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July 18th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
ctfully, your most obedient, &c., Robert H. Cowan, Colonel, commanding Eighteenth N. C. T. Report of Colonel Edwards of the part taken by the Thirteenth regiment South Carolina volunteers. headquarters Thirteenth regiment, S. C. V., July 18, 1862. Captain A. C. Haskell, Assistant Adjutant-General: I. The Thirteenth, numbering four hundred and thirteen (413) men, reached the scene of action near Mechanicsville and Beaver Dam Creek at half past 6 P. M., on the twenty-sixth June, formy. I am, General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, D. H. Hamilton, Colonel First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. Letter of General Gregg to General Cooper. headquarters Second brigade, Light division, Laurel Hill, July 18, 1862. To General S. Cooper, Adjutant-General of the Army, Richmond: General: I learn from Colonel Hamilton, commanding First South Carolina volunteers, that, in an interview with yourself and the Secretary of War, the other day, the name of Maj
July 19th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
odes. headquarters First brigade, Major-General D. H. Hill's division, July 19, 1862. Major J. W. Ratchford, Assistant Adjutant-General, Hill's Division. Maj. headquarters First brigade, Third division, camp near Richmond, Va., July 19, 1862. To Major J. W. Ratchford, A. A. General, Third Division. Major: On the Ransom. headquarters Second brigade, Department N. C., Drewry's Bluff, July 19, 1862. Assistant Adjutant-General, General Huger's Division: sir: I have the hginia regiment, General Mahone's brigade. A. R. Wright, Brigadier General. July 19, 1862. Operations from June 26 to July 2. headquarters Third brigade, Hu Report of Colonel Starke. headquarters Sixtieth Reg. Virginia Vols., July 19, 1862. Captain G. F. Harrison, Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade, Light D Report of First company Washington artillery. camp Longstreet, Va., July 19, 1862. Colonel J. B. Walton, commanding Battalion Washington Artillery: Colone
July 20th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
, W. H. C. Whiting, Brigadier-General commanding Division. General McLaws's Report. Headquarters division, July 20, 1862. To General Magruder's Adjutant-General: The following is a report of the operations of my command, composed of thBrigadier-General commanding. Report of Brigadier-General field. headquarters First brigade, Light Division, July 20, 1862. Major R. C. Morgan, Assistant Adjutant-General: Major: I have the honor to report that, on the twenty-sixth ult.,dient servant, Thomas F. Goode, Colonel, commanding. Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Martin. camp Tottopotomy, July 20, 1862. Captain Norman R. Fitzhugh, A. A. General, commanding Brigade: Captain: I have the honor to report the services rry Hodges, Colonel, commanding Fourteenth Virginia Regiment. Reports of Colonel S. D. Lee. Camp discipline, July 20, 1862. Captain N. R. Fitzhugh, Assistant Adjutant-General, Cavalry Brigade: Captain: By direction of the General command
July 21st, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
Brown, A. A. General. General Huger's Report. Headquarters of division, falling Creek, Chesterfield County, July 21, 1862. General B. E. Lee, commanding Army Northern Virginia: General: I submit, herewith, the reports of different commavery respectfully, Your most obedient servant, Benjamin Huger, Major-General commanding Division. falling Creek, July 21, 1862. General R. E. Lee commanding: General: In forwarding my reports of the different engagements of the division whicral, commanding Right Wing. Report of battle of June 30. headquarters Fourth brigade, Longstreet's division, July 21, 1862. Major G. M. Sorrell, Assistant Adjutant-General: sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the oper. Carpenter, Lieutenant, commanding Carpenter's Battery. Report of Captain Grimes. Camp near falling Creek, July 21, 1862. Major-General Benjamin Huger: sir: Below please find a report of the movements of my battery, from the twentieth
July 31st, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
citizens, I telegraphed and wrote to General Jackson that I thought this company had better be withdrawn; whereupon it was done, and is now, no doubt, temporarily attached to some regiment of Robertson's command — perhaps the Second Virginia cavalry. The extent of damage to the camp is not precisely known, but believed to be slight — only a few tents. Most respectfully, your obedient servant, J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General, commanding. Camp discipline, Hanover County, Virginia, July 31, 1862. General: In obedience to your written order, I report, in writing, the late demonstration and attack of the enemy at Verdon and vicinity: Agreeably to your instructions, I left Atlee's Station, on Sunday, the twentieth instant, in charge of a squadron, and proceeded in the direction of Hanover Junction, (via Hanover Court-House,) which place I reached about dusk and encamped beyond, some mile and a half, sending, as directed, Lieutenant Grattan, with six men, up to Beaver Dam Stat
