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S. D. Manning (search for this): chapter 1.10
. King, George, captured August 9, 1864 and not exchanged. King, Edward. Kilgore, M. P., promoted sergeant October 11, 1862, killed July 30, 1864, Crater. Mason, William, killed Cumberland Church, April 7, 1865. Miller, John C. Manning, S. D., died in hospital, September 1862, Petersburg. Marchant, Frank M., promoted Third Lieutenant, July 29, 1862, promoted First Lieutenant, October 27, 1864. Mears, James E., discharged for disabilities from wounds. Mears, Thomas F., c Collins, August 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Johnson Ward, July 4, 1864, Gettysburg. Wm. Mason, Appomattox C. H., 1865. Sergeant Smith Toppin, July 30, 1864, Crater. Died in Hospital: Privates John Ferrell, Richmond Battery, June 10, 1862; S. D. Manning, Petersburg, September, 1862; B. F. Nottingham, Brandy Station, Orange and Alexandria R. R., October, 1862; Wm. J. Smith, Richmond, May 21, 1863. Died in Prison: Elias W. Cherry, 1864, sent to hospital at the evacuation of Norfolk, Va.; Ge
moted Sergeant, killed July 30, 1864, Crater. White, John D., woundeed July 30, 1864, Crater, and discharged December 23, 1864, disabled. White, Richard, wounded seriously, July 30, 1864, at the Crater, discharged January 9, 1865, disabled. Ward, Julius, killed July 2, 1863, Gettysburg. Whitson, William, discharged September, 1861, disabled. Wise, Stephen, died in hospital, 1863. Youre, Stephen. Summary. We were in twenty-five battles, in which the killed were 8; Captain John Hobday, October 27, 1864, at Burgess Mill. Private Wm. F. Butt, May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania C. H.; Private Revil W. Custis, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Sergeant M. P. Kilgore, July 30, 1864, Crater. Private Charles W. Collins, August 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Johnson Ward, July 4, 1864, Gettysburg. Wm. Mason, Appomattox C. H., 1865. Sergeant Smith Toppin, July 30, 1864, Crater. Died in Hospital: Privates John Ferrell, Richmond Battery, June 10, 1862; S. D. Manning, Petersburg, Septembe
a Court House, and May 24th in Camp Winder hospital, Richmond. Berkley, Lycurgus, furnished substitute May 6, 1862, substitute deserted May 10th. Cooper, Arthur, died in hospital. Casey, Elvin K., lost an arm May 6, 1864, Wilderness. Casey, James A. Cherry, Elias W., captured July 4, 1863, Gettysburg, and died in prison. Collins, Charles W., killed August 19, 1864, Davis' Farm. Collins, Thomas, promoted corporal. Curtis, Revel W., killed July 3, 1863, Gettysburg. Dollett, William W. Duke, Robert. Duke, Parker, wounded July 30, 1864,. Crater. Eure, Hilary. Eure, Henry. Eure, Augustus, over age, furnished substitute October 23, 1861. Ferrell, John, died June 1862, Battery No, 10, Richmond. Fowler, A. J., Godwin, Laban T., promoted sergeant, captured August 19, 1864, not exchanged. Hyslop, Denwood, captured August 19, 1864 and not exchanged. Halloway, Joseph. Hewlett, Joseph F., captured July 4, 1863, and not exchanged. Heck
Roanoke Grays (search for this): chapter 1.10
Sketch of Company I, 61st Virginia Infantry, Mahone's Brigade, C. S. A. [Furnished for publication by the son of Major Charles R. McAlpine, Mr. Newton McAlpine, Portsmouth, Va.—Ed.] The Rebel Grays were organized June 16, 1861, at the Glebe School-house, Norfolk county, Virginia. Number of men, 63. In August the company was, as Company G, assigned to the 41st Regiment of Virginia Infantry, under the command of Colonel John R. Chambliss, stationed at Ferry Point (now Berkeley). In September, 1861, it was ordered with the regiment to Sewell's Point. In April, 1862, the army was reorganized, and at that and other times there was assigned to this company 39 members, increasing the number to 102. Volunteers, 76; conscripts, 22, and substitutes, 4. From Norfolk county, 68; Portsmouth city, 23; Norfolk city, 2; Suffolk, 3; unknown, 3; Petersburg, I; Greensville county, i, and Gates county, N. C., 1. Total number of deserters, 35. Deserted at the evacuation of Norfolk in Ma
Joseph F. Hewlett (search for this): chapter 1.10
Ferrell, John, died June 1862, Battery No, 10, Richmond. Fowler, A. J., Godwin, Laban T., promoted sergeant, captured August 19, 1864, not exchanged. Hyslop, Denwood, captured August 19, 1864 and not exchanged. Halloway, Joseph. Hewlett, Joseph F., captured July 4, 1863, and not exchanged. Heckrotte, Oliver, sent to hospital in Richmond 1863, and never heard from. Herbert, Joseph T., transferred to 15th Virginia Cavalry. Horton, Daniel W., sent to hospital September 26ber 27, 1864, Burgess' Mill. Sergeant Charles Evans, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Sergeant Laban T. Godwin, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm.. Private Denward Hyslop, October 19, 1s864, Johnson's Farm. Private George King, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Private Thomas Peel, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Private Elias W. Cherry, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Private Joseph F. Hewlett, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Private Joseph F. Mears, May 29, 1864, Hanover county.
