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A. H. Smith (search for this): chapter 2.35
and John Lawrence, be, and are hereby, appointed a Committee, to whom is delegated the power of the Convention to fill by election all offices specially named in the Provisional Constitution, which may be vacant after the adjournment of the Convention. The Convention then adjourned sine die. Signed, J. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention Names of the members of the Convention, written by each person. Wm. Charles Monroe, President of the Convention; G. J. Reynolds, J. C. Grant, A. H. Smith, James M. Jones, Geo. B. Gill, M. F. Bailey, Wm. Lambert, C. W. Moffitt, John J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue, W. H. Leeman, Alfred M. Ellsworth, John E. Cook, Stewart Taylor, James W. Puniell, Geo. Akin, Stephen Dettin, Thos. Hickerson, John Cannet, Robinson Alexander, Richard Realf, Thomas F. Cary, Richard Richardson, I. T. Parsons, Thos. M. Kinnard, J. H. Delany, Robert Vanranker, Thomas M. Stringer, Charles H. Tidd, John A. Thomas, C. Whipple, J. D. Shadd, Robert
Thomas F. Cary (search for this): chapter 2.35
retary of the Convention Names of the members of the Convention, written by each person. Wm. Charles Monroe, President of the Convention; G. J. Reynolds, J. C. Grant, A. H. Smith, James M. Jones, Geo. B. Gill, M. F. Bailey, Wm. Lambert, C. W. Moffitt, John J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue, W. H. Leeman, Alfred M. Ellsworth, John E. Cook, Stewart Taylor, James W. Puniell, Geo. Akin, Stephen Dettin, Thos. Hickerson, John Cannet, Robinson Alexander, Richard Realf, Thomas F. Cary, Richard Richardson, I. T. Parsons, Thos. M. Kinnard, J. H. Delany, Robert Vanranker, Thomas M. Stringer, Charles H. Tidd, John A. Thomas, C. Whipple, J. D. Shadd, Robert Newman, Owen Brown, John Brown, J. H. Harris, Charles Smith, Simon Fislin, Isaac Holley, James Smith. Signed, J. H. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention. Memorandum — offices filled. Commander-in-Chief-John Brown. Secretary of War--J. H. Kagi. Members of Congress-Alfred 31. Ellsworth, Osborn Anderson. Treasure
George B. Gill (search for this): chapter 2.35
The Convention assembled and went into balloting for the election of Treasurer and Secretary of Treasury. Owen Brown was elected to the former office, and George B. Gill to the latter. The following resolution was then introduced by Mr. Brown, and unanimously passed. Resolved, That John Brown, J. H. Kagi, Richard Realf. embers of the Convention, written by each person. Wm. Charles Monroe, President of the Convention; G. J. Reynolds, J. C. Grant, A. H. Smith, James M. Jones, Geo. B. Gill, M. F. Bailey, Wm. Lambert, C. W. Moffitt, John J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue, W. H. Leeman, Alfred M. Ellsworth, John E. Cook, Stewart n-Chief-John Brown. Secretary of War--J. H. Kagi. Members of Congress-Alfred 31. Ellsworth, Osborn Anderson. Treasurer — Owen Brown. Secretary of Treasury--Geo. B. Gill. Secretary of State--Richard Realf. Promising that the plan of the Liberators was not extradition into the North, but emancipation in the South, - not to r
Robert Newman (search for this): chapter 2.35
Smith, James M. Jones, Geo. B. Gill, M. F. Bailey, Wm. Lambert, C. W. Moffitt, John J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue, W. H. Leeman, Alfred M. Ellsworth, John E. Cook, Stewart Taylor, James W. Puniell, Geo. Akin, Stephen Dettin, Thos. Hickerson, John Cannet, Robinson Alexander, Richard Realf, Thomas F. Cary, Richard Richardson, I. T. Parsons, Thos. M. Kinnard, J. H. Delany, Robert Vanranker, Thomas M. Stringer, Charles H. Tidd, John A. Thomas, C. Whipple, J. D. Shadd, Robert Newman, Owen Brown, John Brown, J. H. Harris, Charles Smith, Simon Fislin, Isaac Holley, James Smith. Signed, J. H. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention. Memorandum — offices filled. Commander-in-Chief-John Brown. Secretary of War--J. H. Kagi. Members of Congress-Alfred 31. Ellsworth, Osborn Anderson. Treasurer — Owen Brown. Secretary of Treasury--Geo. B. Gill. Secretary of State--Richard Realf. Promising that the plan of the Liberators was not extradition into the North, but ema
J. H. Delany (search for this): chapter 2.35
Mr. Brown, Mr. J. H. Kagi was elected Secretary. On motion of Mr. Delany, Mr.Brown then proceeded to state the object of the Convention atof action in execution of the project in view by the Convention. Mr. Delany and others spoke in favor of the project and plan, and both were h of secrecy be taken by each member of the Convention, whereupon Mr. Delany moved that the following parole of honor be taken by all members the same. Reynolds spoke in favor, and Brown, Monroe, Owen Brown, Delany, Realf, Kennard, and Page against striking out. The question was thdule, were then adopted in the same manner. It was then moved by Mr. Delany that the title and preamble stand as read. Carried. On motionted John Brown for Commander-in-Chief, who was, on the seconding of Delany, elected by acclamation. Mr. Realf nominated J. II. Kagi for Seas F. Cary, Richard Richardson, I. T. Parsons, Thos. M. Kinnard, J. H. Delany, Robert Vanranker, Thomas M. Stringer, Charles H. Tidd, John A.
