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Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
On the evening of February 8th, after the adoption of the Constitution, a motion was made to go into the election of the chief officers. Somebody, I forget who, moved that the election should take place the next day at 12 o'clock, and in the meantime the delegations should consult separately. That was decided on and the meeting adjourned. We had hardly reached our hotel when in walked Toombs and Keitt, followed by Judge Chilton, Willy Harris, General Sparrow and Henry Marshall, of Louisiana; Morton and Owen, of Florida, and the whole Georgia delegation. Toombs was the spokesman, and I never saw him in a better humor or looking handsomer. Alec, said he, you are the choice of every man in Congress, and all of us are ready to pledge ourselves to help you form your cabinet. There is only one point—those fellows from Virginia and the border States want you to promise to strike the first blow. For a moment there was perfect silence. I believe every man in the room held hi
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
the times-dispatch, February 17, 1907. Colonel David Twiggs Hamilton, of Georgia, tells this story of why Alexander H. Stephens was not elected President of the Southern Confederacy: The subject was broached to Mr. Stephens on the way to Montgomery, says Colonel Hamilton. Mr. Toombs took the train with us at Crawfordville, and we found Mr. Chestnut, of South Carolina, aboard. He came over and took the seat in front of Mr. Stephens and me. Mr. Toombs was in the seat behind. Mr. it would not be good policy to put me forward for any position. Alec— Mr. Toombs began; but Mr. Stephens would not let him speak, so he laughed and changed the subject. That was the last of it on the train, but we hadn't been an hour in Montgomery when Willy P. Harris and Colonel A. M. Cambe called. Harris was the first spokesman, and he went straight to the point. The Mississippi delegation prefer you for President, Mr, Stephens, said he. And we have come to ask if you will allow u
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
and refused. From the times-dispatch, February 17, 1907. Colonel David Twiggs Hamilton, of Georgia, tells this story of why Alexander H. Stephens was not elected President of the Southern Confedns, said Chestnut, the delegation from my State has' been conferring and has decided to look to Georgia for a President. Well, sir, Mr. Stephens replied, we have Mr. Toombs, Mr. Cobb, Governor Jee and defeated Jeff Davis for Governor. They acted in Mississippi just about as they did in Georgia. They declared their willingness to sustain and defend; but for success in this movement we muwhat Mr. Stephens' inclination was, and I had heard his prayer the night after the secession of Georgia. If I am the unanimous choice of the delegates, as well as the States, and can organize a cs, General Sparrow and Henry Marshall, of Louisiana; Morton and Owen, of Florida, and the whole Georgia delegation. Toombs was the spokesman, and I never saw him in a better humor or looking handsom
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
es, as well as the States, and can organize a cabinet with such concert of ideas and ability as will justify the hope of success, I will take it, said he, But on no other conditions. Mr. Keitt left satisfied, and Mr. Toombs was jubilant. When I returned to the room Mr. Stephens was smoking. At the time Montgomery was full to overflowing. Besides the accredited delegates from the six seceding States, there were many politicians and delegates—unofficial, of course—from Virginia, from Maryland, from North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas. All represented the radical secessionists of their States, and all were rabid for war. We knew what work had to be done, but Mr. Stephens never opened his lips. Never once was the matter mentioned between us. On the evening of February 8th, after the adoption of the Constitution, a motion was made to go into the election of the chief officers. Somebody, I forget who, moved that the election should take place th
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
the First blow. No, I will never never strike the first blow at the Union, said Mr. Stephens, speaking slowly and distinctly. Alec! cried Mr. Toombs. They gazed into each other's eyes. Then, without a word, Toombs turned and walked out of the room, with the other delegates at his heels. I afterward understood that many of the delegations sat up all night caucusing; that Toombs was the second choice with the members of Congress, but the delegates from the undecided States did not consider him radical enough. They said he would make Mr. Stephens his premier, and be guided by his advice. Cobb and Rhett's names were both considered, but the radicals would not accept either. After further skirmishing Jeff Davis' name was presented, and the radicals made no objections. For the sake of harmony, the other delegates fell into line, and the next morning, February 9, 1861, the Hon. Jefferson Davis was unanimously elected President of the Confederate States of America.
