired in their rear. They were surrounded by a circle of fire from front, right and rear. Hooker's lines came into the cornfield, into the west woods, through the east woods. And the foot cavalry went at them, with that yell they had heard at Gaines's Mill and at Second Manassas. Gibbon went back on Patrick, Meade was thrust back out of the cornfield, Ricketts whirled back into the east woods. When the second line of Hooker moved gallanty forward, it was hurled back by a blow struck straight in front. When the reserves were brought in, the fierce attack of the Confederates drove them also back through the corn. Hood had come up to the assistance of his comrades. And the Confederate line was intact. But the loss on both sides was fear
Sharpsburg (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
began firing, and then melted away before his eyes. His hesitation therefore is incomprehensible. McClellan urged him by order, by orderly, by signal and by staff-officer, to go in. At last the Ninth corps was put in motion. Toombs made a gallant defence, but he was brushed away like chaff. He lost half his men, though he was obliged to leave the bridge and upper ford undefended, and confined his efforts to the lower ford. The brigades of Kemper and Drayton were driven back through Sharpsburgh. The Fifteenth South Carolina, Colonel De Saussure, clung to some strong stone houses on the edge of the town, where he held back Wilcox's advance. Jenkins followed Drayton, and Pickett and Evans were then ordered back by Jones. The battle was lost, for Burnside was within two hundred yards of Lee's only line of communication and retreat. There were no reinforcements. The last man had been used up. Where was Hill then? Where was the light division, with its gallant chief, who
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 102
n McClellan was feeling along Lee's front at Sharpsburg, and the day before the battle. No heavy ration as he may select, take the route toward Sharpsburg, cross the Potomac, and by Friday night taken the road to Boteler's Ford, in the rear of Sharpsburg. He established himself in elaborate headn pike. The pike runs nearly due north from Sharpsburg to Hagerstown, probably a mile and a half west of Antietam Creek. A mile north of Sharpsburg is a Dunkard meeting-house, on the west of the piky around the Confederate left and march into Sharpsburg. The result I have described. No furtherunken Road, but is now known on the field of Sharpsburg as the Bloody Lane. Rodes and Anderson were from Hill, McLaws and Anderson, in front of Sharpsburg. The Confederates were used up. Of Jacksoeir officers in a thin formation in front of Sharpsburg. The Federal reserve in the centre, under Fssity, have carried the bridge, marched into Sharpsburg and attacked the Confederate left and centre[10 more...]
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