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Austria (Austria) (search for this): article 12
aris under the title of "the Emperor, Rome, and Italy," the substance of which is that the Eternal City is at this moment a second Coblentz, the hot-bed of conspiracies against the Emperor Napoleon and King Victor Emmanuel. The French flag can no longer serve as a safeguard to machinations directed against the Imperial dynasty itself; and, every means of obtaining satisfaction from the Pontificial Government having failed, the French army will be speedily withdrawn. France will not permit Austria to take her place at Rome, the principle of non-intervention will be rigidly maintained, and, before the retirement of the French, the Roman people will be called upon to express their own wishes. Should the vote be favorable to Victor Emmanuel the Imperial army will be relieved by Italian troops, and the King will publish a proclamation guarantying the independence of the Church. This brochure has made a considerable sensation, from the fact that it was at first attributed to the pen of
France (France) (search for this): article 12
European affairs.the Italian question — France--American affairs in Paris. The Paris correspondent of the National Intelligencer, at Washington, writes to that paper the following interesting intelligence: A new brochure on the Italian queans of obtaining satisfaction from the Pontificial Government having failed, the French army will be speedily withdrawn. France will not permit Austria to take her place at Rome, the principle of non-intervention will be rigidly maintained, and, befm, plainly indicating that not only must Venice become a part of reconstituted Italy, but that Belgium must be annexed to France. Whatever may be the opinions of M. de la Gueronniere on this subject, he certainly would not, at this juncture, hazard sing force, which will enable the Government to throw a corps d'armee into the South and seize a port for the shipment to France and England of the cotton they may require." Whether this letter is originally published in the Moniteur, or is copied fr
United States (United States) (search for this): article 12
y before the commencement of the Russian campaign. The Moniteur, every line of which bears an official impress, is publishing a series of letters from the United States. The latest of these, dated New York, August 17th, is exceedingly favorable to the Union cause.--It fills over a column of the official journal, and commencesd Boston, Nothing of importance had previously appeared in the Moniteur except the paragraph copied from the Patric, relative to a future recognition of the Confederate States, "when the Government should be established on a permanent basis," &c. The following lines, which I translate from the letter referred to, will be read with is of no consequence. Its mere appearance in the columns of the Moniteur is the important fact, and will undoubtedly be hailed with great satisfaction in the United States. Mires, the banker, has appealed to the Court of Cessation against the judgment of the lower tribunal sentencing him to five years imprisonment. Should h
Coblenz (Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) (search for this): article 12
European affairs.the Italian question — France--American affairs in Paris. The Paris correspondent of the National Intelligencer, at Washington, writes to that paper the following interesting intelligence: A new brochure on the Italian question has just appeared in Paris under the title of "the Emperor, Rome, and Italy," the substance of which is that the Eternal City is at this moment a second Coblentz, the hot-bed of conspiracies against the Emperor Napoleon and King Victor Emmanuel. The French flag can no longer serve as a safeguard to machinations directed against the Imperial dynasty itself; and, every means of obtaining satisfaction from the Pontificial Government having failed, the French army will be speedily withdrawn. France will not permit Austria to take her place at Rome, the principle of non-intervention will be rigidly maintained, and, before the retirement of the French, the Roman people will be called upon to express their own wishes. Should the vote be f
Belgium (Belgium) (search for this): article 12
n Gueronniere. It is now denied, however, that it was written by that gentleman. It is not possible that a statesman whose language bears a very high official significance could have indulged in a comparison between the positions of Venice and Belgium, plainly indicating that not only must Venice become a part of reconstituted Italy, but that Belgium must be annexed to France. Whatever may be the opinions of M. de la Gueronniere on this subject, he certainly would not, at this juncture, hazaBelgium must be annexed to France. Whatever may be the opinions of M. de la Gueronniere on this subject, he certainly would not, at this juncture, hazard an expression of them in a political pamphlet. The name of the real author still remains a secret. Meanwhile the Duke de Gramont, who has been French Ambassador at Rome since 1857, and is identified with the efforts of the Imperial Government to obtain reasonable concessions from the Holy See, is now recalled, and the Marquis de Lavalette, late Ambassador to Constantinople, appointed in hisstead. A new man indicates new measures, and the belief that a change of policy is to be inaugur
