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Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK XXXIV. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF METALS., CHAP. 19.—AN ACCOUNT OF THE MOST CELEBRATED WORKS IN BRASS, AND OF THE ARTISTS, 366 IN NUMBER. (search)
alents by way of portion. and so called because the dragons on its Gorgon's head vibrate at the sound of the lyre; also an equestrian statue of Simon, the first writer on the art of equitation.He is mentioned by Xenophon, according to whom, he dedicated the brazen statue of a horse in the Eleusinium at Athens. He was probably an Athenian by birth. Dædalus,Son of Patroclus, who is previously mentioned as having lived in the 95th Olympiad. He was a native of Sicyon, and flourished about B.C. 400. Several works of his are also mentioned by Pausanias. who is highly esteemed as a modeller in clay, made two brazen figures of youths using the body-scraper;Or "strigil." See Note 19 above. and Dinomenes executed figures of ProtesilaüsThe first Grecian slain at Troy. and Pythodemus the wrestler. The statue of Alexander Paris is the work of Euphranor:Famous also as a painter. See B. xxxv. c. 40.—B. Paris, the son of Priam, was known by both of these names. it is much admired, because we recog
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 2 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 1 (search)
nate might receive an added augmentation from the numbers of that order, he filled up the list of the Fathers, which had been abridged by the late king's butcheries, drawing upon the foremost men of equestrian rank until he had brought the total up to three hundred. From that time, it is said, was handed down the custom of summoning to the senate the Fathers and the Enrolled, the latter being the designation of the new senators, who were appointed.Later any senator might be called pater conscriptus, and it is possible that Livy and Festus (p. 254 M) were misled in supposing that originally the patres were one class of senators and the conscripti another. See Conway's note. This measure was wonderfully effective in promoting harmony in the state and attaching the plebs to the Fathers.Livy appears to have assumed that the new senators were plebeians, but this is almost certainly wrong. The first definite notice of a plebeian senator occurs at v. xii. 11 (400 B.C.).
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 6 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 37 (search)
ions; one of the two consulships must be set apart for the undisputed use of the plebs, for if left in dispute it would always fall a prize to the more powerful. Neither could it any longer be maintained —as the nobles had been wont to assert — that among the plebeians were none who were suitable for curule magistracies. Had the public administration been a jot more indifferent or slipshod since the tribuneship of Publius Licinius Calvus, who was the first man elected from the plebs,In 400 B.C. (v. xii. 9). than it had been during those years in which none but patricians had been military tribunes? Nay, on the contrary, several patricians had been impeached after holding the tribuneship, but not one plebeian. Quaestors, too, like military tribunes, had begun a few years before to be elected from the commons, nor had the Roman People regretted it in a single case. The consulship remained for the commons to achieve; this was the citadel of liberty, this its pillar. If they
ite impossible to translate so as to preserve the paronomasia of the original: *)/Akron i)htro\n *)/Akrwn' *)Akraganti=non patro\s a)/krou *Kru/ptei krhmno\s a(/kros patri/dos a)krota/ths. The second line was sometimes read thus: *)Akrota/ths korufh=s tu/mbos a)/kros kate/xei. Some persons attributed the whole epigram to Simonides. (Suid. s. v. *)/Akrwn; Eudoc. Violar., ap. Villoison, Anecd. Gr. 1.49; Diog. Läert. 8.65.) The sect of the Empirici, in order to boast of a greater antiquity than the Dogmatici (founded by Thessalus, the son, and Polybus, the son-in-law of Hippocrates, about B. C. 400), claimed Acron as their founder (Pseudo-Gal. Introd. 4. vol. xiv. p. 683), though they did not really exist before the third century B. C. [PHILINUS; SERAPION.] Pliny falls into this anachronism. (H. N. 29.4.) None of Acron's works are now extant, though he wrote several in the Doric dialect on Medical and Physical subjects, of which the titles are preserved by Suidas and Eudocia. [W.A.G
a (Aelian, Ael. VH 13.4), where his old friend Euripides was also a guest at the same time. From the expression in the Ranae (83), that he was gone e)s maka/rwn eu)wxi/an, nothing certain can be determined as to the time of his death. The phrase admits of two meanings, either that he was then residing at the court of Archelaus, or that he was dead. The former, however, is the more probable interpretation. (Clinton, Fast. Hell. vol. ii. p. xxxii.) He is generally supposed to have died about B. C. 400, at the age of forty-seven. (Bode, Geschichte der dram. Dichtkunst, i. p. 553.) The poetic merits of Agathon were considerable, but his compositions were more remarkable for elegance and flowery ornaments than force, vigour, or sublimity. They abounded in antithesis and metaphor, " with cheerful thoughts and kindly images," (Aelian, Ael. VH 14.13,) and he is said to have imitated in verse the prose of Gorgias the philosopher. The language which Plato puts into his mouth in the Symposium, i
