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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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... 33 34 35 36 37 38
E. Williams (search for this): article 8
ing in Tennessee and Kentucky. The Chattanooga Rebel gives a list of the Abolition officers sent to Macon, and the cause of their detention. Gen. Bragg, it appears demanded of Rosecrans the release of citizens of Tennessee, held as prisoners for their loyally to the Confederate States. Rosecrans refused the demand, and Gen. Bragg then replied that he should hold all captured officers of the Federal army in close confinement as hostages for the safety of citizens so imprisoned. The following is the list: Col A B. Moore, Lieut-Col D. Hopmad, 104th, Illinois Infantry; Lieut-Col R. R. Stewart, 2d Ind Day; Maj L H Widmer, 104th Illinois infantry, Capt J. W. Kriedar, 108th Ohio, on B; Capt Cris Beck, 1st Lieut J W. Hudson, 1st Lieut Knoch Burnett, 1st Lieut Alex Hoss, 1st Lieut D Parsley, 1st Lieut Deward, 2d Lieut W G. Brush, 2d Lieut J E. Williams, 2d Lieut G W Daily, 2d Lieut Jas Kern, 2d Indiana Cavalry. All of whom were captured by Morgan at Hartsville, on the 7th inst.
Jno Williams (search for this): article 2
Castle Thunder Items. --The following parties were received as Castle Thunder on yesterday: Preston Black, on R, 59h Va; Pat Murphy; on the 23d Va; Willis Aaron, W E Hodnett, T B Hodnett, and D W Balley, co. E, 53d Va; Thos Seandler co 1, 46th Va. deserters. John Williams, Thos Rodgers, L Bradlin, G. Kelley, Pat Macarthy, O Driscoll, and Henry Dunaway, of the Manchester Artillery--deserters. Jno Williams alias Jno O'Neal, substitute swindling; Pat Burke, drunk and having no paper; John King, co E, 15th Va. desertion; Gen. Milis and Geo Hall, from the steamer Richmond, and several other soldiers, charged with petty offences.
John Williams (search for this): article 2
Castle Thunder Items. --The following parties were received as Castle Thunder on yesterday: Preston Black, on R, 59h Va; Pat Murphy; on the 23d Va; Willis Aaron, W E Hodnett, T B Hodnett, and D W Balley, co. E, 53d Va; Thos Seandler co 1, 46th Va. deserters. John Williams, Thos Rodgers, L Bradlin, G. Kelley, Pat Macarthy, O Driscoll, and Henry Dunaway, of the Manchester Artillery--deserters. Jno Williams alias Jno O'Neal, substitute swindling; Pat Burke, drunk and having no paper; John King, co E, 15th Va. desertion; Gen. Milis and Geo Hall, from the steamer Richmond, and several other soldiers, charged with petty offences.
List of Casualties. List of Killed and Wounded in the 4th Brigade, Commanded by Col. Bryan Crimes, near Fredericksburg: The North Carolina Troops — Killed; Privates J S Clark, co F, J H Bryan, col; W Garris, co D;.--Bradley, co A. Wounded: Private L Sills, co A, Lt J C. Gorman, co S, Serg't J J Forbes, co E Corp'l J C Winstead, co B; Private R Boyse, co R, Corp'l T C Bills co C Privates C Lesster co D; W Overman. co D; Serg't W A Thompsom, co E, Privates W Fowler, co J Bark, co E, Corp'l Blount, co F, Private J Peterson, co F; Corp'l Kenner, co G, Private J Rhodes, co G; Lt S Taylor, co L. Killed 4; wounded 16. 4th North Carolina Troops — Killed Capt. James Carter, co E; privates W. A Fenly, co A; J A Lasset, co F; M M co H Wounded; Capt W L Davidson, co A; privates J G Ingraham, L W Allen F M Morrison, and Corporal D C Hunter, co A, Serg't J A Cowen and private E L Graham, co B, Serg't J J Trentman Corporal R E privates E Bukley; J E Campbell, A Garrison
Lost negro man found --Davy, a tall, black, negro man, with short and moustache, and clothed in about half worn was delivered to me for safekeeping by Conductor W. R. Taylor last Saturday --Davy says he belongs to Joe Wright, of Pittsylvania county, about 30 miles from Danville, and was on his way to wait on his young who Lieutenant in Gen. Wise's Brigade. The owner will please come forward prove property, pay charges, and take his servant. Apply to F. J. Sampson, Agt., Richmond and Danville R. E. Danville papers please copy and him to me immediately. de 15--
William Leigh Worsham (search for this): article 10
Twenty-five dollars reward --Ranaway about one month ago a negro man, belonging to Mr. E. M. Ware named Albert. Said negro is about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, of ginger. bread color, thin visage somewhat abrupt in his answers; his front teeth decayed and dresses well Said follow was hired to Mr. Worsham last year and to Mr. J. P. Billiard for a portion of this year, and no doubt has hired himself to one of the eating or spotting houses in this city. We will give the above reward of $25 for the apprehension and delivery of said negro to us or confined in jail as that we get him again. oc 13--ts Clopton & Lyne, Agents.
Joe Wright (search for this): article 1
Lost negro man found --Davy, a tall, black, negro man, with short and moustache, and clothed in about half worn was delivered to me for safekeeping by Conductor W. R. Taylor last Saturday --Davy says he belongs to Joe Wright, of Pittsylvania county, about 30 miles from Danville, and was on his way to wait on his young who Lieutenant in Gen. Wise's Brigade. The owner will please come forward prove property, pay charges, and take his servant. Apply to F. J. Sampson, Agt., Richmond and Danville R. E. Danville papers please copy and him to me immediately. de 15--
William Yates (search for this): article 7
s in a good many places, and grass on the ground pretty green. It is warm enough to go in your shirt sleeves, and be comfortable. Dear, we have not got any money yet I think we shall go up Yazoo to morrow. If we do I expect we shall see some warm work. The rebels are well fortified, and I should not be surprised if we don't lose quite a number of men before we get back. I must bid you good night and may God bless you and our darling is the warmest prayer of your husband, till death. Wm. Yates. Cheer up, love, and all will be well, I hope — Kiss our darling boy for me, and don't forget your self. December 11, 1862. Dear Ann: I am still spared to you. We have been up the Yazoo. We were to-day within four miles of Vicksburg. We do not see any gunboats of any kind; but when we got to a town called St. Charles, (Blake's lower negro quarter,) we got within a quarter of a mile of it, we came to two torpedoes in the river, which exploded, but did us no harm. We then came
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