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Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
d believe, and that, from all the facts in my possession, I have every reason to believe they were taken from the body of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, and came to me without any alteration of any kind. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Fitzhugh Lee. memoranda of Dahlgren, as published in the Richmond Examiner, April 1, 1864, and referred to in preceding note of General Lee. Pleasonton will govern details. Will have details from other commands, (four thousand). Michigan men have started. Colonel I. H. Devereux has torpedoes. Hanover Junction (B. T. Johnson). Maryland Line. (Here follows a statement of the composition and numbers of Johnson's Command.) Chapin's Farm—seven miles below Richmond. One brigade (Hunton's relieved Wise sent to Charleston). River can be forded half a mile above the city. No works on south side. Hospitals near them. River fordable. Canal can be crossed. Fifty men to remain on north bank, and keep in communic
Ashland (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
the capture of Dahlgren's party, were made by him prior to Captain Fox's arrival. J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General. headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, 14th April, 1864. Respectfully forwarded for the information of the War Department. R. E. Lee, General. Respectfully submitted to the Secretary of War. By order, Samuel W. Melton, Major and Acting Adjutant-General. Org. Office, 21 April, 1864. Noted. File. J. A. S. 23 April, 1864. Letter from Captain Fox. Ashland, April 1st, 1864. Major H. B. Mcclellan: Major,—I have the honor to acknowledge the reception of your communication on yesterday, dated March 19th. I received notice through one of the Home Guards, who had been notified by one of Lieutenant's Pollard's company, of the advance of the enemy. I immediately sent orders to my lieutenants to assemble my company at King & Queen Courthouse with orders to come up to Dunkirk. I started for Dunkirk immediately; when within half a mile of the p
Charleston, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
memoir by his father. The two are before us as we write; we have exhibited them to many skilled in such matters (among the number a distinguished Philadelphia lawyer), and all of them concur that the writing is the same. As proof of the genuineness of our photographs, we give the following letter from the engineer officer (Major Albert H. Campbell), under whose immediate supervision the photographic copies were made from the originals: Letter from Major Campbell. Charleston, Kanawha Co., W. Va., March 7th, 1874. Colonel George W. Munford, Secretary Southern Historical Society. Dear sir,—Enclosed I send you a photographic fac-simile of an address to his men, and a memorandum or draft of instructions found on the person of Colonel U. Dahlgren, United States Army, when killed during his raid on Richmond in 1864. The original of these instructions were sent to my office through the Engineer Bureau and General W. H. Stevens, by Mr. Benjamin, Secretary of State, for copy
Hanover County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
the 29th day of February, 1864, (the day of the month is impressed on my mind as significant of leap year). On that day a portion of Dahlgren's command surrounded the house and captured the whole of our party. The first intimation we had of any of the enemy being near us was the Yankee cavalry on their horses, pointing their pistols at the windows. They then dismounted, came in, and took us all prisoners. I recollect of our party Colonel Hilary P. Jones (now teaching at an academy in Hanover county), Captain David Watson, Captain Dement, of Maryland, and there were some others whose names I have forgotten. At the time of our capture Colonel Dahlgren had about six hundred cavalry under his command. As soon as we were captured we were mounted and carried off by the enemy. Towards evening a light rain set in and the night was very dark. Early in the night all the officers who had been captured made their escape except Captain Dement and myself. While we were preparing to make
Goode Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ill be rolled in soaked balls and given to the men to burn when we get in the city. Torpedoes will only be used by the pioneers for destroying the main bridges, &c. They must be prepared to destroy railroads. Men will branch off to the right with a few pioneers and destroy the bridges and railroads south of Richmond, and then join us at the city. They must be well prepared with torpedoes, &c. The line of Falling Creek is probably the best to work along, or, as they approach the city, Goode's Creek, so that no reinforcements can come up on any cars. No one must be allowed to pass ahead for fear of communicating news. Rejoin the command with all haste, and, if cut off, cross the river above Richmond and rejoin us. Men will stop at Bellona Arsenal and totally destroy it, and anything else but hospitals; then follow on and rejoin the command at Richmond with all haste, and, if cut off, cross the river and rejoin us. As General Custer may follow me, be careful and not give a false al
