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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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March 20th (search for this): article 8
educing the tobacco duties had passed through the committee. On the 20th Seymour Fitzgerald gave notice that he would, on the 23d, ask whether the Government had accepted, or intended to accept, the proposal of President Lincoln as to a communication between England and the United States to inquire into any just complaints of a violation of neutral rights. Poland. The following are the latest advices from Poland, indicating a severe reverse to the revolutionists: Cracow, March 20.--The insurgents are rallying at Vizdize, commanded by Semesorski. Pano,March 21.--Dispatches receive at the Russian Embassy confirm the defeat of Langlewhiz who has been conveyed to Varnover. The insurgents lost 400 killed and 54 were taken prisoners. A telegram from Lemberg also confirms the above. The latest. The latest telegrams from Cracow say that a report is current that General Langlewhiz has been put to flight and his forces dispersed; that he was at Opolowicz, and s
April 24th (search for this): article 8
London Times' city article says "very little political feeling is manifested in the business and it deems evident, as far as London is concerned, that it is in viewing it as a cotton speculation, that any attraction it possesses is to be found. In other respects there can be no doubt that a majority of the merchants and capitalise's would have wished that it had not been introduced, as the affair will not be officially recognized on Change. The dealers agreed among themselves to fix the 24th April as the setting day. The London Star cannot believe that bona fide investors will be found to take the loan, even at par,, with out better security than that offered by the hypothecation of cotton which it may never be in the power of Jeff Davis a do to deliver. The London Newseditorially denounces the loan, and says in it's flagrant indecency and immorality, that wid strike and scandalize most Englishmen who care for the reputation of their country.--Those who subscribe to the lo
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