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ision upon Pennsylvania is the most complete that has yet been given. He wished to come on in the stage coming to Frederick from Hagerstown, but on his stating that he was going home to Delaware, they refused to let him pass out of their lines, fearing he might give information to the Unionists of their movements. He managed to get through by the underground railroad, without giving any pledge, and I have thus been enabled to get the benefit of his observations. On Tuesday he saw General Rodes's division, of Ewell's corps, commence its march to Chambersburg, by way of the turnpike from Hagerstown. They had ten pieces of artillery in this division, and the force consisted of cavalry, infantry and artillery. He estimates the number of this force at about 10,000, with along wagon train. The principal part of the force was infantry. Another division arrived at Shepherdstown, Sunday evening, and marched to Boonsboro', where it encamped on Monday evening, about three miles o
Additional from the North. The Baltimore American of the evening of the 25th, is received, and contains some intelligence of interest. The following is the latest telegram from Harrisburg: Harrisburg, June 25, 12.30 A. M.--At ten minutes past ten o'clock last night a rebel operator attached his instruments to the wires at McConnellsburg, and opened communication with Pittsburg. He told a long story about Jenkins, and what he intended doing. No reliance is placed in the statement. It is reported and believed that Milroy has been relieved of his command. It is known here to a certainty that twenty regiments of rebel infantry passed through Chambersburg to-day. They were moving in this direction, and undoubtedly consisted of Ewell's corps (late Stonewall Jackson's) A dispatch from Cape Cod, dated the 25th, gives the following exploit of the little Confederate privateer Tacony: Hynum's Cape Cod, June 25.--A Welfleet schooner arrived here last night, b
e are now about 250 rebel prisoners at headquarters, including ten officers, the captives mainly of the cavalry fights of the last few days. They are from the various brigades of Stuart's force, who is getting all he wants to attend to at the hands of Pleasanton's active troopers. One of the officers is a Lieutenant Colonel of a North Carolina regiment of mounted riflemen, and he tells a very interesting account of his capture, which was made by Capt. Brown; of the 1st Mains cavalry, on the 19th. The mounted riflemen of the enemy's force do not appear to have had very good luck. In the fights of the 12th, a detachment of eighty were sent out as sharpshooters, and they were nearly all captured. They inflict severe losses, however, upon us, by picking off officers. The loss in Col. Duffle's obstinate fight with overwhelming numbers at Middleburg, will probably not exceed one hundred. Major Farrington is probably killed, or wounded, as he was not taken prisoner. Capt.
ican of the evening of the 25th, is received, and contains some intelligence of interest. The following is the latest telegram from Harrisburg: Harrisburg, June 25, 12.30 A. M.--At ten minutes past ten o'clock last night a rebel operator attached his instruments to the wires at McConnellsburg, and opened communication with Ptonewall Jackson's) A dispatch from Cape Cod, dated the 25th, gives the following exploit of the little Confederate privateer Tacony: Hynum's Cape Cod, June 25.--A Welfleet schooner arrived here last night, bringing the crews of the fishing schooners Marengo, Elizabeth Ann, Rufus Choate, and Ripple, all burned by the pirton, Halleck, or anybody aside from the President. Federal raid in East Tennessee--immense destruction of railroad bridges and other property Cincinnati, June 25th. --The following dispatch has been received by Gen. Burnside from the expedition sent into East Tennessee: Boston, Tenn.,June 23.--I arrived here with
ate privateer Tacony: Hynum's Cape Cod, June 25.--A Welfleet schooner arrived here last night, bringing the crews of the fishing schooners Marengo, Elizabeth Ann, Rufus Choate, and Ripple, all burned by the pirate Tacony. They report that on Sunday last the Tacony burnt the Byzantine, from London for New York, and the bark Godspeed, from Londonderry for New York. The crews were all sen, New York in the schooner Florence. The Tacony has burned seventeen vessels since the 12th inst. Army of the Potomac situation of Affairs on Sunday week — supposed position of the rebel army &c The correspondent of the New York Times, writing from the Army of the Potomac, June 21, says: The situation is not materially changed since my last. Stuart's cavalry still range through the lower part of Loudoun Valley, and hover about our forces in the vicinity of Aldie and Thoroughfare Gap. No additional information concerning the position of Lee's main body has been received.
all burned by the pirate Tacony. They report that on Sunday last the Tacony burnt the Byzantine, from London for New York, and the bark Godspeed, from Londonderry for New York. The crews were all sen, New York in the schooner Florence. The Tacony has burned seventeen vessels since the 12th inst. Army of the Potomac situation of Affairs on Sunday week — supposed position of the rebel army &c The correspondent of the New York Times, writing from the Army of the Potomac, June 21, says: The situation is not materially changed since my last. Stuart's cavalry still range through the lower part of Loudoun Valley, and hover about our forces in the vicinity of Aldie and Thoroughfare Gap. No additional information concerning the position of Lee's main body has been received. Several circumstances combine to render the obtaining of information more than usually difficult. One is, the constant change of position by the enemy, and another is the strict instr
reof he speaks, declares as his opinion that McClellan will receive his orders during the present week, and will accept the same only on condition that no interference shall take place by Stanton, Halleck, or anybody aside from the President. Federal raid in East Tennessee--immense destruction of railroad bridges and other property Cincinnati, June 25th. --The following dispatch has been received by Gen. Burnside from the expedition sent into East Tennessee: Boston, Tenn.,June 23.--I arrived here with my command this morning. I struck the railroad of the enemy at Lenoir, and destroyed the track up to Knoxville, made a demonstration against Knoxville so as to have the troops drawn from above; destroyed the track and started for Strawberry Plains; burnt the State Creek Bridge, 1,600 feet long, and Massey Creek Bridge, 325 feet long. I captured three pieces of artillery, 200 boxes of artillery ammunition, over 500 prisoners, and 1,000 stand of arms. Also destroyed a
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