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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation.

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Ireland (Irish Republic) (search for this): narrative 35
he damage or hinderance of the voyage: for that dissention (by many experiences) hath overthrown many notable intended and likely enterprises and exploits. 2 Item, for as much as every person hath given an othe to be true, faithfull, and loial subjects, and liege men to the kings most excellent Majestie, his heires and successors, and for the observation of all lawes & statutes, made for the preservation of his most excellent Majestie, & his crown Imperiall of his realmes of England and Ireland , and to serve his grace, the Realme, and this present voyage truely, and not to give up, intermit, or leave off the said voyage and enterprise untill it shalbe accomplished, so farre forth as possibilitie and life of man may serve or extend: Therfore it behoveth every person in his degree, as well for conscience, as for dueties sake to remember his said charge, and the accomplishment thereof. 3 Item, where furthermore every mariner or passenger in his ship hath given like othe to bee obe
England (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): narrative 35
his companie, to the damage or hinderance of the voyage: for that dissention (by many experiences) hath overthrown many notable intended and likely enterprises and exploits. 2 Item, for as much as every person hath given an othe to be true, faithfull, and loial subjects, and liege men to the kings most excellent Majestie, his heires and successors, and for the observation of all lawes & statutes, made for the preservation of his most excellent Majestie, & his crown Imperiall of his realmes of England and Ireland , and to serve his grace, the Realme, and this present voyage truely, and not to give up, intermit, or leave off the said voyage and enterprise untill it shalbe accomplished, so farre forth as possibilitie and life of man may serve or extend: Therfore it behoveth every person in his degree, as well for conscience, as for dueties sake to remember his said charge, and the accomplishment thereof. 3 Item, where furthermore every mariner or passenger in his ship hath given li
Ordinances, instructions, and advertisements of and for the direction of the intended voyage for Cathay, com piled, made, and delivered by the right worshipfull M. Sebastian Cabota Esquier, governour of the mysterie and companie of the Marchants adventurers for the discoverie of Regions, Dominions, Islands and places unknowen, the 9. day of May, in the yere of our Lord God 1553. and in the 7. yeere of the reigne of our most dread soveraigne Lord Edward the 6. by the grace of God, king of England, Fraunce and Ireland , defender of the faith, and of the Church of England and Ireland , in earth supreame head. FIRST the Captaine general, with the pilot major, the masters, marchants & other officers, to be so knit and accorded in unitie, love, conformitie, and obedience in every degree on all sides, that no dissention, variance, or contention may rise or spring betwixt them and the mariners of this companie, to the damage or hinderance of the voyage: for that dissention (by many
Lyons (France) (search for this): narrative 34
ruments, as may allure them to harkening, to fantasie, or desire to see, and heare your instruments and voyces, but keepe you out of danger, and shewe to them no poynt or signe of rigour and hostilitie. 29 Item if you shall be invited into any Lords or Rulers house, to dinner, or other parliance, goe in such order of strength, that you may be stronger then they, and be warie of woods and ambushes, and that your weapons be not out of your possessions. 30 Item if you shall see them weare Lyons or Beares skinnes, having long bowes, and arrowes, be not afraid of that sight: for such be worne oftentimes more to feare strangers, then for any other cause. 31 Item there are people that can swimme in the sea, havens, & rivers, naked, having bowes and shafts, coveting to draw nigh your ships, which if they shal finde not wel watched, or warded, they wil assault, desirous of the bodies of men, which they covet for meate: if you resist them, they dive, and so will flee, and therefore dil
Ireland (Irish Republic) (search for this): narrative 34
yere of our Lord God 1553. and in the 7. yeere of the reigne of our most dread soveraigne Lord Edward the 6. by the grace of God, king of England, Fraunce and Ireland , defender of the faith, and of the Church of England and Ireland , in earth supreame head. FIRST the Captaine general, with the pilot major, the masters, marIreland , in earth supreame head. FIRST the Captaine general, with the pilot major, the masters, marchants & other officers, to be so knit and accorded in unitie, love, conformitie, and obedience in every degree on all sides, that no dissention, variance, or contention may rise or spring betwixt them and the mariners of this companie, to the damage or hinderance of the voyage: for that dissention (by many experiences) hath overts, and for the observation of all lawes & statutes, made for the preservation of his most excellent Majestie, & his crown Imperiall of his realmes of England and Ireland , and to serve his grace, the Realme, and this present voyage truely, and not to give up, intermit, or leave off the said voyage and enterprise untill it shalbe a
