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th whose stately procession the Doge yearly wedded Venice to the Adriatic. Against these crumbling hulks the batteries which silenced Sumter point their guns in vain. They have taken counsel of the Romans, who declared that he is the most dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundr
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 8: from the battle of Bull Run to Paducah--Kentucky and Missouri. 1861-1862. (search)
r of the principal citizens of St. Louis, with whom I was well acquainted. Telling General Fremont that I had been summoned to Louisville, and that I should leave in the first train, viz., at 3 P. M., I took my leave of him. Returning to Wood's office, I found there two more Californians, viz., Messrs. Palmer and Haskell, so I felt that, while Fremont might be suspicious of others, he allowed free ingress to his old California acquaintances. Returning to the Planters' House, I heard of Beard, another Californian, a Mormon, who had the contract for the line of redoubts which Fremont had ordered to be constructed around tile city, before he would take his departure for the interior of the State; and while I stood near the office-counter, I saw old Baron Steinberger, a prince among our early California adventurers, come in and look over the register. I avoided him on purpose, but his presence in St. Louis recalled the maxim, Where the vultures are, there is a carcass close by; and
retired in great confusion from their second line of breastworks, and did not stop a moment in their third line. I moved my brigade rapidly forward and pursued them across the Chattanooga road, reaching the road a little before dark. At this time the firing had stopped everywhere, and the army of Rosecrans was in rapid and disorderly retreat towards Chattanooga. In this engagement my loss, though not as heavy as in the morning, was heavy-losing nearly two hundred men. It was here that Captain Beard, of the Third and Fifth Confederate regiment, and Captain George Moore, of same regiment, both gallant officers, met their death. Here also Captain N. C. Hockersmith and Lieutenant A. J. Petner, of the First Arkansas regiment, were seriously wounded. Many other true and brave men also fell here. During the entire fight the men and officers of my brigade acted well. Among the officers who were most distinguished at the battle of Chickamauga, I must mention the name of Colonel B. J
azed away at one end, I did the same at the other, as I tripped over it a dozen times a day, and flew up to poke it a dozen times at night. A mirror (let us be elegant I) of the dimensions of a muffin, and about as reflective, hung over a tin basin, blue pitcher, and a brace of yellow mugs. Two invalid tables, ditto chairs, wandered here and there, and the closet contained a varied collection of bonnets, bottles, bags, boots, bread and butter, boxes and bugs. The closet was a regular Blue Beard cupboard to me; I always opened it with fear and trembling, owing to rats, and shut it in anguish of spirit; for time and space were not to be bad, and chaos reigned along with the rats. Our chimney-piece was decorated with a flat-iron, a Bible, a candle minus stick, a lavender bottle, a new tin pan, so brilliant that it served nicely for a pier-glass, and such of the portly black bugs as preferred a warmer climate than the rubbish hole afforded. Two arks, commonly called trunks, lurked be
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, (search)
capture Fort Nahucke, a stronghold of the Tuscaroras in Greene county, with 800 prisoners......March, 1713 Bills of credit for £ 800 issued by the colony to pay Indian war debt. First issue of paper money in North Carolina......1713 Edenton, on the Chowan River, founded......1715 Tuscarora Indians enter into a treaty, and a tract of land on the Roanoke, in the present county of Bertie, is ceded to them by Governor Eden......June 5, 1718 Pirate Edward Teach, commonly called Black Beard, long a terror to North Carolina, is attacked by Lieutenant Maynard near Ocracoke, with two small coasters; he is killed, and Maynard carries off his head hung to the bowsprit......Nov. 21, 1718 Boundary-line between North and South Carolina established......1727 Last Assembly under proprietary government at Edenton; issues £ 40,000 more in paper money......Nov. 27, 1728 Lords proprietors surrender the government to King George II. except oneeighth interest retained by Lord Granvi
