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Idaho (Idaho, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
, VII, 102, 104, 105; X., 197. Thomas, S., X., 307. Thomas, Mr. at Cairo post-office, I., 179. Thomas at Chickamauga, Kate B. Sherwood, IX., 98. Thomas Freeborn,, U. S. S. (see also Freeborn,, U. S. S.), VI., 96. Thompson, C. R., X., 19. Thompson, D. L., II, 67. Thompson, E., VI., 218. Thompson, H.: VII, 9,18,24, 54,98, 124, 138, 156 seq., 188, 328 seq. Thompson, J., VIII., 294, 300. Thompson, J. L., X. 219. Thompson, J. M., Id., 53, 54. Thompson, J. R.: Music in Camp, IX., 26, 86, 193, 194, 197. Thompson, M. J., VII., 21. Thompson, T. H., VII, 63. Thompson, W. H.: High Tide at Gettysburg, IX., 22, 214, 215, 219. Thompson Station, Tenn., II., 330. Thornburg, Va. (see also Matapony, Va.): II., 320. Thorne, U. S. S., VI, 322. Thornton, G. B., VI., 246. Thornton Gap, Va., I., 28. Thornton's House, Bull Run, Va. , L, 155. Thoroughfare Gap, Va., II, 39, 44,
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
.: III., 156, 158; and staff, III, 167 seq., 322, 324, 328, 330, 332, 338.; IV., 41, 128, 203, 245, 247, 251 seq.; X., 95, 238. Torpedoes: removing powder from Confederate, V., 185, 294; introduced in Civil War, VI., 98, 266, 267; use against ironclads, VI., 143; vessels sunk by, VI, 147, 236, 252, 260, 276; Confederate, in Mobile Bay, VI., 193, 247, 250, 251, 260; Federal use of, VI., 240, 276; Confederate, in Ossoban Sound, VI., 241; first victim of, VI., 266; Confederate, in Charleston Harbor, VI, 274, 276; protection against, VI, 319. Torrence, E., X., 296. Totopotomoy, Va., III., 78. Totopotomoy Creek, Va., III., 322. Totten's battery, Union, I., 350. Toucey, I., VI., 50. Tournament, the, Sidney Lanier, IX., 25, 30, 284, 285. Tours, the battle of, I., 30. Town Creek, N. C., III., 342. Townsend, J. H., I., 241; VI, 83. Townsend, Mary Ix., 276. Toy, C. H., VIII., 110, 115. Trabui, G. W., V., 65. Tracy,
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
C. H.: quoted, VII, 292. Tebault, H., VII., 249. Tecumseh, Chief Iv., 22. Tecumseh,, U. S. S.: VI., 131, 252, 322; IX., 107. Teel's battery, Confederate, I, 358, 360. Telegraph Road, Va.: II., 81; III., 71; V., 260. Telegraph Service, (see also U. S. Military Telegraph Service): during the war, V., 290 seq.; operators, V., 290; service in the field, VIII., 322; for the armies, VIII., 341 seq.; casualties among operators, VIII., 342, 343, 360; tent at Yorktown, Va., VIII., 343; tents or stations used, VIII., 343, 345, 351; non-military status of operators, VIII., 344, 354, 364; operators after Gettysburg battle, VIII., 345; office at War Department, VIII., 346; censorship, VIII., 346; bombproof before Sumter, VIII., 347; stringing wires in the field, VIII., 349; despatch in cipher, VIII., 350; service usefulness, instances of, VIII., 351,353,356, 357,368; military use of, first adopted, VIII., 352, 355; cipher messages intercepted and translated by
Raymond (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
