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Devil's Bridge (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
h Congress, first session, convenes......Dec. 3, 1883 President Arthur's third annual message......Dec. 4, 1883 New cantilever bridge opened over the gorge at Niagara Falls......Dec. 20, 1883 President, by proclamation, recommends observance by appropriate exercises of the 100th anniversary of the return by George Washington to the Continental Congress at Annapolis (Dec. 23, 1783) of his commission as commander-in-chief......Dec. 21, 1883 Steamship City of Columbus wrecked on Devil's Bridge, off Gay Head, Mass.; ninety-seven lives lost......Jan. 18, 1884 Wendell Phillips, born 1811, dies at Boston, Mass.......Feb. 2, 1884 Morrison tariff bill introduced in the House......Feb. 4, 1884 Arnold Henry Guyot, geographer, born 1807, dies at Princeton, N. J.......Feb. 8, 1884 Joint resolution for an expedition to the coast of Greenland to relieve the Greely Arctic expedition......Feb. 13, 1884 Floods in the Ohio Valley; the river rises 71 feet at Cincinnati......Feb.
e Great Spirit on the rocks; it develops into the ghost dances among the Sioux tribes the latter part of......October, 1890 Second session convenes......Dec. 1, 1890 President's message read......Dec. 1, 1890 David Kalakaua, King of the Sandwich Islands, lands at San Francisco, Cal.......Dec. 4, 1890 Tatonka Otanka, Sitting Bull, born in Dakota, 1837, who posed as leading apostle in the ghost dances, is arrested, and is killed during an attempt of Indians to rescue him, near Grand River, about 40 miles from Standing Rock agency, N. D.......Dec. 15, 1890 Maj.-Gen. Alfred H. Terry, born 1827, dies at New Haven, Conn.......Dec. 16, 1890 Secretary Blaine proposes to the British minister at Washington arbitration in the Bering Sea difficulty......Dec. 17, 1890 By proclamation the President appoints May 1, 1893, as the opening, and the last Thursday of October, 1893, as the closing day of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago......Dec. 24, 1890 Battle with Bi
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
plorer of the territory north of Mexico, now New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado......1540-42 Frobites......June 20, 1782 Elias Boudinot, of New Jersey, chosen president of the Continental Congres850 Territorial government established in New Mexico......Sept. 9, 1850 California admitted as one for W. H. Seward; William L. Dayton, of New Jersey, was nominated for Vice-President.] John for President, Gen. George B. McClellan, of New Jersey, has 174 votes (as revised and declared, 202-two States; McClellan and Pendleton, three (New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky); eleven not voting.is, for President, and Judge Joel Parker, of New Jersey, for Vice-President......Feb. 22, 1872 Narporate the Society of the Jesuit Fathers of New Mexico, passed by the legislative Assembly of New M Apache Indian outbreak under Geronimo in New Mexico and Arizona......May 17, 1885 F. T. Frel890......Jan. 11, 1892 Forest preserve in New Mexico set apart by proclamation of President......[17 more...]
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
ion of England to coerce the colonies, intercepted at Charleston, S. C......April 19, 1775 Second Continental Congress m France, as minister to the United States, arrives at Charleston, S. C.; warmly received......April 9, 1793 Eli Whitney ini-slavery documents taken from the mail and burned at Charleston, S. C.......August, 1835 Name Loco-focos first applied tod of the Massachusetts colored citizens imprisoned at Charleston, S. C., is expelled from Charleston by citizens......Dec. 5,sion assembles......Dec. 2, 1850 British consul at Charleston, S. C., in a communication to the governor, calls attention 6, 1859 United States steamship Niagara sails from Charleston, S. C., for Liberia, Africa, with the negroes taken from tmmand of the Confederate armies......Feb. 18, 1865 Charleston, S. C., evacuated and burned by General Hardee, Feb. 17, is fair), afterwards in the Confederate service, dies at Charleston, S. C.......Oct. 16, 1891 James Parton, author, born 1822
Wyoming (Wyoming, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
ton1845TumwaterAmericans188969,180 43Idaho1834Fort HallAmericans189084,800 44Wyoming1834Fort LaramieAmericans189097,890 45Utah1847Salt Lake CityAmericans189684,92ional cemetery at Antietam dedicated......Sept. 17, 1867 Gold discovered in Wyoming, and South Pass City established......October, 1867 Elias Howe, inventor, b National Colored Labor Convention meets in Washington......Dec. 10, 1869 Wyoming gives women the right to vote and hold office......Dec. 10, 1869 George Pean B. Fisk, born 1828, dies at New York City......July 9, 1890 Act admitting Wyoming as a State (the forty-fourth)......July 10, 1890 Act authorizing a bridge oibition of import of American pork......Sept. 8, 1891 Forest reservation in Wyoming, adjoining Yellowstone National Park, set apart by proclamation of President Hay 1 to July 31......Aug. 15, 1893 Legislatures of Montana, Washington, and Wyoming adjourning without electing Senators for six years, beginning March 4, 1893, t
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
of Kernstown, or Winchester, Va.; Brig.-Gen. James Shields defeats Stonewall Jackson......March 23, 1862 Siege of Yorktown, Va., commenced by General McClellan......April 5, 1862 Battle of Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.......April 6-7, 1862 Islaril 25, 1862 Gen. B. F. Butler occupies New Orleans with his troops......May 1, 1862 General Magruder evacuates Yorktown, Va.......May 4, 1862 Battle of Williamsburg, Va.......May 5, 1862 Gen. David Hunter proclaims emancipation of slave less to carry into effect its resolution of nearly 100 years previously (Oct. 29, 1781), to erect a marble column at Yorktown, Va., inscribed with a succinct narrative of the surrender of Earl Cornwalis to his Excellency General Washington, ......Jn of Senate convenes......Oct. 10, 1881 One hundredth aniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis celebrated at Yorktown, Va.......Oct. 19, 1881 Special session of Senate adjourns......Oct. 25, 1881 Secretary of Treasury Windom resigns..
