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St. Regis, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
Maguaga, 14 miles below Detroit......Aug. 9, 1812 Surrender of Fort Dearborn and massacre (Chicago)......Aug. 15, 1812 Surrender of Detroit by Gen. William Hull (Michigan))......Aug. 16, 1812 Frigate Constitution captures British frigate Guerriere ......Aug. 19, 1812 Defence of Fort Harrison, Indiana, Capt. Zachary Taylor commanding......Sept. 4, 1812 Battle of Queenston......Oct. 13, 1812 Sloop-of-war Wasp captures British sloop Frolic ......Oct. 18, 1812 Action at St. Regis, N. Y.......Oct. 23, 1812 Frigate United States captures British frigate Macedonian ......Oct. 25, 1812 Affair at Black Rock, N. Y.; attempted invasion of Canada by the Americans under Gen. Alexander Smyth......Nov. 28, 1812 Frigate Constitution captures British frigate Java off the coast of Brazil......Dec. 29, 1812 Schooner Patriot sails from Charleston, S. C., for New York......Dec. 30, 1812 [This vessel, having on board Theodosia, the wife of Governor Alston and only child o
Gulf (Texas, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
chemes for raising money were devised, but the prospect was particularly gloomy. The government was without money or credit; the regular military force was decreasing; the war party were at variance, Great Britain refusing to treat on admissible terms; a victorious British army threatening the Northern frontier; Cockburn in possession of Cumberland Island, off the coast of Georgia; the Southern States threatened with servile insurrection; a formidable British armament preparing to invade the Gulf region; and the peace faction doing all in their power to embarrass the government. It was at this juncture that the complaints of the Hartford convention (q. v.), and a commission from the legislature of Massachusetts appeared before the government. Fortunately, the news of the treaty of peace and the victory at New Orleans went over the country in February and saved the people from utter discouragement. The government took heart and authorized a loan of $18,400,000, the amount of treasur
Montreal (Canada) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
er. Armstrong was there to take personal charge of preparations for an attack upon Kingston or Montreal. Knowing the personal enmity between Wilkinson and Wade Hampton, Armstrong, accompanied by thee his place. After much discussion, it was determined to pass Kingston and make a descent upon Montreal. For weeks the bustle of preparation was great, and many armed boats and transports had beenth of the army, the question Shall the army proceed with all possible rapidity to the attack of Montreal? was considered, and was answered in the affirmative. General Brown at once crossed the riverpetent Wilkinson, and it was determined, at a council of war, to abandon the expedition against Montreal. The troops went into winter quarters at French Mills (afterwards Covington), on the Salmon Ri Action at Chrysler's Field, on the northern shore of the St. Lawrence, about 90 miles above Montreal......Nov. 11, 1813 Jackson's campaign against the Creek Indians......November, 1813 Gen.
Milford (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
ry on Lake Erie......Sept. 10, 1813 Detroit, Mich., reoccupied by the United States forces......Sept. 28, 1813 Battle of the Thames, Upper Canada; Harrison defeats Proctor; death of Tecumseh......Oct. 5, 1813 Action at Chrysler's Field, on the northern shore of the St. Lawrence, about 90 miles above Montreal......Nov. 11, 1813 Jackson's campaign against the Creek Indians......November, 1813 Gen. George McClure, commanding a Brigade on the Niagara frontier, burns the village of Newark, Canada, and evacuates Fort George, opposite Fort Niagara (he is severely censured)......Dec. 10, 1813 Fort Niagara captured by the British......Dec. 19, 1813 Buffalo and Black Rock burned by the British and Indians......Dec. 30, 1813 General Jackson defeats and crushes the Creek Indians at Great Horse Shoe Bend, on the Tallapoosa......March 27, 1814 Frigate Essex, Capt. David Porter, surrenders to the British ships Phoebe and Cherub in the harbor of Valparaiso, Chile......March
New England (United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
nnot do too much. Towards the close of 1813, the whole of the New England States presented a united front in opposition to the national ade ultra-Federal party denounced the administration as hostile to New England, which, it was asserted, was treated as a conquered province; hets of right and justice trampled upon. They declared that every New England man of promise in public affairs had been for twelve years proscribed by the national government, and that, reduced as New England was by follies and oppressions to the brink of ruin, it was her first dutyston newspaper (Daily Advertiser) that it would be desirable for New England to conclude a separate peace with Great Britain, or, at least, a,000,000 in bounties, 14,000 recruits were obtained, of whom the New England States furnished more than all the rest of the States put togeth complicity of Boston banks gave it intensity. The banks out of New England were the principal lenders to the government, and measures were
Maumee (Indiana, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