Belle Isle, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ty, liberate the prisoners in Libby, Castle Thunder, and Belle Isle, capture as many of the officers as possible, destroy th strike toward Richmond, coming into Manchester opposite Belle Isle, secure the bridge, liberate our men on the island, cros force, and trusted to circumstances to get the men off Belle Isle. This shortened our route considerably, and gave us plell try and secure the bridge to the city (one mile below Belle Isle), and release the prisoners at the same time. If we do tance above Richmond, releasing the Federal prisoners at Belle Isle, and, by entering Richmond from the south or Petersburg o not give the alarm before they see us in possession of Belle Isle and the bridge. If engaged there or unsuccessful, they e they are on the big bridges, one hundred men will take Belle Isle, after the scouts instructing the prisoners to gut the ccrossed the river above the city and come down and taken Belle Isle and released the prisoners. The rest of the instruction
Stevensburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
command. I will now try and give your readers a short account of that memorable raid as I saw it. I was the signal officer with Dahlgren—had all his plans—was to carry out the details in regard to the destruction of public property—had the torpedoes, turpentine, signal rockets, etc., all in my charge, with orders how and when to use them. Being the only staff officer he had, I feel pretty certain I knew what he intended to do, and how it was to be done. The expedition started from Stevensburg, near Culpeper Courthouse, Virginia, on the night of February 28th, 1864, at seven o'clock. It was composed of details from the First Maine, First Vermont, Second New York, Fifth New York, and Fifth Michigan cavalry regiments—in all four hundred men—Major E. F. Cook, Second New York Cavalry, in command. I was sent from army headquarters as signal officer, to act in conjunction with Captain Gloskoski, who was General Kilpatrick's signal officer. We proceeded to Ely's Ford on the Rap
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
force; and both of these creeks head near the railroad. A force distributed along the line of road from Richmond to Fredericksburg would not only be in position to cutoff any advance from the Peninsula, but also to defend the city itself. If a force of infantry was posted at Fredericksburg, it could put such works across the Northern Neck that Kilpatrick could not get by without very great assistance from Meade. Perhaps, too, a battery on the lower Rappahannock might be of great service in p lines in order to rejoin the Federal army. Anticipating a movement of this sort, I had concentrated my command near Fredericksburg, and was prepared to meet him on more equal terms than at our last encounter. To prevent his crossing the river belos speak for themselves. His career with Sigel, Burnside, Hooker, Meade and Kilpatrick, together with his exploits at Fredericksburg, Beverley Ford, Chambersburg and in front of Richmond, will live when the name of the last traitor in the land is for
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
ey had not proposed to follow, whilst the other force under Dahlgren was prevented from forming a junction with Kilpatrick by the interposition of my command between the two. This brought about the precipitate retreat of Dahlgren and his ultimate death, with the destruction of his command. I beg to express my great satisfaction at the conduct of officers and men. Colonel Cheek, who was in command of his detachment, displayed ability, gallantry and zeal. Major Andrews, of the Second North Carolina, also bore himself well, and gave assistance; while the artillery behaved admirably. I cannot close my report without expressing my appreciation of the conduct of Colonel Bradley T. Johnson and his gallant command. With a mere handful of men he met the enemy at Beaver Dam, and never lost sight of him until he had passed Tunstall's Station, hanging on his rear, striking him constantly, and displaying throughout the very highest qualities of a soldier. He is admirably fitted for the cav
Telegraph (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 39
erference on my part to urge, as emphatically as I can, his promotion. Captain Lowndes, Lieutenant Hampton and Dr. Taylor, of my staff, accompanied me, and rendered me great assistance. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully yours, Wade Hampton, Major-General. Major McClellan, Acting Adjutant-General. When the attack on Kilpatrick was made, Dahlgren, who had been repulsed by the local troops in a feeble attack made on the city, was camped either on the Brooke turnpike or the Telegraph road. He had a body of picked men with him, and his object was, in case Richmond was taken, to free the Federal prisoners, to destroy the city, and to assassinate our authorities. Having failed in his assault, and hearing the attack on Kilpatrick; he immediately sought safety in flight. With a portion of his command he crossed the Pamunkey, was attacked the same night by a few furloughed men of the Ninth Virginia Cavalry, under direction of Captain Fox and Lieutenant Pollard, together w
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