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s Georgia Legion; S. McCombs, Captain, Brigade Commissary of Subsistence, Cook's brigade, Ewell's corps; J. R. Respass, Captain, commanding militia company; Benjamin Milliken, Captain, First Georgia Reserves, company E; F. M. Boace, First Lieutenant, Sixth Georgia cavalry ; T. G. Batsman, First Lieutenant, First Arkansas, Co. A; W. H. Best, First Lieutenant, Twenty-fifth Georgia; D. L. Ambrose, First Lieutenant, Twenty-Fifth Georgia; Samuel G. Bowman, First Lieutenant, Fourth Tennessee; William H. Davis, First Lieutenant, Fifth Georgia cavalry; R. L. Mitchell, Lieutenant, Fourth Kentucky mounted infantry; Alexander Hasset, Lieutenant, First Georgia Reserves; J. D. Cercopely, Navy Captain, steamer Ida; John Harrison, Mate, steamer Ida; Andrew Ambrose, Pilot, steamer Ida; Thomas Swygover, First Engineer, steamer Ida; Peter C. Brown, Second Engineer, steamer Ida; L. A. McCarthy, Assistant Engineer, steamer Ida; J. J. Smith, Paymaster's Clerk, steamer Resolute; W. D. Oliveria, Pilot Comman
e from Milledgeville. On the morning of the twenty-fourth, my brigade marched through Milledgeville, and crossing the Oconee River, we took the Sandersville road, and reached Sandersville on the twenty-seventh. Here I received orders from General Davis to hold the town until all the trains of the Fourteenth army corps and General Kilpatrick's trains had passed, and then follow as an escort. About seven o'clock P. M., the trains having passed, I ordered my pickets to rejoin their commands, completed, left camp at ten A. M., crossing Ebenezer Creek, marched to Little Ebenezer Creek, where, after a delay of several hours for completion of pontoons, moved forward to Cyler's Creek; just after going into camps, received orders from General Davis to return to Little Ebenezer to protect the train of the corps, an attack being apprehended; returned, and the Second and Third brigades, recrossing the creek, bivouacked for the night, having marched (10) ten miles. December ninth, left c
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
. Slaton, H. T. Shirling, T. Walden. Co. K. Sergeant A. Goare, N. Christie, M. A. Culpepper, W. B. Christie, Corporal Thos. Johnson, W. J. Cutts, W. H. Mitchell, Private C. C. Brooks, J. W. Barentine, W. M. Ball, J. H. Carter, W. H. Davis, G. F. Davis, Private W. C. McGrady, J. G. Marshall, M. Sapp, J. J. Scott, S. S. Scott, P. Ragsdale, J. W. Vinson, W. J. Wimberly, J. C. Wimberly, R. W. Warwick, W. W. Cook, A. S. Thomson. Non-commissioned officers, 48; privates,, Ass't Surg'n 13th Miss. Regiment. Chs. T. Mann, Ass't Surg'n 18th Miss. Regiment. W. W. Leggett, Ass't Surg'n 21st Miss. Regiment. Geo. H. Peets, Ass't Surg'n 21st Miss. Regiment. R. L. Knox, Ass't Surgeon 17th Miss. Regiment. Wm. H. Davis, 1st Lieut. Co. H, 13th Miss. Regiment. Benj. George, 1st Lieut. Co. L, 21st Miss. Regiment. J. W. Gower, 1st Lieut. Co. D, 18th Miss. Regiment. James P. Clark, 2d Lt. Co. K, 18th Miss. Regiment. C. McDonald, Chaplain 21st Miss. Regiment
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
ivate W. R. Bolling, T. L. Boyd, A. A. Floyd, S. W. Hardy, R. H. Noblin, D. O. Summers. Co. I. Sergeant Joseph Adams, Mus'n W. H. Hartwell, Private Steven Fletcher, courier for Gen. Harris. Co. K. Sergeant G. G. Howell, Private W. H. Davis, T. S. Denton, A. J. Denton, Courier J. A. V. Feltus, Private Jacob Hildebrand, Mus'n Gabe Kann, P. R. Leatherman, W. T. Agnew, Private T. T. Rabie, J. D. Stocket, J. F. Therrell, R. A. Varnell, G. A. Walker, J. H. Walker,k, T. W. Seward, W. E. Wacker, J. A. Taylor, Wm. H. Mitchell. Co. G. Sergeant Wm. C. Mayo, Private L. J. Dickenson, Private E. K. Gunn, Jas. M. Siddons. Co. H. Sergeant S. F. Jordan, Private W. J. Branch, Wm. M. Brownley, Wm. H. Davis, A. A. Delbridge, Joseph Delbridge, Robert Delbridge, A. J. Dobbs, William Harris, Private R. S. House, James Hough, J. C. Johnson, J. W. Lufsey, J. W. Manning, J. W. Norwood, R. J. Randolph, T. W. Rawlings, J. J. P. Whit
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Escape of prisoners from Johnson's Island. (search)
oss of their hands and feet from frost bite. Captain Davis was a native of Richmond, Virginia, and was the son of William H. Davis, long a successful coal-dealer who lost his life in the capitol disaster—the falling through of the floor of the Court of Appeals—during the contest of the late Hon. Henry K. Ellyson for the post of mayor—April 27, 1870. Captain Davis enlisted in Company B., First Virginia Infantry, Captain James K. Lee, April 21, 1861. He was soon afterwards promoted to serhim in the command. At the second battle of Manassas he was wounded, taken prisoner and carried to Johnson's Island. Captain Davis, after returning to his command, was again taken prisoner at Sailor's creek, and a second time incarcerated on Johnsoth yellow fever and is buried in San Antonio. Officer Logan S. Robins of the police force of Richmond served under Captain Davis as first lieutenant of Company B. and is cognizant of the facts herein given. Johnson's Island is distant from Sand<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
