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David F. Chase (search for this): chapter 247
erpart to the gorgeous galleys with whose stately procession the Doge yearly wedded Venice to the Adriatic. Against these crumbling hulks the batteries which silenced Sumter point their guns in vain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared that he is the most dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedfor
th whose stately procession the Doge yearly wedded Venice to the Adriatic. Against these crumbling hulks the batteries which silenced Sumter point their guns in vain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared that he is the most dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundr
John D. Brown (search for this): chapter 247
t his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundred and seventy-five to five hundred tons, are all old whalers, heavily loaded with large blocks of granite, and cost the Government from two thousand five hundred dollars to five thousand dollars each. Some of them were once famous ships; the Archer, for instance, the
. instead of going direct to New York. A rebel steamer comes half way over the harbor about ten o'clock to take a look at our fleet, but keeps well out of range. The work of the day goes rapidly on. All the whalers which have not arrived are in sight, and coming up well. Mr. Godfrey is sounding to determine the points at which the outside vessels are to be sunk, while the Cahawba is busily moving about, bringing some of the ships further in, and hailing each one that she passes. The Robin Hood, whose name appears economically on her quarter as the R. Hood, has been rather a favorite, and is chosen for the longest life and the most tragic fate of all the fleet. Each ship is ordered to unbend her sails. Mr. Bradbury hails the R. H.: Robin Hood, ahoy! We shall send all the sails aboard you for the present. When you have them all, we shall take them on the Cahawba, and you will then sink your ship! A remark which has a startling emphasis, one would think, on board the Robin Hood.
orthy of the sea, is a fit counterpart to the gorgeous galleys with whose stately procession the Doge yearly wedded Venice to the Adriatic. Against these crumbling hulks the batteries which silenced Sumter point their guns in vain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared that he is the most dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London.
ain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared that he is the most dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundred and seventy-five to five hundred tons, are all old whalers, heavily loaded with large blocks of granite, and cost the Government from two thousand five hundred d
Doc. 235. operations of the Stone fleet. A correspondent of the New York Tribune gives the following minute account of the fleet: off Port Royal entrance, steamship Cahawba, Dec. 17, 1861. To Charleston!--that is our destination; or, more accurately, to the bar at the entrance of the harbor of that doomed city. The terrible stone fleet, on a mission as pitiless as the granite that freights it, sailed this morning from the harbor of Port Royal, and before two days are past will have made Charleston an inland city. This western bride of the sea is to be a widow; the decree of divorce is entered in a court without appeals; and the fleet which executes it, storm-tossed, shattered, and unworthy of the sea, is a fit counterpart to the gorgeous galleys with whose stately procession the Doge yearly wedded Venice to the Adriatic. Against these crumbling hulks the batteries which silenced Sumter point their guns in vain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared tha
John Bailey (search for this): chapter 247
ost dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundred and seventy-five to five hundred tons, are all old whalers, heavily loaded with large blocks of granite, and cost the Government from two thousand five hundred dollars to five thousand dollars each. Some of them were once famous ships
Joseph Balch (search for this): chapter 247
e Rebecca Simms, and the Robin Hood, once owned by Girard. The Tenedos is one of the oldest, if I may trust the mate of the Cahawba, who confidentially informed me that her keel was laid when Adam was an oakum-boy; and if this be correct, one or two must date still further back to the period of mastodon and saurian. With this fleet go the Cahawba, Philadelphia, and Ericsson, to help them along and assist at the sinking. The Mohican, Capt. Godon; Ottawa, Capt. Stevens, and Pocahontas, Capt. Balch, are convoy to the whole, and if Mr. Commodore Tatnall should be too curious about our operations, their eleven-inch shells will give him an intelligible hint to keep at a respectful distance. The business over, the Philadelphia and Ericsson go North with the crews of the sunken ships; the Cahawba returns to Port Royal. She is a good steamer, and at this moment carries her nose uncommonly high, for she is flagship of the squadron, by virtue of having the fleet-captain on board, Chas. H.
George L. Rice (search for this): chapter 247
ing hulks the batteries which silenced Sumter point their guns in vain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared that he is the most dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundred and seventy-five to five hundred tons, are all old whalers, heavily loaded with large blocks o
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