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Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 27 7 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 24 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 23 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 17 3 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 16 0 Browse Search
D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 13 3 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 11 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 8 8 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 7 1 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 7 3 Browse Search
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he commander at Prairie du Chien, and with General Dodge at Galena, relative to the protection of ty marched toward Galena, to cooperate with General Dodge. General Alexander was detached in the dirties. It also gives a detailed account of General Dodge's affair with the Sacs on the Peketolica; a very gallant skirmish with a ravaging band. Dodge, with eighteen men, attacked the Indians in a to General Atkinson. By the 6th of July, Generals Dodge, Alexander, Posey, and Henry, were broughtl ordered Alexander's and Henry's brigades and Dodge's battalion, to march to Fort Winnebago (a disigade at Fort Hamilton. Alexander, Henry, and Dodge, were to return to Fort Cosconong, as soon as f information received from Generals Henry and Dodge, the command was marched, on July 21st, towardt, distant probably five or six miles. General Dodge instructed his spies to reconnoitre the enard and formed in extended order on his right; Dodge's battalion, having dismounted, was also forme[7 more...]
the discovery that the pipe was stuffed with old newspapers. Their removal heated the stove and his temper at the same time, but produced a coolness elsewhere, which the practical joker affected to think quite unaccountable. April, 14 Colonel Dodge, commanding the Second Brigade of Johnson's division, called this afternoon. The Colonel is a very industrious talker, chewer, spitter, and drinker. He has been under some tremendous hot firing, I can tell you! Well, if he don't know what says Dick, I got a ball in my leg; rose up to fire again, and got one in my other leg, and one in my thigh, and fell; got on my knees to fire the third time, says Dick, and received two more. Well, you see, the firing was hotter'n hell, and Colonel Dodge knows what hot firing is, sir! April, 15 Since the fight at Franklin, and the capture of the passenger train at Lavergne, nothing of interest has occurred. There were only fifteen or twenty officers on the captured train. A large amou
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 31: battle of Chickamauga. (search)
len House to report to General Thomas and assist in meeting the attack, but only Beattie's brigade was in time for that service, the other brigades waiting to be relieved from their positions in line. Meanwhile, Baird's left had been extended by Dodge's brigade of Johnson's division of the Twentieth Corps. Before the Confederate commander engaged his battle he found the road between the enemy's left and Chattanooga open, which gave him opportunity to interpose or force the enemy from his wade resolute attack against Baird's left, threatening his rear, but he had troops at hand to meet them. They had a four-gun battery of Slocum's of the Washington Artillery, That company did not go with the battalion to Virginia. and encountered Dodge's brigade and parts of Willick's, Berry's, and Stanley's, and superior artillery. In the severe contention General Adams fell seriously hurt, and the brigades were eventually forced back to and across the road, leaving General Adams on the field
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
necticut and Eighty-ninth New York, aided by Lieutenant Lamson and the gun-boats, a Confederate battery on the west branch of the Nansemond. He captured 6 guns and 200 prisoners. General Peck mentioned with commendation Generals Corcoran, Terry, Dodge, and Harland, and Colonels Dutton and Gibbs, commanding front lines; Colonels Gurney and Waddrop, commanding reserves; Colonels Spear and Onderdonk, of the cavalry. and Captain Follet. chief of artillery. The forts were in charge of the followi on the day when Hooker and Lee had their severe battle at Chaneellorsville, May 3, 1863. Longstreet, foiled and disheartened, turned his back on Peck and retreated, pursued as far as the Blackwater by National troops under Generals Corcoran and Dodge, and Colonel Foster. Thus ended the remarkable siege of Suffolk, which had for its object the recovery of the whole country south of the James River, extending, to Albemarle Sound, in North Carolina; the ports of Norfolk and Portsmouth; eighty m
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
t point. Then he went up the Tennessee to Eastport, where he debarked, and, marching southward, joined the forces of General Dodge, then moving on Tuscumbia, on the Memphis and Charleston railway, in Northern Alabama. This was to mask the real intention of the expedition, Streight being instructed to march long enough with Dodge to give the impression that his was a part of that leader's force, and then to strike off from Tuscumbia southward to Russellville or Moulton. Streight's troops wgather up horses and mules on the way; so they scouted for them over the region they passed through, yet when they joined Dodge one half of the command was on foot. They marched with him to the capture of Tuscumbia, and then, after receiving a supper was the seat of extensive Confederate iron-works, and the latter the focus of several railway lines. At the same time Dodge also struck off southward in Alabama, and sweeping around into Mississippi, striking Confederate detachments here and the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