Joseph F. Mears (search for this): chapter 1.10
ded. Turkey Ridge: George King and Ammon Peek. Frazier's Farm: Captain C. R. McAlpine. Crater: Lieutenant John Hobday, J. D. White, sergeant Richard White. Johnson's Farm: John C. Miller. Roll of honor. Major Charles R. McAlpine, Captain John Hobday, sergeant M. P. Kilgore, privates Elvin K. Casey, Charles N. Collins, John C. Miller, John D. White, Richard White, and Julius Ward. Captured. Sergeant Calvin Peek, October 27, 1864, Burgess' Mill. Sergeant Ammon Peek, October 27, 1864, Burgess' Mill. Sergeant Charles Evans, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Sergeant Laban T. Godwin, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm.. Private Denward Hyslop, October 19, 1s864, Johnson's Farm. Private George King, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Private Thomas Peel, October 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Private Elias W. Cherry, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Private Joseph F. Hewlett, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Private Joseph F. Mears, May 29, 1864, Hanover county.
7; captured, 2. June 2nd and 3rd, battle of Cold Harbor. Strength of company, 43; present, 28; sick, 3; wounded, 3; detail, 7; captured, 2; wounded, 2. June 13, 1864; left Turkey Ridge, crossed the Chickahominy and were placed in line on Frazier's farm. Battle of Frazier's Farm, June 13, 1864. Strength of company, 43; present, 26; sick, 3, wounded, 5; detail, 7; captured, 2; wounded, 1. Remained on Frazier's farm untill the 18th, when we crossed the James on pontoons, and bivouacked Frazier's farm untill the 18th, when we crossed the James on pontoons, and bivouacked near Petersburg. June 22, 1864; we engaged the enemy near Wilcox's farm, and our Brigade captured 2,000 prisoners, 1,500 stand of arms, 4 Blakley guns and 8 stands of colors. Strength of company, 43; present, 21; sick, 7; wounded, 5; detail, 7; on leave, I; captured, 2; conspicious for gallantry, 5. The gallantry of Captain John Hobday on this occasion was conspicuous, and although his services were not duly appreciated, yet, it was through his sagacity that the enemy were flanked and de
Samuel G. French (search for this): chapter 1.10
a. July 14th, it was assigned to the 61st Regiment of Virginia Infantry, under command of Colonel Samuel M. Wilson. July 20th, it was ordered by Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. Neimeyer, 61st Virginia Infantry, to report to the headquarters at Dunn's Hill, and was designated Company I in the regiment. About this time Cohoon's Battalion of Virginia Volunteers was disbanded, and the men of conscript age in Captain Max Herbert's command were assigned to the company. By command of Brigadier-General S. G. French, dated August 28, 1862, all men in Captain McAlpine's Company, formerly of Captain Herbert's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Cohoon's Battalion, will be promptly returned to Captain Herbert. The last of August, 1862, the company was ordered to Brook Turnpike, near Richmond, and in September to Rapidan River, Orange and Alexander Railroad, and there performed fatigue duty at Bristoe Station, some distance up the road, in the removal of burnt cars, &c. It thus saved an immense amoun
Charles W. Collins (search for this): chapter 1.10
ed January 9, 1865, disabled. Ward, Julius, killed July 2, 1863, Gettysburg. Whitson, William, discharged September, 1861, disabled. Wise, Stephen, died in hospital, 1863. Youre, Stephen. Summary. We were in twenty-five battles, in which the killed were 8; Captain John Hobday, October 27, 1864, at Burgess Mill. Private Wm. F. Butt, May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania C. H.; Private Revil W. Custis, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Sergeant M. P. Kilgore, July 30, 1864, Crater. Private Charles W. Collins, August 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Johnson Ward, July 4, 1864, Gettysburg. Wm. Mason, Appomattox C. H., 1865. Sergeant Smith Toppin, July 30, 1864, Crater. Died in Hospital: Privates John Ferrell, Richmond Battery, June 10, 1862; S. D. Manning, Petersburg, September, 1862; B. F. Nottingham, Brandy Station, Orange and Alexandria R. R., October, 1862; Wm. J. Smith, Richmond, May 21, 1863. Died in Prison: Elias W. Cherry, 1864, sent to hospital at the evacuation of Norfolk, Va.
George.William E. St. George (search for this): chapter 1.10
from service previous to evacuation Norfolk: Privates Peirce Rodman and Wm. Whitson, and Corporal Geo. Ogelvie. Dropped at the reorganization of the Army: Lieutenant F. N. Armstead. Transferred: Privates Walter S. Jones and Joseph Herbert. Deserted at the evacuation: 25. Number entered at organization: 63: Number that left Norfolk and were afterwards assigned: 62. Conspicuous for gallantry. At McCarthy's Farm: Captain Charles R. McAlpine, privates Elvin K. Casey, Wm. E. St. George, and Julius Ward and one who deserted. Salem Church: Captain C. R. McAlpine and lieutenant C. W. Murdaugh. Gettysburg: private Elvin K. Casey. Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg: Captain Charles R. McAlpine, Elvin K. Casey, Wm. Mason, Edward King, John D. White, and Julius Ward. Wilderness: Captain Charles R. McAlpine, lieutenant John Hobday, and private Elvin K. Casey. Shady Grove: Private Charles N. Collins. Spotsylvania C. H.: Captain Charles R. McAlpine, lieutenant John
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