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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 4 4 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Exordia (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 26-27 (ed. Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Exordia (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt), exordium 21, section 1 (search)
If all along, men of Athens, we had been as peaceful as at this moment, playing into the hands of no politician,On subservience to politicians see Dem. 3.30-32, the reference is to Aeschines; the opening lines seem to refer to the Amphissian War of 339 B.C. and its sequels: Dem. 17.142-153. I believe that the events which now have happened would never have taken place and that in many other respects we should be in better shape. But of late, because of the high-handedness of some men, it is impossible either to come forward or speak, or in general to get in a word.For organized interruptions in the Assembly see Dem. 13.20 and Dem. 2.29-30.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 35 (search)
ly passed by the Roman people. Nothing can have come of it, since Sextus Pompeius held the island by late 43 B.C. and lost it to Augustus, who showed no interest in extending Roman citizenship to the provinces on such a wholesale scale. Pliny in his sketch of Sicily (3.88-91) lists, shortly before A.D. 79, several different degrees of civic status for the cities of the island. Accordingly, when in later times laws were framed for the Syracusans by CephalusIn 339 B.C.; cp. Book 16.82. in the time of Timoleon and by Polydorus in the time of King Hiero,Hiero was given the title of "King" in 270 B.C. and probably bore it until his death in 216. they called neither one of these men a "lawgiver," but rather an "interpreter of the lawgiver," since men found the laws of Diocles, written as they were in an ancient style, difficult to understand. Profound reflection is displayed in his legislation, the lawmaker showing himself to
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 77 (search)
340/39 B.C.When Theophrastus was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Valerius and Aulus Cornelius, and the one hundred and tenth Olympiad was celebrated, in which Anticles the Athenian won the foot-race.Theophrastus was archon at Athens from July 340 to June 339 B.C. The Olympic Games were celebrated in mid-summer of 340 B.C. Broughton (1.132) lists the consuls of 343 B.C. as M. Valerius Corvus and A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina. In this year, seeing that Philip was besieging Byzantium, the Athenians voted that he had broken his treaty with them and promptly dispatched a formidable fleet to aid that city. Besides them, the Chians, Coans, Rhodians, and some others of the Greeks sent reinforcements also. Philip was frightened by this joint action, broke off the siege of the two cities, and made a treaty of peace with the Athenians and the other Greeks who opposed him.This account of Diodorus differs from the
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 79 (search)
s a matter of fact, is how it was, for unpredictably, incredible to tell, they got the better of the enemy not only through their own valour but also through the gods' specific assistance.Timoleon deployed his forces and advanced down from a line of little hills to the river Crimisus,The river is variously spelled Crimesus (Plut. Timoleon 25.4) and Crimissus (Nepos Timoleon 2.4). where ten thousand of the enemy had already crossed. These he shattered at the first onset, taking his own position in the centre of his line.The story of the battle is told more circumstantially in Plut. Timoleon 27-29. The time was just before the summer solstice of 339 B.C. (Plut. Timoleon 27.1). There was a sharp fight, but as the Greeks were superior both in bravery and in skill, there was great slaughter of the barbarians. The rest began to flee, but the main body of the Carthaginians crossed the river in the mean time and restored the situation.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 91 (search)
336/5 B.C.When Pythodorus was archon at Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Quintus Publius and Tiberius Aemilius Mamercus, and the one hundred and eleventh celebration of the Olympic Games took place, in which Cleomantis of Cleitor won the foot-race.The archon's name was Pythodelus, and his term ran from July 336 to June 335 B.C. The Olympic Games were held in midsummer, 336. The consuls of 339 B.C. were Ti. Aemilius Mamercinus and Q. Publilius Philo (Broughton, 1.137). In this year, King Philip, installed as leader by the Greeks, opened the war with Persia by sending into Asia as an advance party Attalus and Parmenion,Continued from chap. 89. For these events cp. Justin 9.5.8-9. assigning to them a part of his forces and ordering them to liberate the Greek cities, while he himself, wanting to enter upon the war with the gods' approval, asked the Pythia whether he would conquer the king of the Persians. She gave him the fol
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER III. (search)