North Battery, R. I.; Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn.; Fort Jay, Governor's Island, New York Harbor; works on Ellis and Bedloe's islands, New York Harbor; Fort Mifflin, Delaware River, below Philadelphia; Fort McHenry, Baltimore; Fort Severn, Annapolis; Forts Norfolk and Nelson, on Elizabeth River, below Norfolk, Va.; forts Pinckney, Moultrie, and Mechanic, for the protection of Charleston, S. C.; Fort Mackinaw, island of Mackinaw; Fort Dearborn, Chicago; Fort Wayne, at the forks of the Maumee, Ind.; Fort Detroit, Michigan; Fort Niagara, mouth of the Niagara River; Fort Ontario, Oswego; Fort Tompkins, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. Some of these were unfinished. While the army of General Hull was lying in camp below Sandwich, in Canada, he was absent at Detroit two or three days. There had been some skirmishing with detachments of his army, under Colonels Cass and McArthur, near the Tarontee; and the apparent supineness of the general made the younger officers and the men suspect him of
Boston Harbor (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
in comparison with that of the enemy, the acknowledged mistress of the seas. It consisted of only twenty vessels, exclusive of 170 gunboats,. and actually carrying an aggregate of little more than 500 guns. The following is a list of forts in existence when war was declared in 1812, and their location: Fort Sumner, Portland, Me.; Fort William and Mary, Portsmouth, N. H.; Fort Lily, Gloucester, Cape Ann; Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass.; Fort Seawall, Marblehead, Mass.; Fort Independence, Boston Harbor; Fort Wolcott, near Newport, R. I.; Fort Adams, Newport. Harbor; Fort Hamilton, near Newport; North Battery, a mile northwest of Fort Wolcott; Dumplings Fort, entrance to Narraganset Bay, R. I.; Tonomy Hill, a mile east of North Battery, R. I.; Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn.; Fort Jay, Governor's Island, New York Harbor; works on Ellis and Bedloe's islands, New York Harbor; Fort Mifflin, Delaware River, below Philadelphia; Fort McHenry, Baltimore; Fort Severn, Annapolis; Forts Norfolk
Stony Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
th America......Feb. 24, 1813 York (now Toronto), Upper Canada, captured......April 27, 1813 Defence of Fort Meigs, O., by General Harrison......April 28–May 9, 1813 Gen. Green Clay is checked in attempting to reinforce Fort Meigs.......May 5, 1813 Fort George, on the west side of Niagara River, near its mouth, is captured by the American troops under General Dearborn......May 27, 1813 Frigate Chesapeake surrenders to the British ship Shannon ......June 1, 1813 Action at Stony Creek, Upper Canada......June 6, 1813 Affair at Beaver Dams, Upper Canada......June 24, 1813 Maj. George Croghan's gallant defence of Fort Stephenson......Aug. 2, 1813 British sloop-of-war Pelican captures the brig Argus in the British channel......Aug. 14, 1813 Massacre at Fort Mimms, Ala., by the Creek Indians......Aug. 30, 1813 Brig Enterprise captures British brig Boxer off the coast of Maine.......Sept. 5, 1813 Perry's victory on Lake Erie......Sept. 10, 1813 Detroit,
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
; works on Ellis and Bedloe's islands, New York Harbor; Fort Mifflin, Delaware River, below Philadelphia; Fort McHenry, Baltimore; Fort Severn, Annapolis; Forts Norfolk and Nelson, on Elizabeth River, below Norfolk, Va.; forts Pinckney, Moultrie, aneans and beyond, was menaced by British squadrons and regiments. At Portland, Boston, Providence, New Haven, New York, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, and Savannah, which were exposed to attack, the people were soon busy casting up fortifications fereby a very large amount of British government bills, drawn on Quebec, were transmitted to New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and offered on such advantageous terms that capitalists were induced to purchase them. By this means an immense amounin under Com. Thomas Macdonough defeats the British under Commodore Downie......Sept. 11, 1814 British approaching Baltimore, Md., under General Ross; he is killed at North Point......Sept. 12, 1814 They find the city too well fortified, and re
Maumee river (United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
d vulgarly gave vent to its sentiments by expressing an apprehension that England might be stripped of her maritime supremacy by a piece of striped bunting flying at the mast-heads of a few fir-built frigates, manned by a handful of bastards and cowards. The position of the American army at the close of 1812 was as follows: The Army of the Northwest, first under Hull, and then under General Harrison, was occupying a defensive position among the snows of the wilderness on the banks of the Maumee River; the Army of the Centre, under General Smyth, was resting on the defensive on the Niagara frontier; and the Army of the North, under General Bloomfield, was also resting on the defensive at Plattsburg, on the western shore of Lake Champlain. Admiral Cochrane, who succeeded Admiral Warren in command on the American Station, issued a proclamation, dated at Bermuda, the rendezvous of the more southern blockading fleet, April 2, 1813. It was addressed to slaves under the denomination of p
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