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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 10: operations on the Rappahannock. (search)
range Court-House to Somerville Ford on the Rapidan, preparatory to the movement forward. While here the 49th Virginia Regiment, Colonel William Smith, joined my brigade. Pope's army, then reinforced by the greater part of Burnside's Corps under Reno, was in the County of Culpeper, north of the Rapidan; but before we were ready to move it commenced to fall back to the northern bank of the Rappahannock. On the 20th, our whole army, now consisting of two wings under Longstreet and Jackson reetreating army. To satisfy him, we remained behind until the advancing skirmishers of the enemy made it prudent for us to retire, and we then rode across the bridge in rear of my brigade. Soon Sigel's whole corps, supported by those of Banks and Reno, moved to the position which I had occupied, and a very heavy cannonading followed. My command was thus rescued from inevitable destruction, for it would have been impossible for General Jackson to have crossed his troops in time to arrest its
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 14: affair at Ox Hill or Chantilly. (search)
on the Rappahannock, and the incessant marching and manceuvring to confront Lee's army, and was short of rations and ammunition. It does not seem to have occurred to him that the soldiers of the army which thus wearied his own were at all susceptible of fatigue or hunger, or that when his own rations were short, their chances of supplying themselves were slim. Pope's army had at the time of the battles of the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of August, been reinforced by Burnside's corps under Reno, one brigade of Sturgis' division from Alexandria, and the following troops from McClellan's army: Heintzelman's corps, Porter's corps, and the division of Pennsylvania reserves commanded by Reynolds. At the time of the affair at Ox Hill he had been further reinforced by Franklin's and Sumner's corps of McClellan's army, leaving but one corps of that army (Keyes') which had not reached him. His consolidated report of the 31st of July showed a strength of 46,858 before he was joined by any o
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
444-452, 456 Randolph, Captain, W. F., 188, 322 Randolph, Secretary General, 77 Ransom, General, 82, 149, 152, 156. 375-77, 380, 384, 386, 399, 400 Rapidan River, 56, 92-93, 102, 105- 106, 113, 196, 237, 285-86, 302, 303, 343-45, 351, 364 Rapidan Station, 303, 306, 317, 326 Rappahannock, 56. 63, 92, 102, 104, 106, 131, 133, 154, 165, 166-67, 196, 215, 217, 236, 285-86, 303, 307, 343 Rappahannock Academy, 184 Red Bud Run, 420, 423, 425 Redoubts, 59-64, 66, 68 Reno, General (U. S. A.), 106, 112, 131 Reynolds, General (U. S. A.), 132, 201, 266 Richardson, Capt. H., 187 Richardson, General (U. S. A.), 149, 151 Richardson, Lieutenant, 7 Richmond, Va., 1, 3, 10, 44, 46, 51, 56, 57, 73-77, 85, 88-92, 103-04-05, 132-33, 154, 160, 164, 168, 190, 235, 237, 251, 286, 327, 340-41, 344, 358-59, 361, 369, 371, 375, 380, 382, 429, 435, 456, 458-59, 465-66, 476 R., Fred. & Po. R. R., 166, 168, 359, 361, 465 Rich Patch Mountain, 331 Ricketts Divisi
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 9: Second battle of Manassas. (search)
fifty thousand troops, while Pope, including his own army, had, with Reno's corps of Burnside's army and Reynolds's division of Pennsylvania rristoe, the nearest hostile troops were the corps of Heintzelman and Reno at Warrenton Junction, ten miles away. The next day, leaving Genera route to Jackson lay, being directly between Jackson and Lee, while Reno's corps and Kearny's division of Heintzelman's corps were at Greenwia stand, as Pope expressed it, until he could get up Heintzelman and Reno from Centreville, and Porter, with King's division, from Bristoe andne in the morning till half-past 3 in the afternoon-to the attack of Reno's corps reflected great credit upon the capacity of the commander angstreet and Hill on the one side, and Burnside with the two corps of Reno and Hooker on the other, was marked by great gallantry on the part oy in the mountain passes, and the deaths of such capable officers as Reno on the Federal and Garland on the Confederate side were greatly depl
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
Fitz John, 103, 140, Porter, Major, Giles, 61. Porteus, Bishop, 7. Pottawattamies, massacre of, 75. Powers Hill, Gettysburg, 290. Prince Edward Court House, 387. 145, 161, 182, 186, 189, 193, 197. Prince Rupert, 152. Quantico Creek, 133. Quatre Bras, battle of, 424. Raleigh, Sir, Walter, 242. Ramseur, General, mortally wounded, 353. Randolph, Edmund, 10; granddaughter, 402. Randolph, George W., 156. Rappahannock River, 14. Reed, General, Theodore, killed, 384. Reno, General, 205; killed, 207. Reynolds, General, mentioned, 118, 119, 127, 186, 190, 192, 226, 227, 247, 270; killed at Gettysburg, 272. Rice Station, battle of, 384. Richard Coeur de Lion, 2. Richelieu, Cardinal, 65. Richmond, the race for, 333; Petersburg and Richmond lines abandoned, 379; occupied by United States troops, 381; evacuated, 381. Ricketts, General, mentioned, 190, 192. Ringgold Barracks, 61, 62. Ripley, General, 130. Robertson, General, Beverley, 184, 187, 285.