England (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): narrative 34
his companie, to the damage or hinderance of the voyage: for that dissention (by many experiences) hath overthrown many notable intended and likely enterprises and exploits. 2 Item, for as much as every person hath given an othe to be true, faithfull, and loial subjects, and liege men to the kings most excellent Majestie, his heires and successors, and for the observation of all lawes & statutes, made for the preservation of his most excellent Majestie, & his crown Imperiall of his realmes of England and Ireland , and to serve his grace, the Realme, and this present voyage truely, and not to give up, intermit, or leave off the said voyage and enterprise untill it shalbe accomplished, so farre forth as possibilitie and life of man may serve or extend: Therfore it behoveth every person in his degree, as well for conscience, as for dueties sake to remember his said charge, and the accomplishment thereof. 3 Item, where furthermore every mariner or passenger in his ship hath given li
The copie of the letters missive, which the right noble Prince Edward the sixt sent to the Kings, Princes, and other Potentates, inhabiting the Northeast partes of the worlde, toward the mighty Empire of Cathay, at such time as Sir Hugh Willoughby knight, and Richard Chancelor, with their company, attempted their voyage thither in the yeere of Christ 1553. and the seventh and last yeere of his raigne. EDWARD the sixt, by the grace of God, King of England, France, and Ireland , &c. To all Kings, Princes, Rulers, Judges, and Governours of the earth, and all other having any excellent dignitie on the same, in all places under the universall heaven: peace, tranquillitie, and honour be unto you, and your lands and regions, which are under your dominions, and to every of you, as is convenient. Forasmuch as the great and Almightie God hath given unto mankinde, above all other living creatures, such an heart and desire, that every man desireth to joine friendship with other, to
Ireland (Irish Republic) (search for this): narrative 37
The copie of the letters missive, which the right noble Prince Edward the sixt sent to the Kings, Princes, and other Potentates, inhabiting the Northeast partes of the worlde, toward the mighty Empire of Cathay, at such time as Sir Hugh Willoughby knight, and Richard Chancelor, with their company, attempted their voyage thither in the yeere of Christ 1553. and the seventh and last yeere of his raigne. EDWARD the sixt, by the grace of God, King of England, France, and Ireland , &c. To all Kings, Princes, Rulers, Judges, and Governours of the earth, and all other having any excellent dignitie on the same, in all places under the universall heaven: peace, tranquillitie, and honour be unto you, and your lands and regions, which are under your dominions, and to every of you, as is convenient. Forasmuch as the great and Almightie God hath given unto mankinde, above all other living creatures, such an heart and desire, that every man desireth to joine friendship with other, to
Harwich (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 40
omas Nashe, his Mate. William Light, John Brande, Cutbert Chelsie, George Blage, Thomas Walker, Thomas Allen, Edward Smith, Edward Hunt, John Fawkner, Rowland Brooke. Alexander Gardiner, Richard Molton, Surgeons, which two were taken in at Harwich . Discharged at Harwich , by reason of sicknes, George Blake, Nicholas Anthony. For pickerie ducked at the yards arme, and so discharged Thomas Nash. The Edward Bonaventure, of 160. tunnes, with her a pinnesse, and a boate. Richard ChanHarwich , by reason of sicknes, George Blake, Nicholas Anthony. For pickerie ducked at the yards arme, and so discharged Thomas Nash. The Edward Bonaventure, of 160. tunnes, with her a pinnesse, and a boate. Richard Chancelor, Captaine, and Pilot major of the fleete. Stephen Borowgh, Master of the ship. John Buckland, his Mate. George Burton, Arthur Edwards, Marchants. John Stafford, Minister. James Dallaber, Nicholas Newborrow, John Segswike, Thomas Francis, John Hasse, Richard Johnson, William Kempe.
Harwich (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 39
omas Nashe, his Mate. William Light, John Brande, Cutbert Chelsie, George Blage, Thomas Walker, Thomas Allen, Edward Smith, Edward Hunt, John Fawkner, Rowland Brooke. Alexander Gardiner, Richard Molton, Surgeons, which two were taken in at Harwich . Discharged at Harwich , by reason of sicknes, George Blake, Nicholas Anthony. For pickerie ducked at the yards arme, and so discharged Thomas Nash. The Edward Bonaventure, of 160. tunnes, with her a pinnesse, and a boate. Richard ChanHarwich , by reason of sicknes, George Blake, Nicholas Anthony. For pickerie ducked at the yards arme, and so discharged Thomas Nash. The Edward Bonaventure, of 160. tunnes, with her a pinnesse, and a boate. Richard Chancelor, Captaine, and Pilot major of the fleete. Stephen Borowgh, Master of the ship. John Buckland, his Mate. George Burton, Arthur Edwards, Marchants. John Stafford, Minister. James Dallaber, Nicholas Newborrow, John Segswike, Thomas Francis, John Hasse, Richard Johnson, William Kempe. Mariners and officers, according to the custome and use of the Seas. Robert Stanton, Master Gunner. John Walker, his Mate. James Long, John Cocks, Gunners. Thomas Walter, Surgeon. P
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