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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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Louisa Brander (search for this): article 6
Fifty dollars reward. --Runaway from the farm of John W. Adkins, in the county of Goochland. about the first day of August a negro Boy, about 17 years of age, rather stoutly built dark mulatto color, with a scat on his forehead. He is an intelligent boy but very when spoken to. It is believed that he has gone off with some officer or soldier and is now within the lines of our army. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension. no 7--sw6t Louisa Brander.
E; privates W. A Fenly, co A; J A Lasset, co F; M M co H Wounded; Capt W L Davidson, co A; privates J G Ingraham, L W Allen F M Morrison, and Corporal D C Hunter, co A, Serg't J A Cowen and private E L Graham, co B, Serg't J J Trentman Corporal R E privates E Bukley; J E Campbell, A Garrison and W L Wayne, co C; privates James H Burnett and Appleton Sueyers, co M Lieut T. E. Thomson private E B. Rhodes and Knight on the Corporal J G Powell, co H; Lieut T B Crawford; privates Thos H Brently, Jno G B S P and E J Daniel, co I Lieut A E Wilston, privates H. Beavar and J F Thompson, co K. Killed, 4, wounded, 27. 14th North Carolina Troops — Wounded Private M Turker, co A, slightly; Corp'l H J Davis, co E slightly privates Bowman and Threadgill, co C, slightly, Serg't Avail, co E, slightly; Serg't slightly; privates Reil, Champton, and Candle, co K slightly. Montag; Private Harris, co H, Wounded 10, missing 1. North Carolina Troops — Wounded; Privates John C Hattle,
he last quotations are taken as an index of the market at the close of sales. The receipts have been very light for sometime, though the sales previous to the suspension of business showed an improvement on previous transactions. Much of the tobacco lately offered has been purchased on European account. Bacon.--No change; 65@70 cents for hoground. Potatoes-- $3@4 per bushel according to size and quality; sweet, $4@4.50 per bushel. Apples.--$15@20 per barrel; a very superior article sells at $25. Bushel boxes $5@7. Onions--Scarce and light; sales at $12@16 per bushel. Groceries.--Coffee $3@75 per lb. Sugar — Brown @95 cents. Clarified $1.05@1.10. Molasses $4.75@5 per gallon. Salt has a declining tendency. The State distribution has had an effect upon the market, and speculators have in some in place's been made to suffer. The auction quotations are 30@23 cents per lbs, though the store prices are higher. Butter--$1.25@1.50 per lb. Lard 60@65 lbs.
A. M. Browning (search for this): article 13
A suitable reward. --Will be paid for the delivery to me, as Hypopial No. 10, Richmond, of my man Bill, 5 feet 5 inches high, stout, wet the 175 pounds. He was left sick at Manassas in September last. A. M. Browning. de 23--2aw5t
Jos Brummel (search for this): article 5
Proceedings of the Courts. Mayor's Court, Dec. 26th --Recorder Caskie presiding.--John McKinley was charged with receiving one barrel of whiskey, stolen from Jos Brummel, knowing it to be stolen. Mr. Brummel deposed that on Monday night last his store on 15th street had been entered and three barrels of whiskey taken out. After informing the police, he got a clue to the whereabouts of one barrel, and, with the assistance of officer Crone, recovered the barrel, with the better port ofMr. Brummel deposed that on Monday night last his store on 15th street had been entered and three barrels of whiskey taken out. After informing the police, he got a clue to the whereabouts of one barrel, and, with the assistance of officer Crone, recovered the barrel, with the better port of its contents gone, at the house of McKinley, near the Central depot. This occurred on Wednesday. Each barrel was worth $840 Officer Crone testified that upon going to McKinley's house the latter first denied having any liquor, and after the barrel was found, told various stories, and stated positively that he had had the barrel itself for twelve months. Frederick Detrick testified that he saw McKinley be gaining for the whiskey with one John McCabe, and afterwards saw McCabe deliver it to Mc
ting in Tennessee and Kentucky. The Chattanooga Rebel gives a list of the Abolition officers sent to Macon, and the cause of their detention. Gen. Bragg, it appears demanded of Rosecrans the release of citizens of Tennessee, held as prisoners for their loyally to the Confederate States. Rosecrans refused the demand, and Gen. Bragg then replied that he should hold all captured officers of the Federal army in close confinement as hostages for the safety of citizens so imprisoned. The following is the list: Col A B. Moore, Lieut-Col D. Hopmad, 104th, Illinois Infantry; Lieut-Col R. R. Stewart, 2d Ind Day; Maj L H Widmer, 104th Illinois infantry, Capt J. W. Kriedar, 108th Ohio, on B; Capt Cris Beck, 1st Lieut J W. Hudson, 1st Lieut Knoch Burnett, 1st Lieut Alex Hoss, 1st Lieut D Parsley, 1st Lieut Deward, 2d Lieut W G. Brush, 2d Lieut J E. Williams, 2d Lieut G W Daily, 2d Lieut Jas Kern, 2d Indiana Cavalry. All of whom were captured by Morgan at Hartsville, on the 7th inst.