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
States, and can organize a cabinet with such concert of ideas and ability as will justify the hope of success, I will take it, said he, But on no other conditions. Mr. Keitt left satisfied, and Mr. Toombs was jubilant. When I returned to the room Mr. Stephens was smoking. At the time Montgomery was full to overflowing. Besides the accredited delegates from the six seceding States, there were many politicians and delegates—unofficial, of course—from Virginia, from Maryland, from North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas. All represented the radical secessionists of their States, and all were rabid for war. We knew what work had to be done, but Mr. Stephens never opened his lips. Never once was the matter mentioned between us. On the evening of February 8th, after the adoption of the Constitution, a motion was made to go into the election of the chief officers. Somebody, I forget who, moved that the election should take place the next day at 12 o
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
inet with such concert of ideas and ability as will justify the hope of success, I will take it, said he, But on no other conditions. Mr. Keitt left satisfied, and Mr. Toombs was jubilant. When I returned to the room Mr. Stephens was smoking. At the time Montgomery was full to overflowing. Besides the accredited delegates from the six seceding States, there were many politicians and delegates—unofficial, of course—from Virginia, from Maryland, from North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas. All represented the radical secessionists of their States, and all were rabid for war. We knew what work had to be done, but Mr. Stephens never opened his lips. Never once was the matter mentioned between us. On the evening of February 8th, after the adoption of the Constitution, a motion was made to go into the election of the chief officers. Somebody, I forget who, moved that the election should take place the next day at 12 o'clock, and in the meantime th
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
of ideas and ability as will justify the hope of success, I will take it, said he, But on no other conditions. Mr. Keitt left satisfied, and Mr. Toombs was jubilant. When I returned to the room Mr. Stephens was smoking. At the time Montgomery was full to overflowing. Besides the accredited delegates from the six seceding States, there were many politicians and delegates—unofficial, of course—from Virginia, from Maryland, from North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas. All represented the radical secessionists of their States, and all were rabid for war. We knew what work had to be done, but Mr. Stephens never opened his lips. Never once was the matter mentioned between us. On the evening of February 8th, after the adoption of the Constitution, a motion was made to go into the election of the chief officers. Somebody, I forget who, moved that the election should take place the next day at 12 o'clock, and in the meantime the delegations should con
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
omery, says Colonel Hamilton. Mr. Toombs took the train with us at Crawfordville, and we found Mr. Chestnut, of South Carolina, aboard. He came over and took the seat in front of Mr. Stephens and me. Mr. Toombs was in the seat behind. Mr. Toombs took the place beside Mr. Chestnut, who repeated the proposition, very candidly saying that a majority of the South Carolina delegation favored Mr. Stephens. That settles it, Alec, said Toombs. You are the choice of the Georgia delegatiof the Alabama delegation, called for the same purpose. Their shadows had hardly left Stephens' door, when Keitt, of South Carolina, and Mr. Toombs made their appearance—at least Toombs didn't make his appearance. He sat out in the passageway, and itt talked and talked and talked. I never knew a man who could beat Keitt talking. You are the preference of the South Carolina delegation for President, Mr. Stephens, and I am sent to ask if you will serve if elected? was what it all amounted
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.15
such concert of ideas and ability as will justify the hope of success, I will take it, said he, But on no other conditions. Mr. Keitt left satisfied, and Mr. Toombs was jubilant. When I returned to the room Mr. Stephens was smoking. At the time Montgomery was full to overflowing. Besides the accredited delegates from the six seceding States, there were many politicians and delegates—unofficial, of course—from Virginia, from Maryland, from North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arkansas. All represented the radical secessionists of their States, and all were rabid for war. We knew what work had to be done, but Mr. Stephens never opened his lips. Never once was the matter mentioned between us. On the evening of February 8th, after the adoption of the Constitution, a motion was made to go into the election of the chief officers. Somebody, I forget who, moved that the election should take place the next day at 12 o'clock, and in the meantime the delegatio
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