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Ambrose P. Hill (search for this): chapter 42
Chapter 42: Petersburg. The fierce concerted assault by the Federals death of A. P. Hill General Lee announces to Richmond authorities that he must retreat reception of the news by President Davis at Church service Federals take forts Gregg and Whitworth the retreat harassed by continuous fighting Longstreet saveines. The display of officers riding in many directions seemed to admonish the skirmishers to delay under cover of an intervening swale. The alarm reached General A. P. Hill, of the Third Corps, who rode off to find his troops, but instead came suddenly upon the enemy's skirmishers in their concealment. He wheeled and made a dat, while at Petersburg he would be behind him. He therefore ordered all things in readiness for his march westward at early light of the next morning. After A. P. Hill fell his staff and corps were assigned as part of my command. Heth's and Wilcox's divisions were much broken by the losses of the day. Mahone had repulsed the
d that we had broken away from him and were marching direct for Burkeville. The latter prepared to receive us, but soon learned that we had taken another route. He had previously detached two regiments of infantry (five hundred men), under Colonel Washburn, with orders to make rapid march and burn High Bridge. To this force he afterwards sent eighty cavalrymen, under Brigadier-General Theodore Reed, of his staff, who conducted the column, and put his command in march to follow by the road thrt up and deployed his troopers, dismounted, on Rosser's left. Nothing daunted, General Reed received the attack, and in gallant fight made one or two counter-charges with his small cavalry force, but ere long he was mortally wounded, as was Colonel Washburn. Most of his cavalry officers and many of his infantry were killed or wounded, and the rest surrendered. Reed's fight was as gallant and skilful as a soldier could make, and its noise in rear of Sailor's Creek may have served to increase
George G. Meade (search for this): chapter 42
wounded; two pieces of artillery and several colors were captured. It was my time next. General Meade called Miles's division back to the Second Corps, and prepared to march down upon Petersburg, Heth's, and Wilcox's divisions and artillery were prepared for action and awaited orders. General Meade was in front of us with the Second and Fifth Corps and Sheridan's cavalry, but his Sixth Coron in front of us, but they knew nothing beyond the roads and by-roads from place to place. General Meade, finding that his Sixth Corps could not join him till a late hour, decided to wait till nextthe march until a late hour, halting for a short rest before daylight. Early on the 6th, General Meade advanced for battle, and, not finding us at Jetersville, started towards Amelia Court-House ch. General Griffin, of the Fifth Corps, also had information of troops in march west, and General Meade, therefore, changed direction to pursue with his Second and Sixth Corps, putting the Fifth o
J. H. Duncan (search for this): chapter 42
ir work. As they advanced the other brigades of Field's division came up, were aligned before the enemy's heavy massing forces, and ordered to intrench. General Foster found his work at Fort Gregg called for all the force and skill that he could apply. He made desperate assault, but was checked, and charged again and again, even to the bayonet, before he could mount the parapets and claim the fort. It had been manned by part of Harris's brigade (Twelfth Mississippi Regiment, under Captain J. H. Duncan, three hundred men of Mahone's division). Fifty-five dead were found in the fort; two hundred and fifty, including wounded, were prisoners. General Turner attacked at Fort Whitworth, and had easier work. General Wilcox, thinking it a useless sacrifice to try to hold it, ordered his troops withdrawn, and many got out in time to escape the heavy assault, but many were taken prisoners. General Gibbon lost ten officers and one hundred and twelve men killed, twenty-seven officers an
R. H. Anderson (search for this): chapter 42
ank. The reinforcements sent under Lieutenant-General Anderson joined General Pickett at night of when we left Amelia Court-House, and followed Anderson's by Amelia Springs, where he was detained sor trains and caused delay of several hours to Anderson's march. Crook was joined by part of Merrittemy's cavalry moving on their left flank. Anderson crossed Sailor's Creek, closely followed by Eions, or commander. In the absence of orders Anderson thought to march for the noise of battle, at letting the pursuit in upon Ewell's rear. As Anderson marched he found Merritt's cavalry square acr. C. Lee's on the left. Their plan was, that Anderson should attack and open the way while Ewell dethat of the enemy upon the Confederate rear. Anderson had some success, and Ewell received the assacape, and surrendered with his division. General Anderson got away with the greater part of B. R. Jlor's Creek. General Lee exclaimed, Where is Anderson? Where is Ewell? It is strange I can't hear[3 more...]
