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on to his becoming a member of the Amphictyonic league. The mischief, however, was done, and in order to prevent still more serious consequences, Demosthenes, in B. C. 346, delivered his oration " on the peace" (pepi\ ei)rh/nhs), and the people gave way. From this time forward the two political parties are fully developed, and option of the Olynthiac orations, with notes, by C. H. Frotscher and C. H. Funkhänel, Leipzig, 1834, 8vo. 5. On the Peace The oration on the Peace, delivered in B. C. 346. Respecting the question as to whether this oration was actually delivered or not, see Becker, Philippische Reden, i. p. 222, &c., and Vömel, Prolegom. ad Orat. in date. 55. *Kata\ *Dionusodw/rou bla/bhs *Kata\ *Dionusodw/rou bla/bhs, B. C. 329. 56. *)/Efesis pro\s *Eu)bouli/dhn *)/Efesis pro\s *Eu)bouli/dhn, after B. C. 346. 57. *Kata\ *Qeokri/nou e)/ndeicis *Kata\ *Qeokri/nou e)/ndeicis, belongs to B. C. 325, but is probably the work of Deinarchus. (Dionys. Deinarch. 10; Argum.
Dercylus or DERCYLLUS (*Derku/los, *De/rkullos), an Athenian, was one of that embassy of ten, in which Aeschines and Demosthenes were included, and which was sent to Philip to treat on the subject of peace in B. C. 347. In B. C. 346, the same ambassadors appear to have been again deputed to ratify the treaty. (See the Argument prefixed to Dem. de Fals. Leg. p. 336; Aesch. de Fals. Leg. p. 41; Thirwall's Greece, vol. v. p. 356; comp. the decree apud Dem. de Cor. p. 235; Classical Museum, vol. i. p. 145.) Dercylus was also one of the envoys in the third embassy (*e)pi\ tou\s *)Amfiktu/onas), which was appointed to convey to Philip, then marching upon Phocis, the complimentary and cordial decree of Philocrates, and to attend the Amphictyonic coullncil that was about to be convened on the affairs of Phocis. When, however, the ambassadors had reached Chalcis in Euboea, they heard of the destruction of the Phocian towns by Philip, and of his having taken part entirely with the Thebans, and
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Diony'sius or Diony'sius the Younger or the Younger Diony'sius (search)
great rapidity. Callippus, the murderer of Dion, was in his turn driven from the city by Ilipparinus (son of the elder Dionysius by Aristomache, and therefore nephew of Dion), who reigned but two years: another of Dion's nephews, Nysaeus, subsequently obtained the supreme power, and was in possession of it when Dionysius presented himself before Syracuse with a fleet, and became master of the city by treachery. According to Plutarch, this took place in the tenth year after his expulsion, B. C. 346. (Diod. 16.31, 36; Justin, 21.3; Athen. 11.508; Plut. Tim. 1.) The Locrians meanwhile took advantage of his absence to revolt against him : they drove out the garrison which he had left, and wreaked their vengeance in the most cruel manner on his wife and daughters. (Strab. vi. p.260; Clearch. apud Athen. xii. p. 541.) Dionysius was not however able to reestablish himself firmly in his former power. Most of the other cities of Sicily had shaken off the yoke of Syracuse, and were governed s
courts of justice. (Plut. l.c. p. 448e.) Our information respecting his life is very meagre, but it seems that he first displayed his patriotic feelings in B. C. 358, by the sacrifices he made for the public good during the expedition against Euboea, for on that occasion he and his son are said to have equipped two triremes at their own expense. (Plut. l.c. p. 849f.; comp. Dem. de Coron. p. 259, in Mid. p. 566.) In the same spirit he acted on an embassy to Rhodes (Plut. l.c. p. 850a.), in B. C. 346, when he, like Demosthenes, took up the prosecution against the treacherous Philocrates (Dem. de Fals. Leg. p. 276), in the expedition against Byzantium, in B. C. 340 (Plut. p. 848e.), and more especially in B. C. 338, after the fatal battle of Chaeroneia, when Hyperides, with the view of making a desperate resistance against Philip, proposed that all women and children should be taken to Peiraeeus, that the slaves should be emancipated, that the resident aliens should receive the rights o
in B. C. 351. Shortly after his accession he was required by the Persian king, Artaxerxes Ochus, to fit out an armament for the reduction of Cyprus, a request with which he readily complied; and having equipped a fleet of 40 triremes, and assembled an army of 8000 mercenary troops, despatched them against Cyprus, under the command of Evagoras and the Athenian general Phocion. This is the only event of his reign which is recorded to us; but we may infer, from an expression of Isocrates, in B. C. 346 (Philipp. p. 102e), that the friendly relations between him and the Persian king did not long continue : they appear to have come even to an open rupture. But the hostility of Persia did not interfere with his prosperity, for he is spoken of by Isocrates in the same passage as one of the most wealthy and powerful of the princes of Asia; and Demosthenes tells us (de Pace, p. 63) that he had added to his hereditary dominions the important islands of Chios, Cos, and Rhodes. He died of disease
