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n region were almost essential to the support of the troops in Virginia, in view of contracted facilities for transportation; and the product of the Kanawha Salines alone — the only regular and very extensive salt works in the country — were worth a strenuous effort. This portion of Virginia, too, was a great military highway for United States troops, en route to the West; and once securely lodged in its almost impregnable fastnesses, their ejection would be practically impossible. General Garnett--an old army officer of reputation and promisewas already in that field, with a handful of troops from the Virginia army; among them a regiment from about Richmond, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Pegram. The Federals, grasping at once the full importance of this position, had sent to meet this demonstration an army under General McClellan, with Rosecrans commanding the advance. There had been no collision, but its approach could not be long delayed; and the South wanted men. In t
ch aggravated by her own peculiar loss. Some of her best men had been in the fight, and all that could be learned of them was that they were scattered, or shot. Garnett was dead; the gallant DeLagnel was shot down fighting to the last; and Pegram was a prisoner — the gallant regiment he led cut up and dispersed! Only a few dae, by the agonies of suspense as to the fate of their loved ones. It was three days after the news of the disaster reached the War Department before the death of Garnett was a certainty; and longer time still elapsed ere the minor casualties were known. When they did come, weeping sounded through many a Virginia home for its stayken and beaten, the men had fought well in the face of heavy odds; and that their officers had striven by every effort of manhood to hold them to their duty. General Garnett had exposed himself constantly, and was killed by a sharp-shooter at Carrock's Ford-over which he had brought the remnant of his army by a masterly retreat-wh
urces. Down to zero dropped the spirits of the people; down to a depth of despairing gloom, only the deeper from the height of their previous exultation. The dark cloud from Gettysburg rolled back over Richmond, darkened and made dense a hundred fold in the transit. The terrible carnage of that field was exaggerated by rumor. Pickett's gallant division was declared annihilated; it was believed that the army had lost 20,000 men; and it was known that such priceless blood as that of Garnett, Pettigrew, Armistead, Pender, Kemper, Semmes and Barksdale had sealed the dreadful defeat. It only needed what came the next day, to dash the last drop from the cup of hope the people still tried to hold to their lips; and that was the news of the fall of Vicksburg, on the 4th of July. And out of the thick darkness that settled on the souls of all, came up the groan of inquiry and blame. Why had the campaign failed? they asked. Why had General Lee been forced into battle on gro
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 2: fight at Blackburn's Ford. (search)
recovered from the momentary confusion and advanced with firmness to the front. Lieutenant Squires moved his pieces into the open field in rear of our line and to the right of the road leading to the ford, and opened fire without any guide except the sound of the enemy's musketry, as he was concealed from our view by the woods on the bluffs occupied by him. The six companies of the 24th Virginia Regiment and the remaining pieces of the Washington Artillery, including two pieces under Lieutenant Garnett which were attached to Longstreet's brigade, were sent for, and the companies of the 24th were put in position along the banks of the stream on Hays' left, while the rest of the artillery was brought into action on the same ground with Squires. Squires had soon silenced the enemy's infantry, which retired precipitately before his fire, but the artillery from the heights beyond the stream had opened on ours, which now responded to that of the enemy. An artillery duel was thus comme
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 30: Averill's raid and the winter campaign. (search)
unexpected scene, so beautiful and inviting even in the midst of winter and with the tread of an invading enemy upon it. They were no longer disposed to murmur, and reaching the vicinity of Moorefield late in the afternoon, their spirits were still further cheered by the sight of a large number of beautiful girls rushing out to see and welcome our infantry, as they fondly called it, a sight that had not met the eyes of those warm-hearted beings since a portion of the force constituting Garnett's ill-starred expedition had retreated that way early in the war. The Georgians were ready then to go anywhere. Not discontinuing their march they were thrown across the North Fork just at dark on the road to Petersburg, by felling trees from each side so as to interlap, and enable them to crawl over. The road to Petersburg passed through a narrow defile above, just wide enough for a wagon way, with the river on one side and a very high vertical precipice of rock on the other side, so
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
