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spoke of the mutual attachment and friendship that had always existed between him and Washington. I submitted my proposed address to M. Chauvet. He ran it over and made a few corrections and returned the manuscript to me with the comment, C'est bon. I read my composition as well as I could to the audience, and was surprised at the evident sympathy and marked applause which punctuated my queer delivery. This was my first and last attempt to give a public address in French. It was Friday, August 8th, when I left Evreux for Paris. Mr. Beddhoes, my English fellow-student, very kindly accompanied me to the station, conveying my luggage upon a wheelbarrow. Clara Greble and Susie Leech also came with M. Chauvet to see me off. I arrived in Paris without accident and hastened to the American Exchange to secure as soon as possible news from home. After dining with a few friends, I set out from Paris for Cologne the same evening. While en route I formed the acquaintance of a Captain
Chapter 67: France and Germany; Convention of young men's Christian Association, Berlin, 1884 On our return to Paris June 11th, we turned to the Hotel Brisil, Rue Helder. The rooms were small and we were obliged to climb three flights of stairs, but the hotel was neat enough excepting the bathrooms, which were poorly supplied with the main essential, water. In those days we furnished our own candles and all other small needs and conveniences and there were not any lifts. None then existed in Paris except in the largest public houses. On Sunday, June 15th, we all went quite early to the Madeleine. Perhaps no music could be more effective than that filling the great spaces, caught as one entered and stood near the doorway. There was an annual church festival in progress and the auditorium was filled to overflowing. It was from the front of this building that Bonaparte in the very beginning of his career made his artillery so effective against the National Guard. On this d
August 30th (search for this): chapter 3.33
l Howard of the American army. Then, she asked, do you know my brother in the United States? I smiled as I thought of the vast expanse of the United States and answered, Pray, tell me what was his name She replied, His name is A. Von Steinwehr. Of course I was surprised, and so was she when I exclaimed, General Steinwehr was under my command when I had the Eleventh Army Corps! He commanded a division under me and held the Cemetery Ridge the first day at Gettysburg. I remained till August 30th and then went to make another visit of a day in Cologne; then had the pleasure of ascending the Rhine and of contrasting it with the Hudson; surely there was beauty everywhere. Of course we were reminded of many of the old legends when, from our steamer the Humboldt, the location of ancient castles was pointed out. Landing at Bingen, I went to Paris and was delighted to find at my hotel waiting for me, my son and aid, Lieutenant Guy Howard, and his wife. Later Miss Clara Greble came
ablishment that I frequently and hopefully visited was the American Exchange, at that time kept by Drexel, Harjes & Co. There I always met friends from America and gathered from New York papers items of news not procurable elsewhere. We naturally looked for letters and went away greatly disappointed when we found none from home. My wife, however, was very faithful to write something and send her letters with choice newspaper clippings by every mail. My son went to the depot with me on June 21st, and as I was to go to Evreux, France, without him, he gave me pretty thorough instructions. The journey took three hours, and M. Chauvet, our friend, very kindly met me at the railroad station of his small city, and took me to his home. There I remained for six weeks. His family then consisted of himself, wife, and three daughters. The eldest was near sixteen. My object in tarrying with these good people so long was to learn more French. M. Chauvet was a clergyman of the Protestant f
in one corner. A noticeable crucifix was near the high pulpit. The service was long and so was the sermon. I knew too few German words to follow the discourse, though the clergyman spoke with deliberation and clearness. The singing was excellent. The Sabbath in Goittingen was kept very much as it is in a university village in the United States, except that there was a band concert held in the afternoon in an inclosure near an extensive hall with ample grounds. It was a beautiful day in August, so that the seats and music were all out of doors. I do not think that I have ever heard music more restful and satisfying. This appeared to my New England mind to be more appropriate to the Sabbath than the dancing and hilarity that I witnessed on a Sunday in Evreux. The day before my departure for Berlin I went with my son to an evening entertainment. It was a club meeting where nearly all the members were bicycle devotees. I was asked to give a brief address to the young gentlemen
ek the commanding officer sent me a saddle horse accompanied by a mounted orderly, so that I had the coveted opportunity of attending reviews and parades, and was treated with all the courtesy, official and unofficial, that one could desire. On Sundays I attended M. Chauvet's church. While at his house Mrs. Leech, the wife of my West Point classmate, Colonel Leech, came with her two children and niece to spend some weeks. Miss Greble, the niece, my godchild, always talked English to me and sng a living in North America. I was careful in my answers not to increase their discontent. One day I asked this workman if he did not have holidays. Shaking his head he said, I have none except Christmas. Why, I remarked, you do not work on Sundays Oh, yes, I do. I am obliged to work hard seven days in the week to get enough together to give us a decent living. Poor people Like so many other European workers, L'Amerique du Nord was their constant hope. During one pleasant Sunday I acco
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