W. H. F. Lee (search for this): chapter 42
concerted assault by the Federals death of A. P. Hill General Lee announces to Richmond authorities that he must retreat ppomattox, we rode through the streets of Petersburg for General Lee's Headquarters, some miles farther west. As no part of neral Wright advanced as the signal for general assault. General Lee was not through with his instructions for our march whenks and wait for the skirmish line to open up the field. General Lee appealed to have me interpose and stop the march, but noeir march to meet us. During a few moments of quiet, General Lee despatched to Richmond of affairs at Petersburg, and toe hazardous of delay to his plans for the next day; that General Lee was obliged to pull away from his lines during the nightregiment of Harris's brigade that was at Fort Gregg. General Lee's order for retreat was out in time to have the troops te in force and intrenching, where our cavalry under General W. H. F. Lee engaged him. General Field put out a strong line of
Joseph B. Kershaw (search for this): chapter 42
rched through Chesterfield Court-House to join G. W. C. Lee's division in its after-march. General Kershaw crossed at Richmond. As the division came over the bridge the structure was fired (supposedly by an incendiary), and Kershaw had to go through the flames at double-quick time. Ewell's command was united near Manchester and pursued its march. General Mahone marched on his line just mentie trains and rear-guard could find safety beyond High Bridge. Ewell deployed his divisions, Kershaw's on the right, G. W. C. Lee's on the left. Their plan was, that Anderson should attack and opfragments. General Ewell surrendered; so also did General G. W. C. Lee with his division. General Kershaw advised such of his men as could to make their escape, and surrendered with his division. men. Generals Corse and Hunton and others of Pickett's men were captured. About two hundred of Kershaw's division got away. General R. S. Ewell and General R. H. Anderson are barely known in the
ecided to wait till next morning for his attack. General Ord rested his column for the night at Burkeville. The Painesville road. General Sheridan despatched General Ord that we had broken away from him and were marchiny Rice's Station to Farmville. We had information of Ord's column moving towards Rice's Station, and I was ordared for action,--Field's division across the road of Ord's march, Wilcox on Field's right; both ordered to intx, Mahone to support Field. Just then I learned that Ord's detachment of bridge-burners had passed out of sighy command arrived. I had no cavalry, and the head of Ord's command was approaching in sight; but directly Gene if it took the last man of his command to do it. General Ord came on and drove in my line of skirmishers, but k to the line, with orders to hold it till called in. Ord's force proved to be the head of his column, and he wridden to us and was waiting near Mahone's division. Ord's command was not up till near night, and he only eng
George T. Anderson (search for this): chapter 42
ry making reckless attack. The enemy seemed to think they had another Sailor's Creek affair, and part of their attack got in as far as Poague's battery, but Mahone recovered it, and then drove off an attack against his front. General Gregg and a considerable part of his command were captured by Rosser and Mumford. At Cumberland Church the command deployed on the right of Poague's battery, but Mahone reported a move by part of Miles's division to turn his left which might dislodge him. G. T. Anderson's brigade of Field's division was sent with orders to get around the threatening force and break it up. Mahone so directed them through a woodland that they succeeded in over-reaching the threatened march, and took in some three hundred prisoners, General Mahone claimed seven hundred in all. the last of our trouble for the day. General Lee stopped at a cottage near my line, where I joined him after night; the trains and other parts of his army had moved on towards Appomattox Court-House
T. T. Mumford (search for this): chapter 42
restored General Gregg and part of his cavalry command captured by Rosser and Mumford. The darkness of night still covered us when we crossed over James River byis column, and he was not prepared to press for general engagement. General T. T. Mumford reported with his cavalry and was ordered to follow Rosser, with simila, found a defensive position, and arranged the command to receive battle. General Mumford got up and deployed his troopers, dismounted, on Rosser's left. Nothing dhed and crossed the Appomattox at Farmville without loss, some of Rosser's and Mumford's cavalry following. We crossed early in the morning and received two days rantly came a reckless charge of Gregg's troopers towards parts of Rosser's and Mumford's commands. Heth's division of infantry was sent to support them. As the balneral Gregg and a considerable part of his command were captured by Rosser and Mumford. At Cumberland Church the command deployed on the right of Poague's battery,
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