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Andocides, Speeches 8 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 6 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese) 6 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics 4 0 Browse Search
Andocides, Speeches 4 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) 4 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 4 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 4 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 2 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 2 0 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1312b (search)
potter,’ because the final form of democracy is tyranny, and on the other hand royalty and aristocracy are opposed to tyranny because of the opposite nature of their constitutional structure (owing to which the Spartans put down a very great many tyrannies, and so did the Syracusans at the period when they were governed well.) But one way is from within itself, when the partners in it fall into discord, as the tyranny of the family of GeloTyrant of Syracuse 485-478 B.C., succeeded by his brother Hiero who died 467. Gelo's son is unknown. Cf. 1315b 35 ff. was destroyed, and in modern times356 B.C., a good many years before this book was written. that of the family of DionysiusSee 1312a 4 n.—Gelo's, when Thrasybulus the brother of Hiero paid court to the son of Gelo and urged him into indulgences in order that he himself might rule, and the son's connections banded together a body of confederates in order t
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1313b (search)
evices of Persian and barbarian tyranny (for all have the same effect); and to try not to be uninformed about any chance utterances or actions of any of the subjects, but to have spies like the women called ‘provocatrices’ at Syracuse and the ‘sharp-ears’ that used to be sent out by Hiero wherever there was any gathering or conference (for when men are afraid of spies of this sort they keep a check on their tongues, and if they do speak freely are less likely nn. and of the temples at Samos, works of PolycratesTyrant of Samos, d. 522 B.C. (for all these undertakings produce the same effect, constant occupation and poverty among the subject people); and the levying of taxes, as at Syracuse (for in the reign of DionysiusSee 1259a 28 n. the result of taxation used to be that in five years men had contributed the whole of their substance). Also the tyrant is a stirrer-up of war, with the deliberate
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1315b (search)
he was warlike. The third longest tyranny is that of the Pisistratidae at Athens, but it was not continuous; for while PisistratusSee 1305a 23 n. was tyrant he twice fled into exile, so that in a period of thirty-three years he was tyrant for seventeen years out of the total, and his sons for eighteen years, so that the whole duration of their rule was thirty-five years. Among the remaining tyrannies is the one connected with Hiero and GeloSee 1312b 12 n. at Syracuse, but even this did not last many years, but only eighteen in all, for Gelo after being tyrant for seven years ended his life in the eighth, and Hiero ruled ten years, but Thrasybulus was expelled after ten months. And the usual tyrannies have all of them been of quite short duration.The causes therefore of the destruction of constitutional governments and of monarchies and those again of their preservation have almost all of them been discussed.
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1316a (search)
gular; since according to him tyranny ought to change into the first and best constitution, for so the process would be continuous and a circle, but as a matter of fact tyranny also changes into tyranny, as the constitution of SicyonSee 1315b 13 n. passed from the tyranny of Myron to that of Cleisthenes, and into oligarchy, as did that of AntileonUnknown, cf. 1304a 29 n. at Chalcis, and into democracy, as that of the family of GeloSee 1302b 33 n. at Syracuse, and into aristocracy, as that of CharilausSee 1271b 26 n. at Sparta [and as at Carthage].This clause seems an interpolation; cf. b 6. And constitutions change from oligarchy to tyranny, as did almost the greatest number of the ancient oligarchies in Sicily, at Leontini to the tyranny of Panaetius,See 1310b 29 n. at Gelo to that of Cleander, at Rhegium to that of Anaxilaus,Unknown. Reggio is related to Sicily as Dover is to France.
Aristotle, Politics, Book 8, section 1342b (search)
s is shown by poetry; for all Bacchiac versification and all movement of that sortOr perhaps bakxei/a and ki/nhsis denote bodily movement accompanying the song; or they may denote the emotional frenzy expressed and stimulated by it. The dithyramb was a form of poetry of this class, originally celebrating the birth of Dionysus. Philoxenus, one of the most famous dithyrambic poets, 435-380 B.C., lived at Athens, and later at the court of Dionysius of Syracuse. belongs particularly to the flute among the instruments, and these meters find their suitable accompaniment in tunes in the Phrygian mode among the harmonies: for example the dithyramb is admittedly held to be a Phrygian meter, and the experts on this subject adduce many instances to prove this, particularly the fact that Philoxenus when he attempted to compose a dithyramb, The Mysians, in the Dorian mode was unable to do so, but merely by the force of n
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