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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation.
Found 38,264 total hits in 5,973 results.
May, 1553 AD (search for this): narrative 45
These foresaid shippes being fully furnished with their
pinnesses and boates, well appointed with al maner of
artillerie, and other things necessary for their defence
with al the men aforesaid, departed from Ratcliffe, and
valed unto Detford, the 10. day of May, 1553.
The 11. day about two of the clocke, we departed
from Detford, passing by Greenwich
, saluting the kings
Majesty then being there, shooting off our ordinance,
& so valed unto Blackwall, and there remained until the
17. day, and that day in the morning we went from
Blackwall, and came to Woolwich
by nine of the clocke,
and there remained one tide, and so the same night unto
The 18. day from Heyreth unto Gravesend
, and there
remained until the twentieth day: that day being Saterday, from Gravesend
unto Tilberie Hope, remaining there
untill the two and twentieth day.
The 22. day from Tilbery Hope to Hollie haven.
The 23. day from Hollie Haven, till we came against
Lee, and there remained that n
Orwell (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 45
Gravesend (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 45
Greenwich (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 45
These foresaid shippes being fully furnished with their
pinnesses and boates, well appointed with al maner of
artillerie, and other things necessary for their defence
with al the men aforesaid, departed from Ratcliffe, and
valed unto Detford, the 10. day of May, 1553.
The 11. day about two of the clocke, we departed
from Detford, passing by Greenwich
, saluting the kings
Majesty then being there, shooting off our ordinance,
& so valed unto Blackwall, and there remained until the
17. day, and that day in the morning we went from
Blackwall, and came to Woolwich
by nine of the clocke,
and there remained one tide, and so the same night unto
The 18. day from Heyreth unto Gravesend
, and there
remained until the twentieth day: that day being Saterday, from Gravesend
unto Tilberie Hope, remaining there
untill the two and twentieth day.
The 22. day from Tilbery Hope to Hollie haven.
The 23. day from Hollie Haven, till we came against
Lee, and there remained that ni
Woolwich (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 45
Rost (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): narrative 45
January, 1554 AD (search for this): narrative 46
These two notes following were written upon the
outside of this Pamphlet, or Booke.
1 The proceedings of Sir Hugh Willoughbie after he
was separated from the Edward Bonaventure.
2 Our shippe being at an anker in the harbour called
Sterfier in the Island Lofoote.
The river or haven wherein Sir Hugh Willoughbie
with the companie of his two ships perished for cold,
is called Arzina in Lapland
, neere unto Kegor. But it
appeareth by a Will found in the ship that Sir Hugh
Willoughbie and most of the company were alive in
January 1554.
Lapland (search for this): narrative 46
These two notes following were written upon the
outside of this Pamphlet, or Booke.
1 The proceedings of Sir Hugh Willoughbie after he
was separated from the Edward Bonaventure.
2 Our shippe being at an anker in the harbour called
Sterfier in the Island Lofoote.
The river or haven wherein Sir Hugh Willoughbie
with the companie of his two ships perished for cold,
is called Arzina in Lapland
, neere unto Kegor. But it
appeareth by a Will found in the ship that Sir Hugh
Willoughbie and most of the company were alive in
January 1554.
1553 AD (search for this): narrative 38
The true copie of a note found written in one of the two ships, to wit, the Speranza, which wintred in Lappia, where sir Hugh Willoughby and all his companie died, being frozen to death. Anno 1553.
THE voiage intended for the discoverie of Cathay, and
divers other regions, dominions, Islands, and places
unknowen, set forth by the right worshipful, master
Sebastian Cabota Esquire, and Governour of the mysterie
and company of the Marchants Adventurers of the citie
of London: which fleete being furnished, did set forth
the tenth day of May, 1553. and in the seventh yeere
of our most dread Soveraigne Lord, and King, Edward
the sixt.
The names of the shippes of the fleete, and of their
burden, together with the names of the Captaines, and Counsellors, Pilot Major, Masters of the ships, Marchants, with other officers, and Mariners, as hereafter followeth.
The Bona Esperanza, Admirall of the fleete, of 120.
tunnes, having with her a pinnesse, and a boate.
Sir Hugh Willoughby, knig
May, 1553 AD (search for this): narrative 38