ully, W. H. C. Whiting, Brigadier-General. The battle of Malvern Hill. headquarters First division, First corps, July, 1862. Colonel R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant-General: Colonel: I continued my report from Friday evening, twentieth ultimo. On Saturday morning, the division marched back across the ravine to renew its supply of ammunition, and get something to eat. We shortly received orders to march, and to follow the command of Major-General Hill. After marching half a mile Virginia, July 31, 1862. General: In obedience to your written order, I report, in writing, the late demonstration and attack of the enemy at Verdon and vicinity: Agreeably to your instructions, I left Atlee's Station, on Sunday, the twentieth instant, in charge of a squadron, and proceeded in the direction of Hanover Junction, (via Hanover Court-House,) which place I reached about dusk and encamped beyond, some mile and a half, sending, as directed, Lieutenant Grattan, with six men, up
July 30th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
d return to the battle-field. Subjoined is a list of the killed and wounded. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. A. Early, Brigadier-General, commanding Brigade. Colonel Stafford's Report. headquarters Eighth brigade, July 30, 1862. Captain G. Campbell Brown: sir: In compliance with instructions from division headquarters, requiring a report of the part taken by this brigade in the late battles before Richmond, I have the honor to make the following statement of factdistinguished coolness and bravery, and did signal service in holding that regiment in its position while under the heaviest fire. I. R. Trimble, Brigadier-General. Operations from June 28 to July 1, inclusive. Headquarters brigade, July 30, 1862. Major-General R. S. Ewell, commanding Division: General: I respectfully append the following as a continuation of the operations of the Seventh brigade from June twenth-eighth to July first, inclusive: On the twenty-eighth June, the br
July 29th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
Doc. 24. operations around Richmond. Report of Major-General Longstreet. headquarters, near Richmond, July 29, 1862. Colonel R. H. Chilton, A. A. General: Colonel: In obedience to confidential General Orders, No. 75, and previously arranged plans, the division of Major-General D. H. Hill and my own were put in march, the former at two, the latter at three o'clock A. M., on the twenty-sixth, for the Mechanicsville turnpike, to await the progress of the command of Major-Generals Jaut three, however, have returned, and it is hoped that all will be present before nightfall. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. S. Ripley, Brigadier-General. Report of General Pryor. headquarters Fifth brigade, July 29, 1862. Major Sorrell, A. A. General: Major: I beg to submit the following report of the operations of the Fifth brigade in the recent engagements around Richmond: About eleven o'clock, on the night of the twenty-sixth of June, I was directed
July 28th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
dier-General D. R. Jones's Report. headquarters D. R. Jones' division, July 28, 1862. To Captain A. G. Dickinson, A. A. General: sir: Pursuant to instructionwton. headquarters Fourth brigade, Valley District, near Gordonsville, July 28, 1862. Captain A. S. Pendleton, Assistant Adjutant-General: Captain: In accordHill. headquarters Fourth brigade, Valley District, near Gordonsville, July 28, 1862. Captain A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G.: Captain: I beg leave to submit the forts. headquarters Seventh brigade, Orange County, near Liberty Mills, July 28, 1862. Major-General R. S. Ewell, commanding Second Division, Valley District: e of Garnett's farm. bivouac, Eighth Georgia regiment, Garnett's farm, July 28, 1862. Lieutenant C. C. Hardwick, A. A. G., Third Brigade, First Division, A. P.:Volunteers. Report of Colonel Douglass. camp near Magruder's Mill, July 28, 1862. Captain E. W. Hull, A. A. G.: Captain: In the battle fought below Richm
July 27th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
rvant, C. T. Litchfield, Captain, commanding Squadron Report of Lieutenant-Colonel Bower. headquarters First N. C. Cavalry, Hanover Court-house, Va., July 27, 1862. Captain Fitzhugh, Assistant Adjutant-General: sir: I have the honor to report that I arrived, with five companies of my regiment, on the morning of twenty-ient servant, B. W. Leigh, Captain, commanding the Battalion. Report of Major Bevy, of Fourth Georgia battalion. camp near Magruder's Mills,Virginia, July 27, 1862. Captain Edward W. Hull, Assistant Adjutant-General: Captain: I have the honor, respectfully, to make, for the information of the Brigadier-General commandis J. Bevy, Major. Report of Captain Battey, of Thirty-Eighth Georgia regiment. headquarters Thirty-Eighth regiment Ga. Vols., camp near Gordonsville, July 27, 1862. Captain Edward W. Hull, Assistant Adjutant-General: Captain: In obedience to orders received from you, I have the honor to make the following report of the
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