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H that I should state that I never had cause to complain of it after the Cold Harbor fight. In all the battles from that time to the close of the war, it behaved most gallantlly, and always in a manner to reflect credit both upon itself and the brigade to which it belonged. James H. Lane. Extracts from General A. P. Hill's report. General Branch having come up, was ordered forward as a support to the brigades already engaged, and Johnston's battery took position near McIntosh and Braxton. Arriving at the creek, upon which Gaines' mill is located, half mile from Cold Harbor, the enemy was discovered upon the opposite bank. Gregg's brigade was at once thrown in line of battle, and the skirmishers directed to effect a lodgment. * * * * Branch was ordered up and formed on Gregg's right. Pender having cleared my right flank, to which service he had been assigned, Archer was sent to relieve him, thus putting him (Archer) on my extreme right. Anderson was formed on Branch'
W. D. Pender (search for this): chapter 3.20
egg's brigade was at once thrown in line of battle, and the skirmishers directed to effect a lodgment. * * * * Branch was ordered up and formed on Gregg's right. Pender having cleared my right flank, to which service he had been assigned, Archer was sent to relieve him, thus putting him (Archer) on my extreme right. Anderson wasame engaged. The incessant roar of musketry and deep thunder of artillery told that the whole force of the enemy were in my front. Branch becoming hard pressed, Pender was sent to his relief. * * * * * * * Gregg and Branch fought with varying success-Gregg having before him the vaunted Zouaves and Sykes' regulars. Pender's brigPender's brigade was suffering heavily, but stubbornly held its own. Field and Archer met a withering storm of bullets, but pressed on to within a short distance of the enemy's works, but the storm was too fierce for such a handful of men. They recoiled, and were again pressed to the charge, but with no better success. These brave men had don
P. M. Gregg (search for this): chapter 3.20
' mill is located, half mile from Cold Harbor, the enemy was discovered upon the opposite bank. Gregg's brigade was at once thrown in line of battle, and the skirmishers directed to effect a lodgment. * * * * Branch was ordered up and formed on Gregg's right. Pender having cleared my right flank, to which service he had been assigned, Archer was sent to relieve him, thus putting him (Archer) o Archer. Crenshaw and Johnston were brought into battery on the left of the road and in rear of Gregg's line. I had delayed the attack until I could hear from General Longstreet, and this now occurring, the order was given. This was about half-past 2 P. M. Gregg, then Branch, and then Anderson, successively became engaged. The incessant roar of musketry and deep thunder of artillery told thamy were in my front. Branch becoming hard pressed, Pender was sent to his relief. * * * * * * * Gregg and Branch fought with varying success-Gregg having before him the vaunted Zouaves and Sykes' re
John Sedgwick (search for this): chapter 3.20
. After an uninterrupted fire of four hours--which has not been exceeded by any you have since heard (except for one hour at Gaines' mill), and after you had inflicted on the enemy a loss of not less than half of your own numbers in killed and wounded — you made good your retreat out of a peninsula in which he had confidently boasted that he would capture you as he would chickens in a coop. At Slash church, you encountered the division of General Porter and a part of the division of General Sedgwick, numbering at least 20,000, including 5,000 United States regulars. You, with the two other regiments temporarily acting with you, numbered about 4,000, repulsed the enemy's attack, and boldly advancing, attacked him with such vigor that after six hours combat, you withdrew in perfect order to prevent being surrounded in the night — the enemy not daring to follow you beyond the field of battle. Your commander might have justified himself in retiring before such superior forces bot
George B. Anderson (search for this): chapter 3.20
exposed to a front and right enfilade infantry fire, and bravely remained there until General George B. Anderson's brigade debouched from the woods to our left and charged across the field. I ordereforming on its right, assisted them in clearing the field of the enemy. At the advice of General Anderson, my men being now very much fatigued, I remained with a portion of his brigade in a somewha been assigned, Archer was sent to relieve him, thus putting him (Archer) on my extreme right. Anderson was formed on Branch's right, and Field on his right, and connecting with Archer. Crenshaw and occurring, the order was given. This was about half-past 2 P. M. Gregg, then Branch, and then Anderson, successively became engaged. The incessant roar of musketry and deep thunder of artillery tol Finding that General Magruder needed assistance, I sent two brigades — Branch's and Thomas' (Anderson's). They were, however, not actively engaged. My division, however, was placed in line of batt
L. O'B. Branch (search for this): chapter 3.20
rs, Near Richmond, July 12, 1862. Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch, Commanding Fourth Brigade, Lightcts from General A. P. Hill's report. General Branch having come up, was ordered forward as a s) on my extreme right. Anderson was formed on Branch's right, and Field on his right, and connectin This was about half-past 2 P. M. Gregg, then Branch, and then Anderson, successively became engageas sent to his relief. * * * * * * * Gregg and Branch fought with varying success-Gregg having beforeavy, I was ordered forward with my division. Branch's brigade took the route, and with springing sruder needed assistance, I sent two brigades — Branch's and Thomas' (Anderson's). They were, however more disastrous to the enemy. * * * * General Branch's congratulatory address to his brigade. Gaines' Mill, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill. Branch's attillery (Captain Latham)--Newberne and Sla the brigade will furnish flags inscribed as above. L. O'B. Branch, Brigadier-General Commanding. [2 more...]