d from Decatur on the direct road to Atlanta. Logan's corps formed the center, Dodge's the right, and Blair's the left. On the previous night, the latter, after a now made preparations for planting heavy batteries upon it, to be supported by Dodge's corps, which was ordered from the right to the left, to make that point a strre to order the further movements of the troops. He had ridden from Sherman to Dodge's moving column, when he sent nearly the whole of his staff and orderlies on vaoment Hardee made his first charge. His troops were pouring into a gap between Dodge and Blair; and just as McPherson had given an order for a brigade to move up anted very heavy loss on the Confederates, who had been unable to drive Blair and Dodge. The latter gave their assailants John A. Logan. very severe blows on their al Howard had the chief supervision of the movement, which was made en echelon. Dodge's corps was on the left nearest the Confederates. Blair's was to come up on it
urtis, with Asboth's division, reached Elkhorn at 5 P. M. He found Carr still fiercely fighting, having received three or four shots, one of which inflicted a severe wound. Many of his field officers had fallen, with about one-fourth of his entire command. He had been seven hours under fire, during which he lad been forced back about half a mile. As Curtis came up, he saw the 4th Iowa falling back in perfect order, dressing on their colors as if on parade, and ordered it to face about. Col. Dodge explained that it was entirely out of ammunition, and was only retiring to refill its cartridge-boxes. Curtis ordered a bayonet-charge, and the regiment at once moved steadily back to its former position. Meantime, Gen. Asboth had planted his artillery in the road and opened a heavy fire on the Rebel masses just at hand, while, of his infantry, the 2d Missouri plunged into the fight. The fire on both sides was close and deadly. Gen. Asboth was severely wounded, Gen. Curtis's orderly
s in northwestern Georgia, and-destroy generally all depots of supplies and manufactories of arms, clothing, &c. Having been taken up the Tennessee on steamboats from Fort Henry to Eastport, Ala., where lie was joined by an infantry force under Gen. Dodge, they attacked and captured Tuscumbia, inflicting considerable loss on the Rebels; and, while Gen. Dodge made a sweeping raid through North Alabama, returning ultimately to his headquarters at Corinth, Col. Streight struck for Northern Georgia,Gen. Dodge made a sweeping raid through North Alabama, returning ultimately to his headquarters at Corinth, Col. Streight struck for Northern Georgia, expecting to swoop down successively on Rome and Atlanta, destroying there large manufactories, machline-shops, and magazineo. He was hardly well on his road, however, before Forrest and Roddy, with a superior force of Rebel cavalry, were after him ; following sharply, and easily gaining upon him, through a running fight of over 100 mile; when, his ammunition being exhausted and his men nearly worn out, Streight surrendered, when 15 miles from Rome. His men were treated as other captives and
tly from Decatur, with Logan's (15th) corps in the center, Frank Blair's (17th) on its left, and Dodge's (16th) on its right, was now close to these inner defenses; Blair had carried, the night beforave him a full view of the heart of the city, on which he was preparing to place his batteries. Dodge, who, as the semicircle described by our army was narrowed by our advance, had been thrown in thgiven an order to hurry up Wangelin's brigade of Logan's corps to fill a gap between Blair's and Dodge's corps, into which the charging Rebels were pouring like a torrent. Here Murray's battery (6 genemy. At 4 P. M., the Rebels virtually desisted here, having been unable to drive Blair; while Dodge, striking their right, had handled it severely, capturing many prisoners. Meantime, Wheeler'sthing like a rail breastwork in its front; Howard standing behind it, ready to hurry Blair's and Dodge's corps to its support; and Sherman himself on hand, eager and alert for the encounter. After a
at Milliken's Bend, 818, 319. Dfvens, Gen. Charles, wounded, 145; 148. Dister, Lt.-Col., killed near Vicksburg, 290. Dix, Major-Gen. John A.. his proclamation on occupying parts of Virginia, 241. Dobbins, Gen., at Big creek, 554-5. Dodge, Gen., his raid in North Alabama, 285. Donaldsonville, La., 102; fights at, 338. Doubleday, Gen. A., succeeds General Hatch (wounded) at South Mountain, 198; opens his batteries at Antietam, 205; at Gettysburg, 880 to 887. Douglas, Col., Quinby's division, at Champion Hills, 308; at Vicksburg, 312. R. Raccoon Ford, Va., Rebels crossing at, 175. raids, of J. E. B. Stuart, around McClellan's army, 150; into Pennsylvania, 211; of Carter and Wheeler, 283; of Streight and Dodge in Georgia, 285; of Stoneman, in Virginia, 365; of Forrest and John Morgan, 270; of Grierson, 301-2; of Green, 338; of Stuart across the Rappahannock, 352; of Morgan into Indiana and Ohio, 405; of Wheeler into East Tennessee, 433; of Shelby into
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