List of Casualties. List of Killed and Wounded in the 4th Brigade, Commanded by Col. Bryan Crimes, near Fredericksburg: The North Carolina Troops — Killed; Privates J S Clark, co F, J H Bryan, col; W Garris, co D;.--Bradley, co A. Wounded: Private L Sills, co A, Lt J C. Gorman, co S, Serg't J J Forbes, co E Corp'l J C Winstead, co B; Private R Boyse, co R, Corp'l T C Bills co C Privates C Lesster co D; W Overman. co D; Serg't W A Thompsom, co E, Privates W Fowler, co J Bark, co E, Corp'l Blount, co F, Private J Peterson, co F; Corp'l Kenner, co G, Private J Rhodes, co G; Lt S Taylor, co L. Killed 4; wounded 16. 4th North Carolina Troops — Killed Capt. James Carter, co E; privates W. A Fenly, co A; J A Lasset, co F; M M co H Wounded; Capt W L Davidson, co A; privates J G Ingraham, L W Allen F M Morrison, and Corporal D C Hunter, co A, Serg't J A Cowen and private E L Graham, co B, Serg't J J Trentman Corporal R E privates E Bukley; J E Campbell, A Garrison
Buckingham (search for this): article 4
the secession of his State he reluctantly left his seat, and maintained at home the position of a dissenter, abstaining from participation with his country and his fellow citizens in their struggle for defence. He remained at home, and, it is understood, cheerfully submitted to the Lincoln Government. In the election recently held in New Orleans for members of Congress we observe that he received the small vote of 136 against one Flanders, who was elected by a vote of 2,184. "So much for Buckingham!" Mr. Bouligny receives no consolation from the rabble row hectoring and lording it over his neighbors and former constituents. Disloyal to the cause of his own people, he is flouted by the vulgar horde who are tyrannizing over them and robbing them of their property. He has as little comfort in his isolation as Joseph Segar. Segar and Bouligny, if they are remembered long enough, will serve to warn men in after times of the sad fates of those who are untrue to their people and their co
Pat Burke (search for this): article 2
Castle Thunder Items. --The following parties were received as Castle Thunder on yesterday: Preston Black, on R, 59h Va; Pat Murphy; on the 23d Va; Willis Aaron, W E Hodnett, T B Hodnett, and D W Balley, co. E, 53d Va; Thos Seandler co 1, 46th Va. deserters. John Williams, Thos Rodgers, L Bradlin, G. Kelley, Pat Macarthy, O Driscoll, and Henry Dunaway, of the Manchester Artillery--deserters. Jno Williams alias Jno O'Neal, substitute swindling; Pat Burke, drunk and having no paper; John King, co E, 15th Va. desertion; Gen. Milis and Geo Hall, from the steamer Richmond, and several other soldiers, charged with petty offences.
Knoch Burnett (search for this): article 7
n, co F; Corp'l Kenner, co G, Private J Rhodes, co G; Lt S Taylor, co L. Killed 4; wounded 16. 4th North Carolina Troops — Killed Capt. James Carter, co E; privates W. A Fenly, co A; J A Lasset, co F; M M co H Wounded; Capt W L Davidson, co A; privates J G Ingraham, L W Allen F M Morrison, and Corporal D C Hunter, co A, Serg't J A Cowen and private E L Graham, co B, Serg't J J Trentman Corporal R E privates E Bukley; J E Campbell, A Garrison and W L Wayne, co C; privates James H Burnett and Appleton Sueyers, co M Lieut T. E. Thomson private E B. Rhodes and Knight on the Corporal J G Powell, co H; Lieut T B Crawford; privates Thos H Brently, Jno G B S P and E J Daniel, co I Lieut A E Wilston, privates H. Beavar and J F Thompson, co K. Killed, 4, wounded, 27. 14th North Carolina Troops — Wounded Private M Turker, co A, slightly; Corp'l H J Davis, co E slightly privates Bowman and Threadgill, co C, slightly, Serg't Avail, co E, slightly; Serg't slightly; privates Rei
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