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Libo, Poete'lius 3. C. Poetelius, C. F. C. N., LIBO VISOLUS, son of No. 2, is distinguished in the early legislation of the republic by two important laws which he proposed. He was tribune of the plebs B. C. 358, in which year he proposed the first law enacted at Rome against bribery. (Liv. 7.12.) He was consul for the first time in B. C. 346, with M. Valerius Corvus; and it was in this year that the ludi saeculares were celebrated a second time. (Liv. 7.27; Diod. 16.72; Censorin. de Die Nat. 17.) His second consulship is assigned by Pighius (Annal. vol. i. p. 329) to the year B. C. 333, though not on sufficient grounds; the consuls of this year it is impossible to ascertain. He was, however, undoubtedly consul again in B. C. 326, with L. Papirius Mugillanus, and dictator thirteen years afterwards, B. C. 313, when he gained some advantages over the Samnites, though some annalists gave the credit of these victories to the consul C. Junius Bubulcus Brutus. (Liv. 8.23, 9.28; Diod. 17.11
Nysaeus (*Nusai=os), son of the elder Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse, by his wife Aristomache, the daughter of Hipparinus. (Diod. 16.6.) We know nothing of the steps by which he rose to the supreme power at Syracuse; but it seems probable that he succeeded his brother Hipparinus in the sovereignty, which he held until B. C. 346, when he was expelled by his half-brother, the younger Dionysius. (Plut. Tim. 1.) He was chiefly remarkable for his love of drinking and his immoderate addiction to gross sensual indulgences. (Theopomp. apud Alten. x. pp. 435, 436; Aelian, Ael. VH 2.41.) [E.H.
eat battle (Plut. Alex. 3). Throughout the reign of Philip he enjoyed the highest place in the confidence of that monarch, both as his friend and counsellor, and as a general: the king's estimation of his merits in the latter capacity may be gathered from his well known remark, that he had never been able to find more than one general, and that was Parmenion. (Plut. Apophth. p. 177c.) Yet the occasions on which his name is specially mentioned during the reign of Philip are not numerous. In B. C. 346 we find him engaged in the siege of Halus in Thessaly (Dem. de F. L. p. 392), and shortly after he was sent by Philip, together with Antipater and Eurylochus, as ambassador to Athens, to obtain the ratification of the proposed peace from the Atienians and their allies. (Id. ib. p. 362; Arg. ad Or. de. F. L. p. 336.) In B. C. 342, while Philip was in Thrace, Parmenion carried on operations in Euboea, where he supported the Macedonian party at Eretria, and subsequently besieged and took the
r's territory, and continued without any striking incident until B. C. 347. But it seems that scems that Phalaecus had failed or neglected to establish his power at home as firmly as his predecessors had done : and a charge was brought against him by the opposite party of having appropriated part of tle sacred treasure's to his own private purposes, in consequence of which he was deprived of his power. No punishment, however, appears to have been inflicted on him ; and the follwmving year (B. C. 346) we find hliim again appointed general, switllouit ally explanation of this revolution : but it seems to have been in some manner connected with the proceedings of Philip of Macedon, who was now preparing to interpose in the war. It is not easy to understand the condultct of Phalaecus in the stlubsequelnt tratsactionis; but whether he was deceived by tihe plrofessions of l'hilip, or hlad been secretly gained over by the king, his measures were precisely those best adapted to facilitate the
e visionary. The delusion of the rhetorician was at any rate not shared by his fellow-citizens. The Athenians, indignant at having been out-witted and at the disappointment of their hopes from the treaty, showed their resentment by omitting to send their ordinary deputation to the Pythian games, at which Philip presided, and were disposed to withhold their recognition of him as a member of the Amphictyonic league. They were dissuaded, however, by Demosthenes, in his oration "on the Peace" (B. C. 346), from an exhibition of anger so perilous at once and impotent. Philip now began to spread his snares for the establishment of his influence in the Peloponnesus, by holding himself out to the Messenians, Megalopolitans, and Argives, as their protector against Sparta. To counteract these attempts, and to awaken the states in question to the true view of Philip's character and designs, Demosthenes went into the Peloponnesus at the head of an embassy ; but his eloquence and representations
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