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July 20th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 116
was the understanding of Morgan's officers and men that the number of killed and wounded is inconsiderable. The number of prisoners is from one thousand to one thousand five hundred, including a large number of colonels, majors, and line-officers. I captured between six hundred and seven hundred prisoners yesterday. I will capture Morgan himself to-morrow. Shackleford, Brigadier-General. Report of Lieut.-Colonel Warner. headquarters Eighth Michigan cavalry, in the field, July 20, 1863. John Stockton, Colonel Eighth Michigan Cavalry, Commanding Post Hickman Bridge, Ky.: Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the marches, etc., of the Eighth Michigan cavalry, under my command, since leaving Hickman Bridge, Ky., July fourth, 1863, to this time: Receiving orders on the evening of July fourth to make a forced march with my command to Lebanon, Ky., and there support the garrison threatened by John Morgan, I broke camp at nine o'clock pursuant to
Doc. 114.-the capture of John Morgan. General Shackleford's report. see Doc. 47, page 257, ante. headquarters U. S. Forces, in field, Gregg's Creek, July 20 P. M. To Lieutenant-Colonel Richmond, A. A. G.: we chased John Morgan and his command over fifty miles to-day. After heavy skirmishing for six or seven miles between the Forty-fifth Ohio and Colonel Wolford's brigade, which was in advance of the enemy, we succeeded in bringing the enemy to a stand about three o'clock this P. M., when a fight ensued which lasted an hour, when the rebels fled, taking refuge upon a very high bluff. I sent a flag of truce demanding the immediate unconditional surrender of Morgan and his command. The flag was received by Colonel Coleman and other officers, who came down and asked a personal interview. They asked an hour for consultation, and I granted forty minutes; in which time the command, excepting Morgan, who deserted his command,, taking with him a very small squad, surren
July 24th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 116
and this fact is owing to the terrible execution of our rifles. We remain here a short time to gather up captured property, arms, etc., and then expect to be ordered back to Hickman. Captain S. Wells, Lieutenant Tubbs, and Lieutenant W. B. Smith represent my command on Colonel Saunders's staff. With much respect, G. S. Warner, Lieut.-Colonel Commanding Eighth Michigan Cavalry. Official report of Colonel Hill. headquarters Second brigade Ohio militia, Zanesville, Ohio, July 24, 1863. To His Excellency David Tod, Governor of Ohio: By order of Colonel Benjamin B. Runkle, commanding division Ohio militia, I left Scott's Landing on the morning of the twenty-second instant, with a portion of my brigade, for the purpose of intercepting Morgan's forces on the Muskingum River, at any point where he might attempt to cross. His movements during the day, as indicated by my scouts, led me to suspect he would attempt to cross at Beverly, or at some other point between that p
wing report of the marches, etc., of the Eighth Michigan cavalry, under my command, since leaving Hickman Bridge, Ky., July fourth, 1863, to this time: Receiving orders on the evening of July fourth to make a forced march with my command to Lebanon, Ky., and there support the garrison threatened by John Morgan, I broke camp at nine o'clock pursuant to said orders. I ordered all tents and baggage left behind, and but two days rations in the men's haversacks. At two o'clock A. M. of the fifth I halted my command for two hours, four miles beyond Danville, having marched twenty-four miles. At this place I fell in with the Eleventh Michigan battery and Ninth Michigan cavalry, in command of Colonel James I. David, and he being the senior officer, I came under his orders. At Parksville I halted for wood and water, and was here ordered to follow the Ninth cavalry and Eleventh battery, which I did. We reached Lebanon at two o'clock P. M., when the Eleventh battery immediately open
t of my whole command. The Twentieth Kentucky infantry, Colonel Hanson, had surrendered an hour before our arrival, after a most gallant fight against vastly superior numbers. The enemy had burnt the railroad depot and station-house, with several private dwellings, and pillaged the principal stores in the town. At eight o'clock, the same day, I was ordered to countermarch with the Ninth cavalry and the Eleventh battery to Danville, which place we reached at four o'clock P. M. of the sixth, making the march without halt, except for wood and water. At Danville, Colonel W. P. Saunders, Fifth Kentucky cavalry, took command of the whole force, constituting the Eighth and Ninth Michigan cavalry brigade. At half-past 12 o'clock A. M. of the seventh we took up our line of march for Lawrenceburgh, Ky., forty-three miles distant from Danville. Halting at Harrodsburgh for breakfast, feed, and water, we pushed on, reaching Lawrenceburgh at four o'clock P. M. From Lawrenceburgh