was the most famous of the pupils of Phidias, but was not so close an imitator of his master as Agoracritus. Like his fellow-pupil, he exercised his talent chiefly in making statues of the deities. By ancient writers he is ranked amongst the most distinguished artists, and is considered by Pausanias second only to Phidias. (Quint. Inst. 12.10.8; Dionys. De Demosth. acum. vol. vi. p. 1108, ed. Reiske; Paus. 5.10.2.) He flourished from about Ol. 84 (Plin. Nat. 34.8. s. 19) to Ol. 95 (B. C. 444-400). Pliny's date is confirmed by Pausanias, who says (8.9.1), that Praxiteles flourished in the third generation after Alcamnenes; and Praxiteles, as Pliny tells us, flourished about Ol. 104 (B. C. 364). The last works of his which we hear of, were the colossal statues of Athene and Hercules, which Thrasybulus erected in the temple of Hercules at Thebes after the expulsion of the tyrants from Athens. (B. C. 403.) The most beautiful and renowned of the works of Alcamenes was a statue of Venus, c
Alexis (*)/Alecis), a sculptor and statuary, mentioned by Pliny (34.8. s. 19) as one of the pupils of Polycletus. Pausanias (6.3.3) mentions an artist of the same name, a native of Sicyon, and father of the sculptor Cantharus. It cannot be satisfactorily settled whether these are the same, or different persons. Pliny's account implies that he had the elder Polycletus in view, in which case Alexis could not have flourished later than Ol. 95 (B. C. 400), whereas Eutychides, under whom Cantharus studied, flourished about Ol. 120, B. C. 300. (Pliny, Plin. Nat. 34.8. s. 19.) If the two were identical, as Thiersch (Epochen der bild. Kunst. p. 276) thinks, we must suppose either that Pliny made a mistake, and that Alexis studied under the younger Polycletus, or else that the Eutychides, whose date is given by Pliny, was not the artist under whom Cantharus studied. [C.P.
Ama'docus 1. King of the Odrysae in Thrace, was a friend of Alcibiades, and is mentioned at the time of the battle of Aegospotami, B. C. 405. (Diod. 13.105.) He and Seuthes were the most powerful princes in Thrace when Xenophon visited the country in B. C. 400. They were, however, frequently at variance, but were reconciled to one another by Thrasybulus, the Athenian commander, in B. C. 390, and induced by him to become the allies of Athens. (Xen. Anab. 7.2.32, 3.16, 7.3, &c., Hell. 4.8.26; Diod. 14.94.) This Amadocus may perhaps be the same as the one mentioned by Aristotle, who, he says, was attacked by his general Seuthes, a Thracian. (Pol. 5.8, p. 182, ed. Göttling.
Anaxi'bius (*)Anaci/bios), was the Spartan admiral stationed at Byzantium, to whom the Cyrean Greeks, on their arrival at Trapezus on the Euxine, sent Cheirisophus, one of their generals, at his own proposal, to obtain a sufficient number of ships to transport them to Europe. (B. C. 400. Xen. Anab. 5.1.4.) Whhen however Cheirisophus met them again at Sinope, he brought back nothing from Anaxibius but civil words and a promise of employment and pay as soon as they came out of the Euxine. (Anab. 6.1.16.) On their arrival at Chrysopolis, on the Asiatic shore of the Bosporus, Anaxibius, being bribed by Pharnabazus with great promises to withdraw them from his satrapy, again engaged to furnish them with pay, and brought them over to Byzantium. Here he attempted to get rid of them, and to send them forward on their march without fulfilling his agreement. A tumult ensued, in which Anaxibius was compelled to fly for refuge to the Acropolis, and which was quelled only by the remonstrances of
, which, however, he dropped on receiving a sum of money. During this period Andocides became a member of the senate, in which he appears to have possessed great influence, as well as in the popular assembly. He was gymnasiarch at the Hephaestaea, was sent as architheorus to the Isthmian and Olympic games, and was at last even entrusted with the office of keeper of the sacred treasury. But these distinctions appear to have excited the envy and hatred of his former enemies ; for in the year B. C. 400, Callias, supported by Cephisius, Agyrrhius, Meletus, and Epichares, urged the necessity of preventing Andocides from attending the assembly, as he had never been formally freed from the civil disfranchisement. But as Callias had but little hope in this case, he brought against him the charge of having profaned the mysteries and violated the laws respecting the temple at Eleusis. (De Myst. § 110, &c.) The orator pleaded his case in the oration still extant, On the Mysteries (peri\ tw=n mus
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