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June 28th (search for this): article 3
at Bull Run, and mine was at Winchester."--Winchester Correspondence New York World. The New York Seventy-First. It is stated that the men of the New York Seventy-first regiment are, without exception, ready and anxious to serve three months wherever the Government may send them, but that several of the field and line officers prefer that the regiment should return to New York, rather than go beyond their present location. Intemperance among the troops at Manassas. Manassas, June 28. --One soldier shot another here yesterday, and caused his death. Both were drunk. Four men have been found dead here within the last twenty-four hours in consequence of drinking whiskey, large quantities of which were captured last night, and the trader in charge of it placed under arrest. Cheese, whiskey and onions for the troops. Dr. Vollum, Medical Inspector of the Army of the Potomac, has strongly recommended the Surgeon General to add cheese to the army ration, and to
November, 6 AD (search for this): article 3
the fact that Austria alone, of all the European governments, retains in its political system this pitiable remnant of the plundering customs of a past age. As on former occasions, these remarks have been instantly set down to sympathy with the South. We have to-day from two Paris papers, whose fidelity to the Federal cause is notorious, remarks on this subject much more strongly expressed than anything we have published. These two journals are the Debats and the Siecle. Under date 11th June, the first writes: "The Constitutionnel expresses its astonishment and indignation at a measure, which, id the middle of the nineteenth century, revives confiscation, that barbarous penalty which the progress of justice and humanity has eradicated from our codes.--We should entirely concur with the Constitutionnel, and should not hesitate to brand the measure as infamous, if it were clearly proved to us that the American Government and Congress have committed the crime that journal u
April, 7 AD (search for this): article 3
was probably true, as the wires were either out or not working well. The rumors, therefore, run riot, commencing as soon as the morning services were over at church and continuing till midnight. This circulation of rumors, however, was a game that two sides could as well play at as one, and accordingly a great Union victory was recorded on both sides of the bulletin at Willard's, concluding with a notice that an excursion pleasure party would set out from Washington for Richmond on the 4th of July! This childish trifling in the midst of a known battle and the certain loss of life, was a most disgusting piece of levity, and met with the contempt it deserved. Federal officers killed. a correspondent of the Herald furnishes the following sketch of several of the Federal officers who were reported to have been killed: Colonel Samuel N. Black, of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, was the son of the Rev. John Black, an eminent Scotch divine and professor; was admitted to
reported to have been killed: Colonel Samuel N. Black, of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, was the son of the Rev. John Black, an eminent Scotch divine and professor; was admitted to the bar in 1833, and practised the law with brilliant success till the Mexican war broke out, when he went out as a private in the First Pennsylvania regiment, and afterwards became its Lieutenant-Colonel. He served with distinction in the war, and afterwards returned to the practice of his profession. In 1857 he was appointed by President Buchanan one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nebraska, and was subsequently appointed Governor. A change of the administration caused his removal, after which he ran for Congress, and came within a few votes of being elected. When the present war broke out he was among the first to offer his services to the Government. His regiment numbers twelve full companies. After the regiment was mustered into service, Col. Black, thirty-four of his officers, and t
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