8; VI., 316; U. S. regulars in, VIII., 70; troops of, in the Army of Northern Virginia, VIII., 129. Texas troops, Confederate: Cavalry: Second, L, 358, 360, Third, I., 358; II, 350; Fourth, I., 358, 360; Fifth, I., 358, 360; Sixth, L, 358; Seventh, I., 358, 360; Ninth, II, 350; Eleventh, I., 358. Infantry: First, losses at Antietam, Md., Confederate, X., 158; Third (dismounted cavalry), X., 156; Fourth, I.,328,342; losses at Antietam, Md., X., 158; Fifth, X., 156; Seventh, losses at Raymond, Miss., X., 158. Texas troops: Union: Cavalry: Second, III., 346. Thatcher, H. K., V., 120, 260, 276, 322. Thayer, J. M., X., 221. The Aged Stranger, F. Bret Harte, IX., 35, 182. The Alabama, E. King and F. W. Rasier, IX., 345. The battle Cry of Freedom, G. F. Root, IX., 342. The bivouac in the Snow, M. J. Preston, IX., 132. The blue and the gray, F. M. Finch, IX., 28, 270. The Bonny blue flag, H. Macarthy, IX., 343. The campaign of Chancellorsv
Bonny (Rivers, Nigeria) (search for this): chapter 20
s at Antietam, Md., X., 158; Fifth, X., 156; Seventh, losses at Raymond, Miss., X., 158. Texas troops: Union: Cavalry: Second, III., 346. Thatcher, H. K., V., 120, 260, 276, 322. Thayer, J. M., X., 221. The Aged Stranger, F. Bret Harte, IX., 35, 182. The Alabama, E. King and F. W. Rasier, IX., 345. The battle Cry of Freedom, G. F. Root, IX., 342. The bivouac in the Snow, M. J. Preston, IX., 132. The blue and the gray, F. M. Finch, IX., 28, 270. The Bonny blue flag, H. Macarthy, IX., 343. The campaign of Chancellorsville, John Bigelow, quoted, II., 106. The Conquered Banner, A. J. Ryan, IX., 238. The daughter of the regiment (Fifth Rhode Island Regiment), Clinton Scollard, IX., 68. The Dying Words of Stonewall Jackson, Sidney Lanier, IX., 90. The eulogy of Sumner, L. Q. C. Lamar, IX., 292. The Faded Coat of blue, J. H. McNaughton, IX., 349. The Fancy shot (See Civil War poem), IX., 202. The Femi
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
301, 328, 330, 344, 346; II. 101, 106; headquarters at Ringgold, Ga., III., 107, 108; headquarters at Marietta, Ga., III., 119, 130, 132, 218, 220, 228, 248, 249, 251, 252, 259, 263 seq., 264, 269, 270, 318, 320, 322, 326; IV., 136, 155, 256, 314; V., 48, 50, 69, 208, 216, 251, 254; VII, 37, 214, 233; VIII., 192, 196, 207, 210, 238, 252, 358; IX., 98, 99, 101, 103, 115, 266; X., 19, 122, 171, 172. Thomas, L., VII, 102, 104, 105; X., 197. Thomas, S., X., 307. Thomas, Mr. at Cairo post-office, I., 179. Thomas at Chickamauga, Kate B. Sherwood, IX., 98. Thomas Freeborn,, U. S. S. (see also Freeborn,, U. S. S.), VI., 96. Thompson, C. R., X., 19. Thompson, D. L., II, 67. Thompson, E., VI., 218. Thompson, H.: VII, 9,18,24, 54,98, 124, 138, 156 seq., 188, 328 seq. Thompson, J., VIII., 294, 300. Thompson, J. L., X. 219. Thompson, J. M., Id., 53, 54. Thompson, J. R.: Music in Camp, IX., 26, 86, 193, 194, 197. Thomps
Totten (North Dakota, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
om Confederate, V., 185, 294; introduced in Civil War, VI., 98, 266, 267; use against ironclads, VI., 143; vessels sunk by, VI, 147, 236, 252, 260, 276; Confederate, in Mobile Bay, VI., 193, 247, 250, 251, 260; Federal use of, VI., 240, 276; Confederate, in Ossoban Sound, VI., 241; first victim of, VI., 266; Confederate, in Charleston Harbor, VI, 274, 276; protection against, VI, 319. Torrence, E., X., 296. Totopotomoy, Va., III., 78. Totopotomoy Creek, Va., III., 322. Totten's battery, Union, I., 350. Toucey, I., VI., 50. Tournament, the, Sidney Lanier, IX., 25, 30, 284, 285. Tours, the battle of, I., 30. Town Creek, N. C., III., 342. Townsend, J. H., I., 241; VI, 83. Townsend, Mary Ix., 276. Toy, C. H., VIII., 110, 115. Trabui, G. W., V., 65. Tracy, B. F., VII, 65. Tracy, E. D., X., 151. Tracy, W. G., II., 334. Tramp Tramp Tramp, IX., 235. Trans-Mississippi Army, X., 274. Transport w