opening upon him from every available point, until about four o'clock P. M., when General Shackleford's cavalry came in, moving upon Morgan's rear from the left. My forces being completely exhausted, I drew them off, and moved back to the river. I have the honor to be, Governor, respectfully your obedient servant, Joseph Hill, Colonel Commanding Second Brigade, Runkle's Division, O. M. Commander pitch's report. United States steamer Moose, above Buffington Island, Ohio River, July 19. To Son. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: After chasing Morgan nearly five hundred miles, I at last met him at this point, and engaged and drove him back, capturing two pieces of his artillery, and abandoned the rest to General Judah. The enemy broke in confusion from the banks, and left his wagon trains, many horses, and small arms in my possession. Since writing the above, I followed further up the river, and met another portion of Morgan's force fording fourteen miles above
August 8th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 116
beard. He last night enjoyed for the first time in a long while the comforts of a sound sleep in a good bed, which was some compensation for his otherwise bad luck. Five companies of Pennsylvania cavalry had been loaded up on the cars of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh road at Pittsburgh on Sunday afternoon, to take part in the chase, but the news of the capture of the entire rebel force rendered their departure unnecessary. Losses caused by Morgan's raid. Jackson C. H. Ohio, August 8, 1863. The Military Committee of this county were engaged seven days in taking testimony as to the losses caused by Morgan's raid. This was done by order of Governor Tod: The whole number of horses taken by Morgan's men was290 Taken by the Union forces in pursuit46 Total830 Average value$90 00 Total,29,700 00 Merchandise, cash, buggies, etc.,16,000 00 Total,$45,700 00 The damage to the Portsmouth and Newark Railroad, and some other items, have not been presented. The ent
July 4th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 116
six hundred and seven hundred prisoners yesterday. I will capture Morgan himself to-morrow. Shackleford, Brigadier-General. Report of Lieut.-Colonel Warner. headquarters Eighth Michigan cavalry, in the field, July 20, 1863. John Stockton, Colonel Eighth Michigan Cavalry, Commanding Post Hickman Bridge, Ky.: Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the marches, etc., of the Eighth Michigan cavalry, under my command, since leaving Hickman Bridge, Ky., July fourth, 1863, to this time: Receiving orders on the evening of July fourth to make a forced march with my command to Lebanon, Ky., and there support the garrison threatened by John Morgan, I broke camp at nine o'clock pursuant to said orders. I ordered all tents and baggage left behind, and but two days rations in the men's haversacks. At two o'clock A. M. of the fifth I halted my command for two hours, four miles beyond Danville, having marched twenty-four miles. At this place I fell in wit
rms in my possession. Since writing the above, I followed further up the river, and met another portion of Morgan's force fording fourteen miles above; shelled and. drove most of them back. Several were killed, fifteen or thirty wounded, and twenty horses captured. I have but two men wounded slightly. Our shell and shrapnel created great confusion in the rebel ranks, killing and wounding many. Leroy Fitch, Lieutenant Commanding. Captain Oakes's letter. steamboat Imperial, July 21. Captain Bowen: dear sir: We left here on Tuesday last, in the capacity of despatch-boat to the gunboat fleet under command of Commodore Fitch, in pursuit of John Morgan. I think that the credit of the rout and damage of Morgan and his band belongs to the gunboats. The gunboats were on hand at all fording points all along the river, and kept him from crossing, and so checked him until the arrival of our troops completed the work. Morgan came in and camped there during Saturday night,
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