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P. H. Sheridan (search for this): chapter 5
mouth of Cape Fear river orders to Butler and Weitzel orders to Sheridan movement of Meade against Hicksford situation at Nashville Thomhich should have followed a victory; and either Grant, Sherman, or Sheridan would undoubtedly have moved upon the enemy, disordered by defeat rative with Thomas's advance; and Sherman and Meade and Butler and Sheridan were all included in the scheme, in which the army in Tennessee bous forces in every field. On the 28th of November, he had said to Sheridan: My impression now is that you can spare the Sixth corps with impu the Shenandoah Valley. On the 4th of December, he telegraphed to Sheridan: Do you think it possible now to send cavalry through to the Virginging troops from the Shenandoah, and suggesting new operations to Sheridan; while planning a movement for the army of the Potomac, which mighurn to Meade. Upon the receipt of this news, Grant telegraphed to Sheridan: The inhabitants of Richmond are supplied exclusively over the roa
William T. Sherman (search for this): chapter 5
nnessee. Grant's first order to Thomas after Sherman moved was typical of his character and of wha disturb his plans. On the 16th of November, Sherman marched out of Atlanta, and the same day Beauved state that Forrest is expected in rear of Sherman, and that Breckenridge is already on the way lored brigade made up the 6,000. belonging to Sherman's column, left behind at Chattanooga, was rec sequence to the great campaigns of Grant and Sherman for Chattanooga and Atlanta. The national tr. The same day came a second despatch from Sherman, dated December 12, in which he said: I am. .the expectations or wishes of either Grant or Sherman, neither of whom considered the falling back follow him as far as possible. In fact, when Sherman and Thomas first discussed the campaign, and o make assurance doubly sure; Ibid. and when Sherman started for the coast, Thomas had in hand a fthor, April, 1879. He appeared relieved, when Sherman was appointed above him in May, 1864; and he [56 more...]
nearly 9,000 mounted men; besides these, there were two brigades of 1,500 dismounted men each. There is no return of Forrest's force other than that already given; but whatever its strength, it was all at Murfreesboroa, with the exception of Chalmer's command. There is hardly another instance in war of a general with a force so large as Thomas commanded, allowing himself to be beleaguered so long by an army of less than half his numbers. Hood seems to have had no designs, after once reawith boldness and inflicting serious injury; and it certainly hastened the flight of the rebel army: but this, too, could have been accomplished a fortnight earlier; for on the 17th, Forrest had not arrived from Murfreesboroa, and there was only Chalmer's cavalry to oppose, not two thousand strong. Three days were lost at Duck river, and that time was never made up again. There was nothing in what occurred to justify either the long delay, or the anxiety which the delay lad caused. The victo
each Spring Hill in advance of Schofield, they would be able either to cut off his retreat, or strike him in flank as he moved. Schofield at once sent Stanley with two divisions of infantry to occupy Spring Hill and cover the trains, directing Cox to hold the crossings at Columbia, while the remainder of the infantry was faced towards Hewey's Mills, where the rebel army was crossing. Wilson was cut off, and no communication could be had with the cavalry. Stanley reached Spring Hill just ied the enemy repeatedly, with heavy loss. At about three P. M. Schofield became convinced that Hood would make no attack at Columbia, but was pushing his principal columns direct upon Spring Hill. He thereupon gave orders for the withdrawal of Cox's force at dark, and pushed on himself with Ruger's troops to open communication with Stanley. The head of the main column followed close behind. Schofield struck the enemy's cavalry at dark, about three miles south of Spring Hill, brushing the
Beauregard (search for this): chapter 5
correct, as originally designed by General Hood.—Beauregard's Endorsement on Hood's Report, January 9, 1865. Sherman marched out of Atlanta, and the same day Beauregard telegraphed the news to Richmond: Sherman is abouilty, and attaches much blame to himself.—Hood to Beauregard, December 11. No reason, however, is given by s to withstand the advance of Sherman. Bragg and Beauregard were summoned, the one from the East, the other f if it was practicable to take the place.—Hood to Beauregard, January 9, 1865. On the morning of the 4th I ved by Hood, but approved by Jefferson Davis and Beauregard. The design avowedly was, either to force Shermahis army. His men never fought so well again. Beauregard censured Hood for his course at the beginning of g reinforced constantly by river and railroad. Beauregard's Endorsement on Hood's Report, January 9, 1865. Thomas to Sherman, on the 12th of November, that Beauregard can do us any harm now, and if he attempts to fol<