e and Character of Gen. S. D. Ramseur, 217. Crater, Battle of the, Address by Geo. S. Bernard, 3; loss of Federals at, 21; relative forces of Federals and Confederates there, 26, 27. Crawford, Col. W. P., Death of, 93. Crew's House, 57. Cutshaw, Col. W. E., Battalion of Artillery of, 88, 91, 246, 252, 257. Daniel, Hon. J. R. J., 341. Daniel, Gen., Junius, Address on Life and Character of, by Hon. R. T. Bennett 340. Daniel, Hon. J. W., Address of, at Fairfax C. H., 127. Davis, U. S. Army, Maj. Geo. B., 364. Davis, Capt., T. Herbert, 430. Davis, Miss, Winnie, 157. Dickinson, Col. A. G., 157. Drayton, Gen., Thos. F., Death of, 94. Early, Gen. J. A, on Battle of Malvern Hill, 69; his Valley Campaign, 80. Edgington, Maj. T. B., Address on Gen. J. E. Johnston, 199; on The Race Problem of the South, 199. Edmonds, Col. E. C., Commanding Armistead's Brigade, 64. Edwards, D. D., Rev. W. E., Address by, 150. Elliott, Gen., Stephen, 36. Elliott's Salient,
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival of Ex-President Buchanan at home (search)
ing, Frost, D. Gibson, J. T. Gibson, Graham, Grattan, Harrison, Hackley, Hunter, Kee, Lockridge, Lucas, Magruder, Massie, Matthews, Maupin, McCamant, McDowell, McGruder, Montague, Montgomery, Morgan, Myers, Nelson, Orgain, Patterson, Preston, Pretlow, Reid, Wyndham Robertson, Rutherford, Saunders, Segar, Sherrard, Sibert, I. N. Smith, Staples, Tyler, Walker, Wallace, Welch, Witten, and Wood. --60. Nays.--Messrs. Arnold, Bassell, Bell, Boisseau, Brown, Burks, Childs, Cowan, Crane, Crump. Davis, Evans, Friend, J. Gilmer, G. H. Gilmer, Goodycoontz. Haymond, Hoffman, Huntt, Johnson, W. T. Jones, Kincheloc, Kuotts, Leftwich, Lynn, Mallory, Thos. Martin, McGohee, McKinney, Medley, Miles, Morris, Phelps, Pritchard, Randolph, Riddick, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Scott, J. K. Smith, Tomlin, Arthur Watson, Ed. Watson, Watts, West, Wilson, Wingfield, Woolfolk, and Yerby.--50. Mr. Carpenter offered the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Whereas, under the present price
irer than usually at this season. The town is improving rapidly, many new houses are going up in Main street; handsome cottages rise on the outskirts, and the whole bears a well-to-do progressing air, as if the war had as yet done this great harm here. Two excellent hotels are filled to overflowing mainly with refugees from the threatened portions of the State, and some of the larger houses have been taken for hospitals. One of them is a fever hospital, under the excellent management of Dr. Davis. A little way out of town lies a torture-looking building, called the Delavan House, filled with sick soldiers, under charge of Dr. Allen, another Professor of the University. Around it men are busy erecting large hospital-houses. They look nice enough, airy, and scrupulously clean; but they are so crowded together, that the emanations must soon become injurious to the patients. They are built of the very slightest material, simple uprights, without any braces whatsoever, and covered w
om his master, was sent down under sentence of 39 lashes. Archer, slave of Turpin & Yarborough, arrested for going out at night without a pass, was discharged from custody. Margaret Nicholas, a free woman of color, charged with living in Richmond with no other register of her freedom than that furnished her by the county court of Fluvanna, was dismissed, with an order to leave the city by Tuesday next. Wm. Ruffin, a barber's boy, and Charles, employed by Dr. Cabell, charged with fighting near Lomax Smith's tonsorial establishment, were punished with 25 lashes each. It appeared that during the melee, William drew a razor and gave his antagonist a pretty severe cut on the sin. Albert Rish, slave of Stephen Mason, was ordered 20 lashes for stealing coal from Wm. H. Davis. The prisoner's counsel took an appeal to the Hustings court. Mrs. Yarrington was fined $2 for permitting a nuisance in the shape of a heap of rubbish to accumulate and remain on her premises.
Careless driving. --A little child of Mr. Lorge, on 17th street, was run over by a cart on Saturday and badly injured. The negro surviver, named Burrill, slave of Mr. McGee, was arrested by officer Davis, and will be tried for the offence at the Mayor's court this morning.
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