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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 1,463 127 Browse Search
John Newton 1,193 3 Browse Search
David S. Stanley 1,012 8 Browse Search
Thomas J. Wood 1,007 3 Browse Search
Jonesboro (Georgia, United States) 693 51 Browse Search
George H. Thomas 681 9 Browse Search
J. M. Schofield 592 2 Browse Search
Resaca (Georgia, United States) 570 16 Browse Search
Marietta (Georgia, United States) 445 19 Browse Search
Oliver O. Howard 437 5 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley). Search the whole document.

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in, meeting the enemy on the 27th at New Hope Church, where we acted as support to Wood's division. Evening prevented our being called into action, so we merely, with the rest of the brigade, covered the withdrawal of his troops and threw up works on the ground we held. The following day we lost heavily skirmishing with the enemy, and during the ten days operations at that point, in addition to much suffering from wet and exposure, lost many men in killed and wounded. On the night of the 29th May two companies, A (First) and C (Second), gallantly charged and took a hill in our front, which was then fortified by the Second, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Captain Fetterman. The rebels charged this position the 31st, and we aided the Second, Eighteenth, in repulsing them. The rebels having evacuated New Hope the 4th June, we lay in camp till the 9th, when we moved against them in their position at Lost Mountain, and on its evacuation took part in the operations against Kenesaw Mountain.
September 18th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 109
No. 105. reports of Capt. Robert P Barry, Sixteenth U. S. Infantry. camp Sixteenth U. S. Infantry, Atlanta, Ga., September 18, 1864. Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Sixteenth U. S. Infantry during the Atlanta campaign, 1864: The command-consisting of the First Battalion, commanded by Captain Stanton, and the Second, Captain Barry-left Graysville, Ga., May 3, about 500 strong, all under command of Captain Stanton, and proceeded to Ringgold, Ga., leaving that place the 7th and marching to Buzzard Roost, Ga., where forty-five recruits and four officers joined us. Took part in the action of that place, losing only a few men. On the 12th May we moved through Snake Creek Gap, and on the advance from there left the knapsacks of the men, an unfortunate act, as it was the cause of much future suffering from exposure by the men. Took part in the movements on Resaca May 14, 15, and 16, and on its evacuation marched to Kingston
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