Grey Latham (search for this): chapter 3.20
illiant record for your brigade, you have been, as soldiers of freedom should always be, modest, uncomplaining, and regardful of what is due to others. Your ranks have been thinned by the casualties of war, but be not discouraged. In a few days they will be filled by recruits, and yours will be the proud task of teaching them to maintain the reputation you have achieved. The regiments of the brigade are respectively entitled to have inscribed on their flags as follows: The Seventh regiment--Newberne, Slash Church, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill. The same inscription is to be inscribed on the flags of the Twenty-eighth, Thirty-seventh and Thirty-third regiments. The Eighteenth regiment--Slash Church, Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill. Branch's attillery (Captain Latham)--Newberne and Slash church. The Quartermaster of the brigade will furnish flags inscribed as above. L. O'B. Branch, Brigadier-General Commanding.
J. J. Archer (search for this): chapter 3.20
was ordered up and formed on Gregg's right. Pender having cleared my right flank, to which service he had been assigned, Archer was sent to relieve him, thus putting him (Archer) on my extreme right. Anderson was formed on Branch's right, and FieldArcher) on my extreme right. Anderson was formed on Branch's right, and Field on his right, and connecting with Archer. Crenshaw and Johnston were brought into battery on the left of the road and in rear of Gregg's line. I had delayed the attack until I could hear from General Longstreet, and this now occurring, the order wArcher. Crenshaw and Johnston were brought into battery on the left of the road and in rear of Gregg's line. I had delayed the attack until I could hear from General Longstreet, and this now occurring, the order was given. This was about half-past 2 P. M. Gregg, then Branch, and then Anderson, successively became engaged. The incessant roar of musketry and deep thunder of artillery told that the whole force of the enemy were in my front. Branch becoming ha the vaunted Zouaves and Sykes' regulars. Pender's brigade was suffering heavily, but stubbornly held its own. Field and Archer met a withering storm of bullets, but pressed on to within a short distance of the enemy's works, but the storm was too f
it both upon itself and the brigade to which it belonged. James H. Lane. Extracts from General A. P. Hill's report. General Branch having come up, was ordered forward as a support to the brigowan. Extracts from General Lee's report. Pressing on towards the York River railroad, A. P. Hill, who was in advance, reached the vicinity of New Cold Harbor about 2 P. M., where he encounterd. * * * * The principal part of the Federal army was now on the north side of the Chickahominy. Hill's single division met this large force with the impetuous courage for which that officer and his rent that the enemy were gradually gaining ground. * * * * The arrival of fresh troops enabled A. P. Hill to withdraw some of his brigades, wearied and reduced by their long and arduous conflict. * * coming up and Jackson having been unable to force the passage of White Oak swamp, Longstreet and Hill were without the expected support. The superiority of numbers and advantage of position were on
eers, Near Richmond, July 12, 1862. Brigadier-General L. O'B. Branch, Commanding Fourth Brigade, Light Division: General — I have the honor to report that on Wednesday, the 25th of June, I left camp with my regiment, numbering four hundred and eighty, and with the balance of your brigade proceeded up the Telegraph road, crossed the Chickahominy on the morning of the 26th, and advanced towards the Meadow bridge. Two of my companies were ordered to Mrs. Crenshaw's bridge to apprise Lieutenant-Colonel Hoke, with a portion of his regiment which was doing picket duty on the south side of the Chickahominy, that the way was clear. We then continued our march towards Mechanicsville. The fight had commenced on our reaching this place, and we were ordered to support a battery which was firing from the works to the left of the road. I had one man wounded that evening. We slept upon the field, and were held as a support again next morning, when the artillery opened upon us and another on
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