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The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 9: Poetry and Eloquence. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Feb. 1824. Mrs. Anna d. 13 Apr. 1835. See Cutter Book, 161-3, 390; Wyman, 265. 34. Adam, s. of Samuel (13), m. Sally Putnam, 14 Jan. 1798. Had Harriet, m. Charles Whittemore, 6 Aug. 1826; Sarah, m. Philip Whittemore, Jr., 21 Oct. 1819; a child,. Kimball Farmer 24 June, 1818, W. Camb.; Maria, m. Luke Agur 23 Sept. 1827, W. Camb.; Gershom; Aaron Burr; Jefferson; Henry Putnam; Ira; Mary Putnam, m. Thomas R. Avery 1 Jan. 1834, W. Camb., and Ebenezer H. Allen; Amos; Lucy Augusta, m. Isaac Shatt, of Charlestown, who had son Joseph, bap. here 30 Mar. 1760. See Wyman, 779. [Funeral in Medford, 21 Apr. 1775, of Mr. Henry Putnam, slain at Menotomy by the enemy in the retreat from Concord, on the 19th inst. He was about 70 years old.—Medf. Recamin, Esq., of Fitchburg, and Anne Stearns, of Lunenburg, m. 7 Oct. 1839. Lucretia, d. 8 Mar. 1843, a. 18. Spaulding, Putnam, of Medford, m. Abigail Frost, 26 June, 1808. Speed, Paul (British), m. Mary Goddin, 15 Dec. 1778—fee $6. Sprague,
4, 154, 165, 170, 172, 177, 189, 284 Powers, 342 Pradox, 58 Pratt, 164, 188, 194,284 Prentice and Prentiss, 9, 20, 25, 27, 28, 94, 96, 110, 112, 113, 120,121, 131, 132,137, 140, 154, 167, 169, 170,186, 197, 198, 201, 203, 209,213, 232, 239, 243, 246,255, 268, 263, 282-87, 289-91, 295, 303, 310, 313, 318, 319, 324, 326,330, 331 Prescott, 130 Price, 286, 347 Priest, 286 Prince, 199, 287 Proctor, 130, 140, 143, 152, 154, 165, 170-73, 178 Prout, 18 Puffer, 140 Putnam, 38, 67, 70, 72, 176, 220, 224, 250, 256, 271, 280, 287 Pynchon, 287 Quick, 8, 15, 16 Quincy, 41, 287 Quinn, 349 Ramsdell, 281, 287 Rand, 94, 96, 222, 251, 258, 275, 287, 289 Randall. 131 Randolph, 9, 319 Rawson, 91, 140, 165, 166, 172, 351 Ray, 286, 287, 339 Raymond, 288, 322, 330 Read, 8, 238, 278, 288 Reed, 8, 28, 83, 97, 106, 112, 137, 167-69, 176, 195, 205, 210, 212, 263, 266, 272, 276-78, 288, 289, 301, 307, 312,314-16, 330 Reeves, 18, 289 Re
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
which Medford people cannot afford to forget. Rev. Edward Brooks, the dignified clergyman, Henry Putnam, the veteran of Louisburg, and his grandson, the drummer boy, represent all classes who, as volunteers, hastened to the conflict. Most of them returned, but Henry Putnam gave his life at Menotomy, and tradition says two men named Smith and Francis were victims of the fight. The minute-mened. He was William Polly, the son of Widow Hannah Polly. He was only eighteen years old. Henry Putnam earned the title of lieutenant during the Louisburg campaign. On account of his age he was exempt, but, as his great-grandson says, he showed his Putnam spunk and went with the rest. His son Eleazer was one of the Medford minute-men, and another son, Henry, of the Danvers company, was brougte in the day was ordered to Charlestown. On arriving at Bunker Hill (the real Bunker Hill) General Putnam ordered part of the regiment to throw up entrenchments there; another detachment went to the
ildren. Strangers in Medford, (continued from vol. 6, no. 3). Names.From.Date.Warned out.Remarks. Fillebrown, SarahCambridge,Jan. 4, 1768At house of Ezekiel Hall. Fisk, Joseph  Mary (wife)Reading,May 31, 1757Jan. 4, 1758In house of Wm. McClinton. Fisk, MaryJan. 30, 1791 Fisk, WilliamWood EndMay 31, 1757Jan. 4, 1758In house of Wm. McClinton. Sarah (wife)Reading, Rachel (daughter) Fitch, John B.Aug. 31, 1797 Flora (negro)Charlestown,Dec. 12, 1765Sept. 1, 1766In family of Henry Putnam. Floyd, BenjaminBoston,Mar. 23, 1767Boarder in house of Noah Floyd. Floyd, HepsibahJan. 30, 1791 Floyd, HughMaiden,Mar. 15, 1759In house of Benj. Parker, Jr. Tenant of Col. Royall before 1772. Abigail (wife) William Children Susanna Children Fowle, JohnAug. 31, 1797 Fowle, MehitabelJan. 30, 1791 Fox, CatherineJan. 30, 1791 Freeman, Primas Primus wife and familyApr. 16, 1784 Jan. 30, 1791 Freeman, RichardJan. 20, 1740Negro in house of John Hammon. Freeman, RichardChelsea
m a list of funerals in Medford is the following: 1775 Apr 21, Mr Henry Putnam slain at Menotomy by the enemy on their retreat from Concord oburg, . . . though because of age exempt, and quotes, he showed his Putnam spunk and went with the rest. Henry Putnam's ride. When MrHenry Putnam's ride. When Mr. Henry Putnam was about twenty-two years of age he went from Medford, Mass., into the state of Connecticut, about one hundred miles, at that Mr. Henry Putnam was about twenty-two years of age he went from Medford, Mass., into the state of Connecticut, about one hundred miles, at that day a very long journey. Night coming on, he stopped at a farm house of inviting appearance, in the town of Bolton, and asked for entertainmeircle was Miss Hannah Boardman, the oldest daughter of his host. Mr. Putnam became interested at once in the young lady, of whom he dreamed me time they were married. The next morning after the wedding, Mrs. Putnam was presented by her father and friends with a horse, a lady's smation given by the lady herself when about ninety years of age. Henry Putnam was the youngest son of Deacon Eleazer Putnam [of Danvers] and s
as a man of seventy who had one son among the Medford minute men, and another in the Danvers company. The latter, who bore the father's name, was wounded and brought to Medford, whither his wife came to care for him until his recovery. But, killed at Menotomy, the father's lifeless body was brought to Medford, to the home from whence a few hours before he had gone to the fray. In his youth he had been in the expedition that captured the Gibraltar of America, Louisburg. But (as Miss Wild says it) though by age exempt, and having sons in the ranks, he showed his Putnam spunk and went with the rest. He had been for ten years a resident of Medford, his home probably in the valley opposite Medford's first schoolhouse. Gold stars are placed on the service flags and on the memorials of today. Certainly they should be beside the names of these two, William Polley, Henry Putnam, who went out from their homes in Medford on that 19th of April, to their death, on the first Patriots' day.