ield on Wednesday night, and buried our dead on Thursday. Want of food and other stores compelled our generals to remove our forces to the Virginia side of the river, which they did on Thursday night, without molestation. This is all I can gather from the confused and contradictory accounts of the newspapers. September 24th, 1862. Still no official account of the Sharpsburg fight, and no list of casualties. The Yankee loss in generals very great — they must have fought desperately. Reno, Mansfield, and Miles were killed; others badly wounded. The Yankee papers say that their loss of field officers is unaccountable; and add, that but for the wounding of General Hooker, they would have driven us into the Potomac! September 25th, 1862. The tables were turned on Saturday, as we succeeded in driving a good many of them into the Potomac. Ten thousand Yankees crossed at Shepherdstown, but unfortunately for them, they found the glorious Stonewall there. A fight ensued at Bo
ng column, composed of the Twenty-first Massachusetts, the Fifty-first New York, the Ninth New Jersey, and the Fifty-first Pennsylvania regiments, commanded by General Reno; and the right flanking column, composed of the Fourth and Fifth Rhode-Island, and the Ninth New York regiments hastened through the dense woods and swamps towordered to charge. Major Kimball headed the storming party, and with the peculiar cheer of the regiment, the men dashed forward. Almost at the same moment, General Reno, commanding the left column of attack, ordered the Fifty-first New Yorkers (Shepard Rifles) and the Twenty-first Massachusetts to charge the enemy on his right encampment of North-Carolinians, which was to the northward of the captured battery, when, after a slight resistance, the enemy surrendered unconditionally to General Reno. A few minutes afterwards, the entire island, with all its defences, garrisons, etc., together with Fort Forrest, on the main, was surrendered to General Fo
d. Upon the approach of the National troops, they vacated the place without showing fight, and Big Bethel was occupied by the Union soldiers.--(Doc. 110.) Two squadrons of the First New Jersey cavalry, under command of Col. Wyndham, surrounded a party of rebel Texas Rangers near Dumfries, Va., twelve miles below the Occoquan. A few shots were fired on both sides without injury, except that one of the Nationals was slightly wounded in the wrist. Ten prisoners were taken and carried to Washington. The National troops captured a number of wagons loaded with wheat, but owing to the want of horses, were enabled to bring off only four of them. The Petersburgh, Va., Gazette of this date, complains that Gen. Burnside occupies the palatial residence of the President of the Bank of Commerce; that Gen. Foster has taken possession of another handsome dwelling, while Gen. Reno occupies the Bank of Newbern. It is charged that the Unionists are plundering the country for miles around.
April 19. The battle of Camden, North-Carolina, was fought this day. Day before yesterday Gen. Reno left Newbern and proceeded to Roanoke Island, from which place he took about two thousand men and proceeded to Elizabeth City, where a strong rebel force was reported to be intrenching themselves. To-day, an advance was made upon the rebels, who opened fire with their artillery as soon as the Union troops made their appearance. The troops immediately formed in line of battle, and charged on the enemy, who ran at the first fire. The Nationals then immediately took possession of the town, and after remaining there for a few hours, retired to the main army. The force was about two thousand men, under Gen. Reno, and three boat-howitzers, under Col. Howard. The force of the rebels consisted of a Georgia regiment, numbering eleven hundred men, a portion of Wise's Legion, and two batteries of artillery. The enemy was totally routed, with a loss of about sixty men. The Nationa
ot be regarded as a prisoner of war, but held in close confinement for execution as a felon, at such time and place as Jeff Davis might order. To-day the Union army, under Gen. Pope, and the rebel army, under Gen. Lee, faced each other on the Rappahannock, the former on the north and the latter on the left bank of the river. An attempt was made on the part of the rebels to cross the river at Kelly's Ford, for the purpose of turning the position of the Unionists, but it was foiled by General Reno, who opened fire with his batteries, and then followed it with a cavalry charge, which put them to flight, and determined them to make no more attempts to cross at Kelly's Ford.--(Doc. 104.) A War meeting was held at Southfield, Staten Island, N. Y.--Thomas Shultzer, one of the editors of the Maryland News Sheet, was released from Fort McHenry, on taking an oath not to engage in newspaper business, nor do any thing to aid and abet rebellion during the continuance of the war. Carpente
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