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
Second session convenes......Nov. 16, 1818 Illinois admitted (the twenty-first State)......Dec. 3i, fifty-five; Ohio, thirteen; Missouri, two; Illinois, two; Arkansas, one; Red, one; and four otherm L. Marcy, New York, and Stephen A. Douglas, Illinois. On the thirty-fifth ballot the name of Frania)......Jan. 18, 1854 Senator Douglas, of Illinois, reports a bill creating two Territories, Kans......Dec. 7, 1857 Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Senate opposes forcing the Lecompton vote of 127 to 30 for Samuel S. Marshall, of Illinois. [The first session of the Fortieth Congre 1869, to March 3, 1873. Ulysses S. Grant, Illinois, President. Schuyler Colfax, Indiana, Vice Feb. 21, and nominates Judge David Davis, of Illinois, for President, and Judge Joel Parker, of Newan B. Eaton, of New York, John M. Gregory, of Illinois, and Leroy D. Thoman, of Ohio, were appointedray, of Indiana, and 25 for John C. Black, of Illinois......June 7, 1888 Department of Labor, in [23 more...]
Belfast (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
1875 Reverdy Johnson, born 1796, dies at Annapolis, Md.......Feb. 10, 1876 Congress appropriates $1,500,000 to complete Centennial buildings, etc., at Philadelphia......Feb. 16, 1876 W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War, resigns; the House, by resolution, impeaches him......March 2, 1876 Articles of impeachment presented in Senate......April 4, 1876 Charles A. Dana, appointed minister to Great Britain, rejected by the Senate......April 5, 1876 Alexander T. Stewart, born in Belfast, Ireland, 1803, dies at New York......April 10, 1876 Statue of Abraham Lincoln, from contributions of freedmen, unveiled in Lincoln Park, Washington......April 14, 1876 President Grant vetoes Senate bill to reduce his salary after March 4, 1877, from $50,000 to $25,000......April 19, 1876 Message from President Grant justifying his absence from the seat of government by precedents......May 4, 1876 Dom Pedro II., Emperor of Brazil, with the Empress Theresa, arrives in New York April 1
.March 28, 1893 Gen. Hiram Berdan, inventor of a longrange rifle, dies at Washington, D. C.......March 31, 1893 Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware, nominated ambassador to the Court of St. James (the first ambassador of the United States), March 30; he takes the oath of office......April 3, 1893 Arguments of English and American representatives begun before the court of arbitration in the Bering Sea dispute......April 4, 1893 Minister Hicks telegraphing that the consular agency at Mollendo, Peru, was attacked, March 25, and the agent shot, Secretary Gresham directs a protest and a demand for reparation......April 6, 1893 Chief of the diplomatic service to France, James B. Eustis, of Louisiana, raised to the rank of ambassador......April 8, 1893 Caravel Santa Maria, a reproduction of the flag-ship of Columbus, given to the United States by Spain, March 26, reaches Havana......April 9, 1893 Sir Julian Pauncefote received by the President as ambassador from Great Britain..
Cumberland Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america
laws passed (alien and sedition laws)......July 14, 1798 Second session adjourns......July 16, 1798 By treaty the Cherokees allow a free passage through their lands in Tennessee to all travellers on the road to Kentucky passing through Cumberland Gap......Oct. 2, 1798 Trial of Matthew Lyon, of Vermont, before Judge Patterson, under the sedition law......Oct. 7, 1798 Third session assembles at Philadelphia, Pa.......Dec. 3, 1798 United States frigate Constellation, Corn. Thomas Tsoners at Palmyra, Mo., shot by order of General McNiel......Oct. 18, 1862 General McClellan assumes the offensive, and crosses the Potomac from Maryland......Oct. 26, 1862 Rear of the Confederate army under General Bragg passes through Cumberland Gap on its retreat from Kentucky......Oct. 26, 1862 Death of Gen. O. M. Mitchel, U. S. A., at Beaufort, S. C., aged fifty-two......Oct. 30, 1862 Major-General Buell, commanding Army of the Ohio, superseded by Major-General Rosecrans......Oc
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