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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 339 BC or search for 339 BC in all documents.

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Nicode'mus (*Niko/dhmos), historical. 1. A tyrant of Centoripa in Sicily, who was driven out by Timoleon, B. C. 339. (Diod. 16.82
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Philo, Publi'lius 3. Q. Publilius Philo, Q. F. Q. N., a distinguished general in the Samnite wars, and the author of one of the great reforms in the Roman constitution. He was consul B. C. 339, with Ti. Aemilius Mamercinus, and defeated the Latins, over whom he triumphed. In the same year he was appointed dictator by his colleague Aemilius Mamercinus, and, as such, proposed the celebrated Publiliae Leges, which abolished the power of the patrician assembly of the curiae, and elevated the plebeians to an equality with the patricians for all practical purposes. It would seem that great opposition was expected from the patricians, and that Philo was therefore raised to the dictatorship, that the proposed reforms might be carried with the authority of the highest magistracy in the state. As he could not have been appointed dictator without the sanction of the senate, it has been inferred by Niebuhr, with much probability, that the Publilian laws were brought forward with the approbation
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Publi'lia Gens plebeian. The ancient form of the name was Poblilius, which we find in the Capitoline Fasti. In many manuscripts and editions of the ancient writers we find the name of Publilius corrupted into Publius; and Glandorp, in his Onomasticon, has fallen into the mistake of giving most of the Publilii under the head of Publii (pp. 727, 728). The Publilii were first brought into notice as early as B. C. 472, by the celebrated tribune Volero Publilius, and they subsequently obtained the highest dignities of the state. The only family of this gens that bore a separate cognomen was that of PHILO; and it was one of this family, Q. Publilius Philo, who obtained the consulship in B. C. 339. The greatness of the gens became extinct with this Philo; and after his death we do not read of any persons of the name who attained to importance in the state. Volscus was an agnomen of the Philones. [PHILO, No. 1.]
y derived from a very impure source : Athenaeus (vii. p. 279e., xii. p. 546d.) and Diogenes Laertius (4.1, 2; camp. Suid. s.v. Tertullian, Apolog. 100.46) can adduce as authority for them scarcely any thing more than some abuse in certain letters of the younger Dionysius, who was banished by Dion, not without the co-operation of Speusippus. Having been selected by Plato as his successor in the office of president of the Academy, he was at the head of the school for only eight years (B. C. 347-339). He died, as it appears, of a lingering paralytic illness (D. L. 4.1, 3, 4). Another account, at variance with this, appears to rest upon a misunderstanding (l.c. 4.4, ib. Interp.). Works From the list of his numerous dialogues and commentaries Diogenes Laertius gives us an extract, which contains only titles, which do not always admit of any conclusion as to their contents, and the scanty notices in other writers furnish us with little that can supply the void or throw any light upon the
duct in leaving Sicily, that they would have crucified him if he had not put an end to his own life; and they now resolved to send a force to Sicily sufficiently powerful to subdue the whole island. This formidable armament reached Lilybaeum in B. C. 339. It was under the command of Hasdrubal and Hamilcar, and is said to have consisted of 70,000 foot and 10,000 horse and war-chariots, with a fleet of 200 ships of war, and 1000 other vessels carrying a vast quantity of provisions and military stne another, each eager to gain the stream. Numbers were killed, and still more were drowned in the river. The victory was complete, and justly ranks as one of the greatest gained by Greeks over barbarians. It was fought in the middle of summer, B. C. 339. The booty which Timoleon and his troops gained was prodigious; and some of the richest of the spoils he sent to Corinth and other cities in Greece, thus diffusing the glory of his victory throughout the mother country. The victory of the Cri
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