n here. Archytas flourished about the commencement of the fourth century B. C., and was still living in the year 349 B. C. But at a later period their luxury, which was produced by their prosperity, increased to that degree that their general holidays or festivals exceeded in number the days of the year; and hence arose an inefficient government, and as one proof of their un- statesmanlike acts we may adduce their employment of foreign generals; for they sent for Alexander,About 332 or 339 B. C. See Heyn. Opusc. Acad. tom. ii. p. 141. king of the Molossi, to come and assist them against the Messapii and Leucani. They had before that employed Archidamus, the son of Agesilaus;About 338 B. C. afterwards they called in CleonymusAbout 303 B. C. and Agathocles,About 330 B. C. and later, when they rose against the Romans, Pyrrhus.About 281 B. C. They were not able even to retain the respect of those whom they had invited, but rather merited their disgust. Alexander [of Epirus] wa
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 9 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 26 (search)
these accusations by reason of our innocence, not by reason of the awe inspired by our office. he then resigned as dictator, and so at once did Folius as master of the horse. they were the first to go to trial before the consuls —for toB.C. 314 these the senate had given the matter in charge — and, against the testimony of the nobles, were gloriously acquitted. Publilius Philo, too, after all his famous achievements at home and in war, and after having repeatedly held the highest offices, had incurred the hate of the nobility, and was brought to trial and acquitted.In 339 B.C. Philo had proposed three democratic laws, which won him the enmity of the patricians. see viii. xii. 14-16. but the inquisition, as often happens, had the vigour to deal with illustrious defendants no longer than while its novelty lasted; after that it began to descend to the baser sort, until it was finally put down by the cabals and factions which it had been instituted to oppose.
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 26 (ed. Frank Gardner Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 33 (search)
ficient penalty had been paid, since so many senators had been carried off by poison, so many executed by beheading; that few of the nobles survived, whom neither their conscience had prompted to do violence to themselves, nor an angry victor had condemned to death. those were the men who were begging, they said, for freedom for themselves and their families and for some part of their property, being Roman citizens,Cf. § 10. Roman citizenship had been conferred upon the Campanian knights in 339 B.C., and civitas sine suffragio upon all the Campanians soon after; cf. VIII. xi. 16; xiv. 10. linked to them in many cases through relations by marriage, and now by close blood relations in consequence of theirB.C. 210 long —established right of intermarriage. then after they had been conducted out of the temple, there was for a short time hesitation whether Quintus Fulvius should be summoned from Capua —for Claudius, the consul,At this time proconsul. for his death cf. xvi. 1 had died af
Arses, Narses or OARSES (*)/Arshs, *Na/rshs, or *)Oa/rshs), the youngest son of king Artaxerxes III. (Ochus.) After the eunuch Bagoas had poisoned Artaxerxes, he raised Arses to the throne, B. C. 339; and that he might have the young king completely under his power, he caused the king's brothers to be put to death; but one of them, Bisthanes, appears to have escaped their fate. (Arrian, Arr. Anab. 3.19.) Arses, however, could but ill brook the indignities committed against his own family, and the bondage in which he himself was kept; and as soon as Bagoas perceived that the king was disposed to take vengeance, he had him and his children too put to death, in the third year of his reign. The royal house appears to have been thus destroyed with the exception of the above-mentioned Bisthanes, and Bagoas raised Dareius Codomannus to the throne. (Diod. 17.5; Strab. xv. p.736; Plut. de Fort. Alex. 2.3, Artax. 1; Arrian, Arr. Anab. 2.14; Ctesias, Pers. p. 151, ed. Lion; Syncell. pp. 145, 39
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Artaxerxes Iii. or Artaxerxes Ochus also called Ochus, succeeded his father as king of Persia in B. C. 362, and reigned till B. C. 339. In order to secure the throne which he had gained by treason and murder, he began his reign with a merciless extirpation of the members of his family. He himself was a cowardly and reckless despot; and the great advantages which the Persian arms gained during his reign, were owing only to his Greek generals and mercenaries, and to traitors, or want of skill on the part of his enemies. These advantages consisted in the conquest of the revolted satrap Artabazus [ARTABAZUS, No. 4], and in the reduction of Phoenicia, of several revolted towns in Cyprus, and of Egypt, B. C. 350. (Diod. 16.40-52.) From this time Artaxerxes withdrew to his seraglio, where he passed his days in sensual pleasures. The reins of the government were entirely in the hands of the eunuch Bagoas, and of Mentor, the Rhodian, and the existence of the king himself was felt by his subje
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