Henry Putnam of Medford. Where in Medford did Henry Putnam live? Perhaps the following lines mHenry Putnam live? Perhaps the following lines may partially answer this query: After his sale of his farm in Charlestown in 1765 (beyond the upper what of a puzzle to locate this pasture of Henry Putnam's. But a deed of April 20 next following, fnorth partly by Jona. Patten and partly by Henry Putnam, westerly by lately Whitmores, southwest bys shop and works thereon standing, was made by Putnam to John Andros of Marblehead, Shoreman, for his Proper Debt. At Henry Putnam's request, Andros had become bound with him to Ann Devereaux of Marbenty pounds upon the pasture land was given by Putnam to Ebenezer Turell (the Medford minister) whospland and meadow adjoined. In August, 1773, Putnam sold his pew, number 36, in the third meeting-iam Polley (also brought home) died, but Henry Putnam, Jr., recovered. But wherever the dwellingtor of Turell noted among unpaid bonds that of Putnam for twenty pounds. Whether the son Eleazer was[4 more...]
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Medford and her Minute Men, April 19, 1775. (search)
idly leave the business of the day to the fifty-nine who had marched off. After daybreak the town was almost destitute of men, for unorganized volunteers, singly and in groups, took up their own hurried march, eager to be in the fray. One was Henry Putnam, in 1758 a lieutenant in the Louisburg campaign, and past the age of military service. Seizing his flintlock as his wife asked if he were going without his dinner, he answered, I am going to take powder and balls for my dinner today, or to gween the house of Jason Russell, still standing on Jason street, and the center of the village, the fighting reached its climax. Altogether in Arlington on that afternoon twenty-five Provincials fell or were mortally wounded. Among them were Henry Putnam and William Polly of Medford. It was between five and six o'clock that Percy crossed into Cambridge, then into the present city of Somerville at the corner of Beach and Elm streets, down Somerville avenue into Union square, and so on down W
lunteers followed in their wake, among them Henry Putnam, in 1758 a lieutenant in the Louisburg camp the second play Mrs. Putnam is the wife of Henry Putnam who was killed at Lexington. Nancy and Mering hugely, Mercy in attendance. Nancy and Mrs. Putnam at gate. Characters. Nancy. Aged eighlve Nieces of Abigail and Edward Brooks. Mrs. Putnam. A neighbor. (Husband was killed at Lexingt. Of the King's Own. Two farmer lads. Mrs. Putnam. Good day, Mistress Nancy. Tell your aunt pper, it grows late. Nancy. Of a surety, Mrs. Putnam, and thank you vastly for your assistance. r help—you and the other good neighbors. Mrs. Putnam. Sartin sure! Never in all my born days diould be too good for our brave patriots. Mrs. Putnam. Poor fellows! Sorry I can't stay to help r folks ana me ana my folks. Nancy. Yes, Mrs. Putnam, we're all High Liberty Men together, come what may. Mrs. Putnam (really going). Tha ain't no one more willina to give fer the cause 'n wha[1 more...]
Henry Putnam. Anything relating to the life of a man like Henry Putnam, the soldier from MeHenry Putnam, the soldier from Medford who was killed at the battle of Lexington, is always of historical interest. Two articles h Eben Putnam, published in 1907, p. 70. Henry Putnam b. 14 Aug., 1712; bapt. Salem Village, 17 romantic story concerning the courtship of Henry Putnam. It is related that on one of his journeyse he removed to Charlestown, as the name of Henry Putnam does not occur on the Danvers tax list untison and not the father who is mentioned. Henry Putnam Middlesex Co. Registry, Vol. 57, p. 209, Apr., 1753. Deed Joseph Hartwell to Henry Putnam. Middlesex Co. Registry, Vol. 62, p. 563, 9 May, hundred men from Danvers and Beverly. Henry Putnam, senior, of Medford, was killed, his son Henry d, was near or among the Danvers men. There Henry Putnam gave up his life for his country at the age 15 Sept., 1751, d. Savannah, Ga., 1801. Henry Putnam's father, Eleazer Putnam, lived in Danvers.[4 more...]
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