Gaines, Captain S., 478 Gaines' House, 75, 89 Gaines' Mill, 76, 364, 371, 379 Gainesville, 114, 123, 133 Garber, 176 Gardner, Captain F., 19, 20, 29, 186 Gardner, Lieutenant Colonel, 27 Garland, General S., 12, 158 Garnett, Lieutenant, 8 Garnett's Expedition, 336 Gayle's House, 357 General Conscription, 64 Georgetown, 42, 134, 387 Georgetown Pike, 387, 389, 390, 391 Georgia Troops, 27, 49, 50, 67, 78, 81, 95, 97, 98, 99, 107, 109, 111, 115, 116, 118, 124Garnett's Expedition, 336 Gayle's House, 357 General Conscription, 64 Georgetown, 42, 134, 387 Georgetown Pike, 387, 389, 390, 391 Georgia Troops, 27, 49, 50, 67, 78, 81, 95, 97, 98, 99, 107, 109, 111, 115, 116, 118, 124, 125, 127, 131, 153, 173-77, 180, 185, 190, 193, 259, 280, 333, 336, 349, 362, 388, 390, 393, 468 Germana Ford, 317, 319, 324, 325, 344, 346 Germantown, 40 Gettysburg, 254-58,264, 266,267,271, 272, 275, 276, 278, 279, 282, 286- 288, 290, 478 Gibbon, General (U. S. A.), 198, 206, 209, 225 Gibson, Captain, 28 Gibson, Colonel, 153 Gilmor, Major H., 333-34, 338, 340, 383, 394, 460 Gilmore, General (U. S. A.), 393 Gloucester Point, 59, 61 Godwin, Colonel, 249, 274-75
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, July, 1863. (search)
e of affairs as they appeared about this time. If the enemy or their general had shown any enterprise, there is no saying what might have happened. General Lee and his officers were evidently fully impressed with a sense of the situation; yet there was much less noise, fuss, or confusion of orders than at an ordinary fieldday; the men, as they were rallied in the wood, were brought up in detachments, and lay down quietly and coolly in the positions assigned to them. We heard that Generals Garnett and Armistead were killed, and General Kemper mortally wounded; also, that Pickett's division had only one field-officer unhurt. Nearly all this slaughter took place in an open space about one mile square, and within one hour. At 6 P. M. we heard a long and continuous Yankee cheer, which we at first imagined was an indication of an advance; but it turned out to be their reception of a general officer, whom we saw riding, down the line, followed by about thirty horsemen. Soon after
, and his fascinating wife, nee Miss Parker; the Livingstons; Minister Bodisco and his charming wife; Cochrane, of New York; Banks, of Alabama; General Magruder; Mr. Clingman; Mr. and Mrs. Vance; Mr. Harris, of Virginia; John C. Breckenridge; Senator Rice, of Minnesota; Chief Justice Taney; Barkesdale, member of Congress from Mississippi, who was later killed in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; Stephen A. Douglas; Hon. William Kellogg, of Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Pryor; Doctor Garnett; Senator Judah P. Benjamin; General and Mrs. McClernand; Miss Dunlap, sister of Mrs. McClernand, who married General McClernand after her sister's death in the early sixties; Mr. and Mrs. Foulke, of Illinois; Senator Edward Baker, killed at Ball's Bluff in 1862; Colonel and Mrs. Robert E. Lee; and a host of others were familiar faces at social entertainments. On all occasions wine flowed freely, egg-nog being on every table on New Year's Day. Terrapin was as common as the simple bou
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
l, suffering acutely from rheumatism. In 1883 he had been to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and had received great benefit there. I was very anxious to have him go to Hot Springs at once, but he felt he had been away from his duties in the Senate long enough and was extremely desirous of securing the passage of his bill for the location of the military post north of Chicago now known as Fort Sheridan. He said he would wait until the Christmas holidays before going to the Springs. I wrote to Doctor Garnett, his physician there, and begged him to write to the general urging him to come to Hot Springs again. The general, however, persisted in attending to his duties for about two weeks, though suffering intensely from rheumatism. I was much interested at that time in the building up of the Garfield Memorial Hospital, and was president of the ladies' board. I was then assisting the ladies of the society in getting up an entertainment for December 15, the proceeds of which were to be dev
tain, force the surrender of the retreating garrison on the following day, July 12, and to win a third success on the thirteenth over another flying detachment at Carrick's Ford, one of the crossings of the Cheat River, where the Confederate General Garnett was killed in a skirmish-fire between sharp-shooters. These incidents, happening on three successive days, and in distance forty miles apart, made a handsome showing for the young department commander when gathered into the single, short telegram in which he reported to Washington that Garnett was killed, his force routed, at least two hundred of the enemy killed, and seven guns and one thousand prisoners taken. Our success is complete, and secession is killed in this country, concluded the despatch. The result, indeed, largely overshadowed in importance the means which accomplished it. The Union loss was only thirteen killed and forty wounded. In subsequent effect, these two comparatively insignificant skirmishes permanentl
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