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George W. Barcroft (search for this): chapter 1.10
ot exchanged. Corporal Charles Evans, wounded May 3, 1863, Chacellorsville, captured August 19, 1864, and not exchanged. Musician Joseph J. Smith, drummer. Privates. Beaton, Joseph, surrendered at Appomattox. Bateman, Jonathan. Barcroft, George W., left in hospital in Norfolk, sick, May 10, 1862, and never heard from. Butt, William T., mortally wounded May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania Court House, and May 24th in Camp Winder hospital, Richmond. Berkley, Lycurgus, furnished subs, Petersburg, September, 1862; B. F. Nottingham, Brandy Station, Orange and Alexandria R. R., October, 1862; Wm. J. Smith, Richmond, May 21, 1863. Died in Prison: Elias W. Cherry, 1864, sent to hospital at the evacuation of Norfolk, Va.; George W. Barcroft and D. W. Horton. Who offered Substitutes: L. Berkley, Wm. A. Jackson, Augustus Evans, and Joseph Ribble. Discharged from service previous to evacuation Norfolk: Privates Peirce Rodman and Wm. Whitson, and Corporal Geo. Ogelvie. D
Albert Powell (search for this): chapter 1.10
. Neimeyer was killed, which promoted Captain McAlpine and Lieutenant John Hobday, the one as major and the other as captain. The conspicuous gallantry of private Albert Powell deserves much praise. Our regiment in this battle charged three lines of field works and captured each. We remained at Spotsylvania Courthouse until thounds. Mears, Thomas F., captured May 29, 1864, not exchanged. Nottingham, B. F., died in field hospital, October, 1863, Brandy Station. Porter, Thomas. Powell, Albert, name published for distinguished gallantry at Spotsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864. Pell, Thomas, captured August 19, 1864, and not exchanged. Pin K. Casey. Shady Grove: Private Charles N. Collins. Spotsylvania C. H.: Captain Charles R. McAlpine, lieutenant John Hobday, privates Charles N. Collins, Albert Powell, and John D. White. Wilcox Farm: Captain C. R. McAlpine, lieutenant John Hobday, privates Charles N. Collins, John C. Miller, and Richard White. Wounded.
ias W., captured July 4, 1863, Gettysburg, and died in prison. Collins, Charles W., killed August 19, 1864, Davis' Farm. Collins, Thomas, promoted corporal. Curtis, Revel W., killed July 3, 1863, Gettysburg. Dollett, William W. Duke, Robert. Duke, Parker, wounded July 30, 1864,. Crater. Eure, Hilary. Eure, Henry. Eure, Augustus, over age, furnished substitute October 23, 1861. Ferrell, John, died June 1862, Battery No, 10, Richmond. Fowler, A. J., Godwin, Laban T., promoted sergeant, captured August 19, 1864, not exchanged. Hyslop, Denwood, captured August 19, 1864 and not exchanged. Halloway, Joseph. Hewlett, Joseph F., captured July 4, 1863, and not exchanged. Heckrotte, Oliver, sent to hospital in Richmond 1863, and never heard from. Herbert, Joseph T., transferred to 15th Virginia Cavalry. Horton, Daniel W., sent to hospital September 26, 1862, and supposed to have died. Jones, Walter J., promoted Lieutenant 41st Virginia R
r 23, 1864, disabled. White, Richard, wounded seriously, July 30, 1864, at the Crater, discharged January 9, 1865, disabled. Ward, Julius, killed July 2, 1863, Gettysburg. Whitson, William, discharged September, 1861, disabled. Wise, Stephen, died in hospital, 1863. Youre, Stephen. Summary. We were in twenty-five battles, in which the killed were 8; Captain John Hobday, October 27, 1864, at Burgess Mill. Private Wm. F. Butt, May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania C. H.; Private Revil Stephen. Summary. We were in twenty-five battles, in which the killed were 8; Captain John Hobday, October 27, 1864, at Burgess Mill. Private Wm. F. Butt, May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania C. H.; Private Revil W. Custis, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Sergeant M. P. Kilgore, July 30, 1864, Crater. Private Charles W. Collins, August 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Johnson Ward, July 4, 1864, Gettysburg. Wm. Mason, Appomattox C. H., 1865. Sergeant Smith Toppin, July 30, 1864, Crater. Died in Hospital: Privates John Ferrell, Richmond Battery, June 10, 1862; S. D. Manning, Petersburg, September, 1862; B. F. Nottingham, Brandy Station, Orange and Alexandria R. R., October, 1862; Wm. J. Smith, Richmond, May 21
John H. Winder (search for this): chapter 1.10
egiment of Virginia Infantry, and ordered to report to Lieutenant-Colonel Archer, at Boykin's, near Smithfield, and guard the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad. There it remained until May 27, 1862. May 27, 1862, it was ordered to report to Major Jones' Battery, No. 3, near Richmond, Va., as a reserve to sustain our forces in the event of need at the battle of Seven Pines, &c. June 14th, it was ordered to Battery 10, near Richmond. July 15th, it was ordered to report to Brigadier-General John H. Winder, to do guard duty at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. July 14th, it was assigned to the 61st Regiment of Virginia Infantry, under command of Colonel Samuel M. Wilson. July 20th, it was ordered by Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. Neimeyer, 61st Virginia Infantry, to report to the headquarters at Dunn's Hill, and was designated Company I in the regiment. About this time Cohoon's Battalion of Virginia Volunteers was disbanded, and the men of conscript age in Captain Max Herbert's command