bout three P. M. Schofield became convinced that Hood would make no attack at Columbia, but was pushing his principal columns direct upon Spring Hill. He thereupon gave orders for the withdrawal of Cox's force at dark, and pushed on himself with Ruger's troops to open communication with Stanley. The head of the main column followed close behind. Schofield struck the enemy's cavalry at dark, about three miles south of Spring Hill, brushing them away without difficulty, and reaching Spring Hill at seven. Here he found Stanley still in possession, but the rebel army bivouacking within eight hundred yards of the road. Posting one brigade to hold the road, he pushed on with Ruger's division to Thompson's station, three miles beyond. At this point the camp fires of the rebel cavalry were still burning, but the enemy had disappeared, and the cross-roads were secured without difficulty. The withdrawal of the force at Columbia was now safely effected, and Spring Hill was passed withou
Andrew Johnson (search for this): chapter 5
he 17th, the pursuit was resumed. The Fourth corps pushed on by the direct Franklin road, and the cavalry moved by the Granny White, to its intersection with the Franklin turnpike, and then took the advance. Wilson now sent one division, under Johnson, to the right, on the Hillsboroa road, with directions to cross the Harpeth river and move rapidly to Franklin, in advance of the enemy. In the meantime, the main column came up with Hood's rear-guard, four miles north of Franklin, and pressed with great boldness and activity, repeatedly charging the infantry with the sabre, and several times quite penetrating the lines. The rebels now fell back across the Harpeth, and Johnson's division coming up on the southern side, compelled them to retire altogether from the river banks; the cavalry then took possession of Franklin, capturing two thousand wounded. On the night of the 17th, the rebels encamped at Spring Hill, and on the 18th, Hood continued his retreat across the Duck river, to
d men, This P. M. I gave the orders to General Steedman, who was at Gowan with 6,000 men [between a force of about five thousand, commanded by Steedman, which I had ordered up from Chattanooga. Thh arrived yesterday morning [December 1], and Steedman's troops arrived last night. I now have infa and made the first falling back inevitable. Steedman might have been recalled on the day that Hoodsand men under Smith, and five thousand under Steedman, as well as the black brigade from Chattanoog Twenty-third corps49410,033 Smith4838,284 Steedman1996,757 ———— 1,90040,452 Hood's return forat from the enemy. At the same time Wood and Steedman's troops, hearing the shouts of victory from it. I am really very hopeful that either General Steedman or Admiral Lee will reach the Tennessee iwith Lee and the national fleet on the right, Steedman on the left, and Wilson and Wood in his rear.rce superior by ten thousand to Hood's army. Steedman, and Granger, and Rousseau were all nearer to[9 more.
Richard Taylor (search for this): chapter 5
isorganized, shattered beyond recovery, was flying in dismay before its conquerors. Thomas had captured, in the same period, thirteen thousand one hundred and eighty-nine prisoners, and seventy-two pieces of serviceable artillery; two thousand deserters had also given themselves up, and taken the oath of allegiance to the government; and when Hood reached Northern Mississippi, a large proportion of his troops were furloughed, and went to their homes. In January he was superseded by General Richard Taylor, and what was left of the rebel army of Tennessee was shortly afterwards transferred to the Atlantic coast, to oppose the advance of Sherman. In all the region between the Mississippi river and Virginia, there was then no formidable organized force to oppose the national armies. Thomas's entire loss, during the campaign, did not exceed ten thousand men, in killed, wounded, and missing; and half of the wounded were speedily able to return to the ranks. The expedition into Tenness
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): chapter 5
write these words. He was fond of Thomas, personally. He remembered his worth, his services, his patriotism, as well as the devotion of the Western army to its chief. He knew also the extreme risk in changing commanders at such a crisis. As Lincoln said, with homely force, on another occasion, it was like swopping horses while crossing a stream. But he felt that unless an advance was promptly made in Tennessee, the peril to the entire West was instant and inevitable; and if Thomas refusedight miles. To this Grant replied at midnight: Your despatch of this evening just received. I congratulate you and the army under your command for to-day's operations, and feel a conviction that to-morrow will add more fruits to your victory. Lincoln and Stanton also sent messages of congratulation and encouragement. The President declared: You have made a magnificent beginning. A grand consummation is within your reach. He added: Do not let it slip. No further news from Tennessee arri
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