James M. Bue (search for this): chapter 2.35
n all offices specially named in the Provisional Constitution, which may be vacant after the adjournment of the Convention. The Convention then adjourned sine die. Signed, J. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention Names of the members of the Convention, written by each person. Wm. Charles Monroe, President of the Convention; G. J. Reynolds, J. C. Grant, A. H. Smith, James M. Jones, Geo. B. Gill, M. F. Bailey, Wm. Lambert, C. W. Moffitt, John J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue, W. H. Leeman, Alfred M. Ellsworth, John E. Cook, Stewart Taylor, James W. Puniell, Geo. Akin, Stephen Dettin, Thos. Hickerson, John Cannet, Robinson Alexander, Richard Realf, Thomas F. Cary, Richard Richardson, I. T. Parsons, Thos. M. Kinnard, J. H. Delany, Robert Vanranker, Thomas M. Stringer, Charles H. Tidd, John A. Thomas, C. Whipple, J. D. Shadd, Robert Newman, Owen Brown, John Brown, J. H. Harris, Charles Smith, Simon Fislin, Isaac Holley, James Smith. Signed, J. H. Kagi, Secre
Stewart Taylor (search for this): chapter 2.35
hich may be vacant after the adjournment of the Convention. The Convention then adjourned sine die. Signed, J. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention Names of the members of the Convention, written by each person. Wm. Charles Monroe, President of the Convention; G. J. Reynolds, J. C. Grant, A. H. Smith, James M. Jones, Geo. B. Gill, M. F. Bailey, Wm. Lambert, C. W. Moffitt, John J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue, W. H. Leeman, Alfred M. Ellsworth, John E. Cook, Stewart Taylor, James W. Puniell, Geo. Akin, Stephen Dettin, Thos. Hickerson, John Cannet, Robinson Alexander, Richard Realf, Thomas F. Cary, Richard Richardson, I. T. Parsons, Thos. M. Kinnard, J. H. Delany, Robert Vanranker, Thomas M. Stringer, Charles H. Tidd, John A. Thomas, C. Whipple, J. D. Shadd, Robert Newman, Owen Brown, John Brown, J. H. Harris, Charles Smith, Simon Fislin, Isaac Holley, James Smith. Signed, J. H. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention. Memorandum — offices filled. Comma
G. J. Reynolds (search for this): chapter 2.35
r. Whipple, it was ordered that it be now read by articles for consideration. The articles from 1 to 45 were then read and adopted. On reading of the 46th, Mr. Reynolds moved to strike out the same. Reynolds spoke in favor, and Brown, Monroe, Owen Brown, Delany, Realf, Kennard, and Page against striking out. The question was Reynolds spoke in favor, and Brown, Monroe, Owen Brown, Delany, Realf, Kennard, and Page against striking out. The question was then taken and lost, there being but one vote in the affirmative. The article was then adopted. The 47th and 48th articles, with the schedule, were then adopted in the same manner. It was then moved by Mr. Delany that the title and preamble stand as read. Carried. On motion of Mr. Kagi, the Constitution, as a whole, was the J. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention Names of the members of the Convention, written by each person. Wm. Charles Monroe, President of the Convention; G. J. Reynolds, J. C. Grant, A. H. Smith, James M. Jones, Geo. B. Gill, M. F. Bailey, Wm. Lambert, C. W. Moffitt, John J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue,
t then proceeded to administer the obligation, after which the question was taken on reading of the plan proposed by Mr. Brown, and the same carried. The plan was then read by the Secretary, after which, on motion of Mr. Whipple, it was ordered that it be now read by articles for consideration. The articles from 1 to 45 were then read and adopted. On reading of the 46th, Mr. Reynolds moved to strike out the same. Reynolds spoke in favor, and Brown, Monroe, Owen Brown, Delany, Realf, Kennard, and Page against striking out. The question was then taken and lost, there being but one vote in the affirmative. The article was then adopted. The 47th and 48th articles, with the schedule, were then adopted in the same manner. It was then moved by Mr. Delany that the title and preamble stand as read. Carried. On motion of Mr. Kagi, the Constitution, as a whole, was then unanimously adopted. Mr. Whipple nominated John Brown for Commander-in-Chief, who was, on the seconding of De
Isaac Holley (search for this): chapter 2.35
ohn J Jackson, J. Anderson, Alfred Whipple, James M. Bue, W. H. Leeman, Alfred M. Ellsworth, John E. Cook, Stewart Taylor, James W. Puniell, Geo. Akin, Stephen Dettin, Thos. Hickerson, John Cannet, Robinson Alexander, Richard Realf, Thomas F. Cary, Richard Richardson, I. T. Parsons, Thos. M. Kinnard, J. H. Delany, Robert Vanranker, Thomas M. Stringer, Charles H. Tidd, John A. Thomas, C. Whipple, J. D. Shadd, Robert Newman, Owen Brown, John Brown, J. H. Harris, Charles Smith, Simon Fislin, Isaac Holley, James Smith. Signed, J. H. Kagi, Secretary of the Convention. Memorandum — offices filled. Commander-in-Chief-John Brown. Secretary of War--J. H. Kagi. Members of Congress-Alfred 31. Ellsworth, Osborn Anderson. Treasurer — Owen Brown. Secretary of Treasury--Geo. B. Gill. Secretary of State--Richard Realf. Promising that the plan of the Liberators was not extradition into the North, but emancipation in the South, - not to run off negroes to Canada, but to free them in Vi
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