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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 250 0 Browse Search
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these: The Massachusetts must suffer all the hazards and mischiefs of war, rather than admit the alteration of their charter and laws by parliament. They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. The minister was disheartened; he stood almost alone, helpless for the want of a vigorous will, dreading the conflict with America, yet feebly and vainly resisting the impetuosity of his colleagues. Franklin was informed on the twentieth, that his principles and those of parliament were as yet too wide from each other for discussion; and on the same day, Lord North, armed with the king's consent in writing, proposed in the house of commons a plan of conciliation. Now, said Vergennes, as he heard of it, Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. now more than ever is the time for us to keep our eyes wide open. The proposal was formed on the principle, that parliament, if the colonies would tax themselves to its satisfaction, would impos
February, 1775 AD (search for this): chapter 23
Chapter 22: Has New England a right in the Newfoundland fisheries? February, 1775. on the tenth of February, after the speaker reported Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. to the house of commons the answer to their address, Lord North presented a message from the king, asking the required augmentation to his forces. The minister, who still clung to the hope of reducing Massachusetts by the terrors of legislation, next proposed to restrain the commerce of New England and exclude its fishermen from the Banks of Newfoundland. The best shipbuilders in the world were at Boston, and their yards had been closed; the New England fishermen were now to be restrained from a toil in which they excelled the world. Thus the joint right to the fisheries was made a part of the great American struggle. God and nature, said Johnston, have given that fishery to New England and not to Old. Dunning defended the right of the Americans to fish on the Banks. If rebellion is resistance to government
after the speaker reported Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. to the house of commons the answer to their addpeople, taxed without their Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. consent, and their petitions against such taxats in the process of change. Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. The destruction of the tea at Boston had been c to the India company, pro- Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. vided the Massachusetts acts should be repealedrgennes, as he heard of it, Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. now more than ever is the time for us to keep oadverse ministry. Chatham, Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. wrote the French minister, can say like Scander died there in the cause of Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. freedom; they have shown their gratitude to youical principles for the dar Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. ling object of effacing the shame of his birth,wn colonies. Of the French Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. government, preventive measures were requested re, to be borne with forti- Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. tude, and better times expected. Every negot
February 10th (search for this): chapter 23
Chapter 22: Has New England a right in the Newfoundland fisheries? February, 1775. on the tenth of February, after the speaker reported Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. to the house of commons the answer to their address, Lord North presented a message from the king, asking the required augmentation to his forces. The minister, who still clung to the hope of reducing Massachusetts by the terrors of legislation, next proposed to restrain the commerce of New England and exclude its fishermen from the Banks of Newfoundland. The best shipbuilders in the world were at Boston, and their yards had been closed; the New England fishermen were now to be restrained from a toil in which they excelled the world. Thus the joint right to the fisheries was made a part of the great American struggle. God and nature, said Johnston, have given that fishery to New England and not to Old. Dunning defended the right of the Americans to fish on the Banks. If rebellion is resistance to governmen
February 18th (search for this): chapter 23
pted. No sooner was Franklin consulted, than he expressed his approbation of the proposed commission, and of Lord Howe as one of its members; and to smooth the way to conciliation, he offered at once the payment of an indemnity to the India company, pro- Chap. XXII.} 1775. Feb. vided the Massachusetts acts should be repealed. Without the entire repeal, said he, the language of the proposal is, try on your fetters first, and then if you don't like them, we will consider. On the eighteenth of February, Franklin, by appointment, once more saw Lord Howe. Consent, said he, to accompany me, and co-operate with me in the great work of reconciliation: and he coupled his request with a promise of ample appointments and subsequent rewards. Accepting favors, said the American, would destroy the influence you propose to use; but let me see the propositions, and if I approve of them, I will hold myself ready to accompany you at an hour's warning. His opinions, which he had purposely reduce
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