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an anchor of a box of rifle cartridges, and she drifted into shallow water, awaiting either a change of tide or succor from the Baltic. While lying there, two horsemen came down to the beach, and after surveying the boat for a few minutes, retired and reported to a company of soldiers, who were concealed in the bushes at some distance from the beach. The horsemen returned in about half an hour, and riding into the water, flourishing their swords, hailed the boat and asked who she was, and what was her business there. Lieut. Snyder replied that it was a boat from the Baltic, with a howitzer and ammunition for that vessel. The horsemen rode off without further question, the word howitzer probably conveying the idea of sharper work than they were prepared to encounter, and Lieut. S. was unmolested during the remainder of the night. At the change of tide he made his way to the Baltic, reaching her about daylight, with the loss of one box of rifle cartridges.--N. Y. Times, April 27.
Washington, April 27.--A gentleman from Richmond this morning, gives some information of the feeling prevalent there. He represents it as a perfect reign of terror, and an excitement that he never saw paralleled. The troops in the city, he thinks a fine, hardy body of men, but ignorant beyond belief. It is upon the ignorance of these men that the leaders play. Some of the statements he heard made, would hardly be credited as the assertions of sane men. He listened to one man who publicly stated that the Seventh Regiment had been cut to pieces in the streets of Annapolis, and that he himself saw more than 100 of their dead bodies lying in the streets of that city. Another man he heard assure the crowd that the Massachusetts vagabonds (her glorious volunteers) had been quartered in the Capitol at Washington, and had amused themselves by running their bayonets through the pictures which adorned it, and that the rich hangings of the different rooms have been pulled down and made i
New York, April 27.--They get some very curious telegraphic despatches down South nowadays. For instance, The Mobile Tribune publishes, with a great flourish of sensation headings, the following: New Orleans, April 20.--The details from Baltimore say the citizens have no arms except those seized from the Federal troops. They are fighting like heroes, with paving-stones. New Orleans, April 20.--The Baltimoreans captured the Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, taking eight hundrereported that one hundred lives were lost. Maryland has raised her State flag. Rumors of fighting in St. Louis. Louisville, April 20.--Kentucky has declared, through her Legislature, that she will secede. Lincoln will instantly, resign in obedience to Gen. Scott's example. --The news that Kentucky has seceded and that Mr. Lincoln is about to follow Gen. Scott's example and resign, The Mobile Tribune declares to be specially worthy of confidence.--N. Y. Tribune, April 27.
General Leslie Coombs, of Kentucky, writes to a friend in Cincinnati, under date of April 27, as follows:-- We could not control the Governor and his coconspirators, but we appealed to the people, and on next Saturday we expect to elect John J. Crittenden, James Guthrie, and others, to a brotherly peace conference--by a majority unparalleled heretofore in Kentucky. I shall not be surprised at fifty thousand. The destructionists, anticipating their fate, have recently resolved to abandon the contest. Then, in Heaven's name 1 let us alone — keep the peace on your side of the river, and we will give treason such a rebuke in Old Kentucky that it will never again dare to raise its hideous head among us. We cannot turn our Governor out of office till his term expires, and he is the military commander-in-chief of the State; but we can keep Kentucky in the Union--if you will let us. When a beardless boy, I left my father's home in Kentucky, and marched, with thousands of brav
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