William F. Neimeyer (search for this): chapter 1.10
. July 14th, it was assigned to the 61st Regiment of Virginia Infantry, under command of Colonel Samuel M. Wilson. July 20th, it was ordered by Lieutenant-Colonel W. F. Neimeyer, 61st Virginia Infantry, to report to the headquarters at Dunn's Hill, and was designated Company I in the regiment. About this time Cohoon's Battalandria Railroad. The strength of the company was 59; present for duty, 47; absent, sick, 7; absent on leave, I; absent on detail, 4; total 59. Lieutenant-Colonel William F. Neimeyer at this time ordered the sick from Washington Hospital, about 1,500 in number, to Richmond. Also about this time Colonel V. D. Groner took comman leave, 1; wounded, 2; mortally wounded, 1; conspicuous for gallantry, 5. William F. Butt, a good man and reliable soldier, was mortally wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel William F. Neimeyer was killed, which promoted Captain McAlpine and Lieutenant John Hobday, the one as major and the other as captain. The conspicuous gallantry of p
D. W. Horton (search for this): chapter 1.10
nd not exchanged. Halloway, Joseph. Hewlett, Joseph F., captured July 4, 1863, and not exchanged. Heckrotte, Oliver, sent to hospital in Richmond 1863, and never heard from. Herbert, Joseph T., transferred to 15th Virginia Cavalry. Horton, Daniel W., sent to hospital September 26, 1862, and supposed to have died. Jones, Walter J., promoted Lieutenant 41st Virginia Regiment, and killed May 6, 1864, Wilderness. Jackson, William A., furnished substitute April 24, 1862. King,ber, 1862; B. F. Nottingham, Brandy Station, Orange and Alexandria R. R., October, 1862; Wm. J. Smith, Richmond, May 21, 1863. Died in Prison: Elias W. Cherry, 1864, sent to hospital at the evacuation of Norfolk, Va.; George W. Barcroft and D. W. Horton. Who offered Substitutes: L. Berkley, Wm. A. Jackson, Augustus Evans, and Joseph Ribble. Discharged from service previous to evacuation Norfolk: Privates Peirce Rodman and Wm. Whitson, and Corporal Geo. Ogelvie. Dropped at the reorga
Johnson Ward (search for this): chapter 1.10
ted Sergeant, killed July 30, 1864, Crater. White, John D., woundeed July 30, 1864, Crater, and discharged December 23, 1864, disabled. White, Richard, wounded seriously, July 30, 1864, at the Crater, discharged January 9, 1865, disabled. Ward, Julius, killed July 2, 1863, Gettysburg. Whitson, William, discharged September, 1861, disabled. Wise, Stephen, died in hospital, 1863. Youre, Stephen. Summary. We were in twenty-five battles, in which the killed were 8; Captain Jo7, 1864, at Burgess Mill. Private Wm. F. Butt, May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania C. H.; Private Revil W. Custis, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Sergeant M. P. Kilgore, July 30, 1864, Crater. Private Charles W. Collins, August 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Johnson Ward, July 4, 1864, Gettysburg. Wm. Mason, Appomattox C. H., 1865. Sergeant Smith Toppin, July 30, 1864, Crater. Died in Hospital: Privates John Ferrell, Richmond Battery, June 10, 1862; S. D. Manning, Petersburg, September, 1862; B. F. Notting
B. F. Nottingham (search for this): chapter 1.10
ber 27, 1864, at Burgess Mill. Private Wm. F. Butt, May 12, 1864, Spotsylvania C. H.; Private Revil W. Custis, July 4, 1863, Gettysburg. Sergeant M. P. Kilgore, July 30, 1864, Crater. Private Charles W. Collins, August 19, 1864, Johnson's Farm. Johnson Ward, July 4, 1864, Gettysburg. Wm. Mason, Appomattox C. H., 1865. Sergeant Smith Toppin, July 30, 1864, Crater. Died in Hospital: Privates John Ferrell, Richmond Battery, June 10, 1862; S. D. Manning, Petersburg, September, 1862; B. F. Nottingham, Brandy Station, Orange and Alexandria R. R., October, 1862; Wm. J. Smith, Richmond, May 21, 1863. Died in Prison: Elias W. Cherry, 1864, sent to hospital at the evacuation of Norfolk, Va.; George W. Barcroft and D. W. Horton. Who offered Substitutes: L. Berkley, Wm. A. Jackson, Augustus Evans, and Joseph Ribble. Discharged from service previous to evacuation Norfolk: Privates Peirce Rodman and Wm. Whitson, and Corporal Geo. Ogelvie. Dropped at the reorganization of the Arm
Virginia Voluteers (search for this): chapter 1.10
day was killed, which promoted Lt. C. W. Murdaugh to Captain. After a five days tramp on a total ration of 22 pounds of meal, we arrived in camp 1st November, 1864. Went into winter quarters December 7, 1864, and remained inactive untill February 5, 1865. February 6, 1865, Battle of Hatcher's Run. Strength of company, 35; present, 14; absent, sick, 6; captured, 10; detail, 3; on leave, 2. The fight between Petersburg and Appomattox. Roster of Company I, 61st Regiment of Virginia Voluteers. the names of deserters are omitted. Captain Charles R. McAlpine, promoted major, wounded. First Lieutenant F. W, Armistead, dropped at reorganization, May 1862, joined 13th Virginia Cavalry. Second Lieutenant John Hobday, Jr., promoted Captain May 12, 1864, wounded July 30, 1864, Crater, and killed October 27, 1864, at Burgess' Mill. Third Lieutenant C. W. Murdaugh, promoted Captain, October 27th, 1864, wounded May 3, 1863, at Salem Church, (Chancellorsville.) First S
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