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U. S. Grant 2,686 0 Browse Search
William T. Sherman 907 5 Browse Search
John A. McClernand 543 7 Browse Search
Henry W. Halleck 511 7 Browse Search
James B. McPherson 400 2 Browse Search
Pemberton 351 3 Browse Search
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Braxton Bragg 251 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. Search the whole document.

Found 989 total hits in 161 results.

... 12 13 14 15 16 17
January 13th (search for this): chapter 14
division, of Hurlbut's command, was posted west of Decatur and along the line of the Nashville and Decatur road. Sherman in person started for his new campaign. Howard's corps and Davis's division having been returned to the Army of the Cumberland, the Eleventh and Twelfth corps were ordered to guard the railroad from Nashville to Chattanooga; the Fourteenth corps was left at Chattanooga; and Granger's force remained all winter, stretched out between Cleveland and Knoxville. On the 13th of January, Grant returned from his tour to Knoxville, by way of Cumberland gap and Lexington, to Nashville, where his headquarters were now established. On the 15th, he said to Halleck: Sherman has gone down the Mississippi to collect, at Vicksburg, all the force that can be spared for a separate movement from the Mississippi. He will probably have ready, by the 24th of this month, a force of twenty thousand men. . . . . I shall direct Sherman, therefore, to move out to Meridian, with his spare
... 12 13 14 15 16 17