They were evidently a little puzzled at finding in the Alabama a rather stylish-looking ship of war, with polite young officers to receive them, at the gangway, and show them round the ship, instead of the disorderly privateer, or pirate, they had expected to find. I could see some of these gentlemen eying me with curiosity, and with evident disappointment depicted in their countenances, as my young officers would point me out to them. They had come on board to see a Captain Kidd, or Blue Beard, at the least, and had found only a common mortal, in no wise distinguished from the officers by whom he was surrounded, except, perhaps, that his gray coat was a little more faded, and his moustache a little more the color of his coat. The ship was surrounded with bum-boats, laden with fruits, and other supplies for the sailors, and a brisk traffic was going on, alongside, and in the port gangway, in pipes, and tobacco, orchata, and orange-water; and, as we found as night began to set i
their countenances. Many of them were viewing us with opera glasses, evidently admiring the beautiful proportions, fine trim, and general comeliness of one of their own gun-boats —for the reader will recollect, we were wearing still the United States flag. As I passed the wake of the steamer, I wheeled in pursuit, fired a blank cartridge, and hauling down the Federal, threw the Confederate flag to the breeze. It was amusing to witness the panic which ensued. If that old buccaneer, Blue Beard, himself, had appeared, the consternation could not have been greater. The ladies screamed—one of those delightful, dramatic screams, half fear, half acting, which can only ascend from female voices—and scampered off the deck in a trice; the men running after them, and making quite as good, if not better time. The effect of my gun, and change of flags on the steamer herself, seemed to be scarcely less electric. She had no intention, whatever, of obeying my command to halt. On the contrar<
d division--Col. Gladden. One regiment Louisiana Infantry-two battalions. 1st Battalion, Lieut. Col. Adams, (regulars,) 6 companies,620 Battalion of Zouaves, Lieut.-Col.Coppens.505 Georgia Battalion, Major Lary,350 1st Florida Regiment, Col. Anderson,615 Ind. Artillery Company of Savannah, Capt. Lee,114    2,194 troops at Pensacola under Major Bradford. 2d Battalion of First Louisiana Regiment:  Louisiana Guards, Capt. Todd,103 Crescent Rifles, Capt. Fisk,92 Shreveport Greys, Capt. Beard,138 Grivot Guards, Capt. Rightor,92 Orleans Cadets, Capt. Dreux, (detached),103    528   Total number of troops,6,708 Though some of the regiments are quite deficient in the drill, I do not believe that a better and more efficient body of fighting men could be assembled in any part of the world. They compose the very best class of our Southern people, ardent, earnest, and resolute young men. They can never be conquered, or even defeated; they may be destroyed and annihilated; <
l-working.) 1. A portable punching-machine for iron plates. A punching-bear. 2. (Nautical.) A heavy block shod with matting, and used to scrub the decks. Beard. 1. (Carpentry.) The sharp edge of a board. 2. (Knitting.) The hook at the extremity of a needle in a knitting-machine, which retains the yarn. 3. The A spring-piece on the back of a lockbolt of a common kind, to hold with a moderate pressure in either of its positions, and prevent its rattling in its guides. Beard′ing. (Shipwrighting.) a. A beveling or rounding; as of the adjacent parts of the rudder and sternpost, to give the former a greater range of motion without jamming against the latter. b. The curving of the dead-wood to suit the shape of the ship's body. Beard′ing-line. (Shipbuilding.) The trace of the inner surface of the ship's skin upon the keel, stem, and stern-post. Bearer. Anything used by way of support to another weight. 1. (Carpentry.) a. A member employed
its d, in its downward passage from the hopper. An internal fan eliminates the husk, etc., during the process. There are some other varieties of machines which depend partly upon percussion, an example of which has a series of the ordinary triangular saw-files projecting radially from an axis rotating at high speed within a cylindrical casing. See hominy-machine. Human, and other Animal, Parts and Features represented in Mechanics. Ankle.Gullet.Poll. Arm.Gum.Rib. Back.Hair.Seat. Beard.Hand.Shank. Belly.Head.Shoulder. Body.Heart.Side. Bosom.Heel.Skin. Breast.Hip.Sole. Breech.Jaw.Spine. Butt.Joint.Step. Cheek.Knee.Teat. Claw.Knuckle.Throat. Crown.Leg.Toe. Diaphragm.Lip.Tongue. Ear.Lug.Tooth. Elbow.Mouth.Trunk. Eye.Muzzle.Tusk. Face.Nail.Vein. Finger.Neck.Waist. Foot.Nipple.Wrist. Gland.Nose. Groin.Palm. Hum′bug. (Menage.) A nippers for grasping the cartilage of the nose. Used with bulls and other refractory bovines. Hum′hum. (Fabric.) A
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