Tazewell, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
, 327. Taylor, R.: L, 74; II, 331, 332, 336, 340, 342, 350, 352; III., 318, 346; IV., 102, 227; VII., 50, 242, 349; IX., 246, 247, 285; X., 249, 274. Taylor, R. S., IX., 350. Taylor, S. W., X., 161. Taylor, T. H., X., 267. Taylor, W., X., 63, 67. Taylor, W. H. H., I., 248. Taylor, Z.: I, 174, 196; IX., 285. Taylor (a planter), III., 176. Taylor bridge, Va.: redoubt at, III, 69, 71, 74, 76, 77, 322. Taylor Ridge, Ga., II, 346. Tazewell, Tenn., II, 348. Teague, G. H., VIII., 135. Teaser,, C. S. S.: VI., 146, 162, 314; 32-pounder of, VI., 77; after capture, VI., 79. Teaser,, U. S. S., VI, 77. Tebault, C. H.: quoted, VII, 292. Tebault, H., VII., 249. Tecumseh, Chief Iv., 22. Tecumseh,, U. S. S.: VI., 131, 252, 322; IX., 107. Teel's battery, Confederate, I, 358, 360. Telegraph Road, Va.: II., 81; III., 71; V., 260. Telegraph Service, (see also U. S. Military Telegraph
Tranter's Creek (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
ded: means employed for, VII, 302; of Federal sick and wounded: VII., 302-316; over long distances, means not provided for, VII., 304; important letter showing inadequacy of, VII, 304, 306; of wounded after August 2, 1862, great improvement in, VII., 306, 308; act of Congress, 1864, in regard to ambulance service for, VII., 310. Transports: U. S. army, I., 203; on the Mississippi, II., 182; ocean liners used as, VIII., 39, 45; steamers, VIII., 43; on the Tennessee, VIII., 45. Tranter's Creek, N. C., I., 366. Trapier, J. H., X., 283. Traveller: Lee's horse, IV., 298; described by Gen. Lee, IX., 120, 121. Travers, T. B., VII, 123. Traverses: at Fort Fisher, N. C., VI, 255. Trawick, W. B., VII, 147. Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond, Va. (see also all under Richmond, Va.): V., 191, 307, 317; VI, 76; ruins of, VIII., 133. Trenchard, S. D., VI., 113. Trent, W. P.: IX., 7, 11 seq.; quoted, IX., 38; X., 7, 28, 52, 74. Trent, H. M. S.:
Tompkinsville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 20
. Foster, IX., 347. To the South, J. M. Thompson, IX., 52. Tobacco-factories: use of, for prisons in Richmond, VII, 38. Tobey, E. S., VII., 17. Todd, C. Q., VII, 272. Todd, J. B. S., X., 197. Todds Tavern, Va.: III., 54, 320; IV., 41. Tombs, C. S., VI., 267. Tomlinson, J. A., VII, 21. Tompkins, C. H.: V., 49; VII, 209; X., 225. Tompkins, L., I., 353. Tompkins, Sally L.: established hospital in Richmond, Va. , VII. 290. Tompkinsville, Ky., I., 368. Tom's Brook, Va., III., 160; IV., 251. Tom's Brook crossing, Va., IV., 250. Tools: used by prisoners in effecting escapes from prisons, VII., 142, 144. Toombs, R.: II., 71; most notable single event in the life of, II., 74 seq., 324; V., 64; X., 263. Toon, T. F., X., 281. Torbert, A. T. A.: III., 156, 158; and staff, III, 167 seq., 322, 324, 328, 330, 332, 338.; IV., 41, 128, 203, 245, 247, 251 seq.; X., 95, 238. Torpedoes: removing
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