Venice (Italy) (search for this): article 12
n of M. de in Gueronniere. It is now denied, however, that it was written by that gentleman. It is not possible that a statesman whose language bears a very high official significance could have indulged in a comparison between the positions of Venice and Belgium, plainly indicating that not only must Venice become a part of reconstituted Italy, but that Belgium must be annexed to France. Whatever may be the opinions of M. de la Gueronniere on this subject, he certainly would not, at this junVenice become a part of reconstituted Italy, but that Belgium must be annexed to France. Whatever may be the opinions of M. de la Gueronniere on this subject, he certainly would not, at this juncture, hazard an expression of them in a political pamphlet. The name of the real author still remains a secret. Meanwhile the Duke de Gramont, who has been French Ambassador at Rome since 1857, and is identified with the efforts of the Imperial Government to obtain reasonable concessions from the Holy See, is now recalled, and the Marquis de Lavalette, late Ambassador to Constantinople, appointed in hisstead. A new man indicates new measures, and the belief that a change of policy is to
Turquie (Turkey) (search for this): article 12
e Duke de Gramont, who has been French Ambassador at Rome since 1857, and is identified with the efforts of the Imperial Government to obtain reasonable concessions from the Holy See, is now recalled, and the Marquis de Lavalette, late Ambassador to Constantinople, appointed in hisstead. A new man indicates new measures, and the belief that a change of policy is to be inaugurated is strengthened by the circumstance that the Marquis de Lavalette himself was, at a previous period, Minister to Turkey, and was recalled in 1853, shortly before the commencement of the Russian campaign. The Moniteur, every line of which bears an official impress, is publishing a series of letters from the United States. The latest of these, dated New York, August 17th, is exceedingly favorable to the Union cause.--It fills over a column of the official journal, and commences with a detailed account of the loan negotiations between the Government and the banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, Noth
Victor Emmanuel (search for this): article 12
talian question has just appeared in Paris under the title of "the Emperor, Rome, and Italy," the substance of which is that the Eternal City is at this moment a second Coblentz, the hot-bed of conspiracies against the Emperor Napoleon and King Victor Emmanuel. The French flag can no longer serve as a safeguard to machinations directed against the Imperial dynasty itself; and, every means of obtaining satisfaction from the Pontificial Government having failed, the French army will be speedily wmit Austria to take her place at Rome, the principle of non-intervention will be rigidly maintained, and, before the retirement of the French, the Roman people will be called upon to express their own wishes. Should the vote be favorable to Victor Emmanuel the Imperial army will be relieved by Italian troops, and the King will publish a proclamation guarantying the independence of the Church. This brochure has made a considerable sensation, from the fact that it was at first attributed to the
M. De la Gueronniere (search for this): article 12
sation, from the fact that it was at first attributed to the pen of M. de in Gueronniere. It is now denied, however, that it was written by that gentleman. It is not possible that a statesman whose language bears a very high official significance could have indulged in a comparison between the positions of Venice and Belgium, plainly indicating that not only must Venice become a part of reconstituted Italy, but that Belgium must be annexed to France. Whatever may be the opinions of M. de la Gueronniere on this subject, he certainly would not, at this juncture, hazard an expression of them in a political pamphlet. The name of the real author still remains a secret. Meanwhile the Duke de Gramont, who has been French Ambassador at Rome since 1857, and is identified with the efforts of the Imperial Government to obtain reasonable concessions from the Holy See, is now recalled, and the Marquis de Lavalette, late Ambassador to Constantinople, appointed in hisstead. A new man indica
directed against the Imperial dynasty itself; and, every means of obtaining satisfaction from the Pontificial Government having failed, the French army will be speedily withdrawn. France will not permit Austria to take her place at Rome, the principle of non-intervention will be rigidly maintained, and, before the retirement of the French, the Roman people will be called upon to express their own wishes. Should the vote be favorable to Victor Emmanuel the Imperial army will be relieved by Italian troops, and the King will publish a proclamation guarantying the independence of the Church. This brochure has made a considerable sensation, from the fact that it was at first attributed to the pen of M. de in Gueronniere. It is now denied, however, that it was written by that gentleman. It is not possible that a statesman whose language bears a very high official significance could have indulged in a comparison between the positions of Venice and Belgium, plainly indicating that not on
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