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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation.
Found 38,264 total hits in 5,973 results.
Volga (Russia) (search for this): narrative 101
Vologda (Russia) (search for this): narrative 101
Standish (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 101
Siberia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 101
Gravesend (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 101
The voyage, wherein Osep Napea the Moscovite Ambas- sadour returned home into his countrey, with his entertainement at his arrivall, at Colmogro: and a large description of the maners of the Countrey.
THE twelfth of Maye, in the yeare of our Lorde 1557
there departed from Gravesend
, foure good shippes well
appointed for Marchants, which were presently bound
into the Baye
of S. Nicholas in Russia
: with which
shippes was transported, or caried home, one Osep
Gregoriwich Napea, who was sent Messenger from the
Emperour and great Duke of Moscovia. The foure ships
were these, whose names follow, viz.
The Primerose Admirall.
The John Evangelist Viceadmirall.
The Anne and the Trinitie Attendants.
The 13 of July, the foresayd foure shippes came to an
anker in the Baye of S. Nicholas, befor an Abbey, called
the Abbey of S. Nicholas, whereas the sayde Messenger,
Osep Gregoriwich Napea went a shoare, and as many
English men as came to serve the Emperour remained
with hi
Moscow (Russia) (search for this): narrative 101
Russe (Bulgaria) (search for this): narrative 101
Sweden (Sweden) (search for this): narrative 101
Colmogro (Russia) (search for this): narrative 101
The voyage, wherein Osep Napea the Moscovite Ambas- sadour returned home into his countrey, with his entertainement at his arrivall, at Colmogro: and a large description of the maners of the Countrey.
THE twelfth of Maye, in the yeare of our Lorde 1557
there departed from Gravesend
, foure good shippes well
appointed for March er 1000 verstes, and every verste is about
three quarters of an English mile.
The 20 of July, we departed from S. Nicholas, and
the 24 of the same, we came to Colmogro, where we
remained eight daies: and the sayd Messenger was there
of all his acquaintance welcommed home, and had presents
innumerable sent unto him, but it was n oth fish and flesh, in the best
maner, that the rude people could devise: for among
them, these presents are highly esteemed.
The 29 of July, we departed from Colmogro, and the
14 of August we came to Ustiug, where we remained
one day, and changed our barkes or boates.
The 27 of August, we came to Vologhda, where we
Russia (Russia) (search for this): narrative 102