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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
cksburg, where we were regularly drilled until the campaign opened in the spring, when the Ninth Regiment Virginia Cavalry was organized with the following ten companies: Company A, Stafford county, Va.; Company B, Caroline county, Va.; Company C, Westmoreland county, Va.; Company D, Lancaster county, Va.; Company E, Spotsylvania county, Va.; Company F, Essex county, Va.; Company G, Lunenburg county, Va.; Company H, Lee Rangers, Virginia and other States and counties; Company I, King George county, Va.; Company K, Richmond county, Va. The following is the roll of Company H, Ninth Virginia Cavalry (Lee Rangers), from June, 1861, to April, 1865: Captains—William H. F. Lee, dead, B. B. Douglas, dead, Thomas W. Haynes, dead. First Lieutenants—William V. Croxton, James Pollard, dead. Second Lieutenant—Thomas J. Christian. Junior Second Lieutenants—George W. Bassett, dead, John A. Cullen, dead. First Sergeants—Fleming Meredith, James Allison, killed, Ro. G. Howerton
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.47 (search)
prings to spend a few weeks, at what was then a favorite Virginia resort. The day after their arrival he was descending the steps of the hotel, when he met a party of young people coming up. As they reached the top, one of the young ladies missed the step and fell. With his accustomed gallantry, Captain Maury sprang to her side and picked her up. When she was on her feet the young soldier was introduced to the young lady. It was Miss Nannie Mason, daughter of Mr. Wiley Roy Mason, of King George county. The exigencies of the service demanded the departure of Captain Maury for the front in a week or two, but he was a great deal with the little Virginia beauty, and when he left they found they had lost much happiness. While Lieutenant Maury was on duty at West Point he had opportunity to come to Virginia with comparative frequency, and he often saw his sweetheart. After several trips, they were married at Cleveland, the fine country home of Mr. Mason in King George, in 1852. The oc
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.66 (search)
ar Markham, Va. Triplett, Leonidas, lives at Mt. Jackson, Va. Templeman, Robert, lives at Orleans, Va. Templeman, Dr. James, died in Baltimore since the war. Turner, Wm. F. (Capt.), died since the war. Turner, Thomas, died in time of the war. Turner, Hezekiah, died since the war. Tibbetts, Albert, killed in the year 1864. Utz, J. J., wounded at Orange Courthouse. Violet, Elizah, killed at Reams' Station in 1863. Wingfield, Wm., living. Wingfield, James, living. Wiggonton, Isaac, living. Welsh, F. R. (Third Sergt.), living at Plains. Welsh, Bogue, living at King George County, Va. Wigginton, James, lost sight of him. Wilson, William, lost sight of him. Wigginton, Isaac, lost sight of him. One hundred and fifty-nine on this roll. Joshua C. Fletcher. Bluemont, Va. (Parties above designated both as living and dead probably died in the time intervening between the making out of this roll and the placing of it in hands of editor.)
Mrs. Ann E. Grymes has sold one of her farms, in King George county, Va., called Mt. Chein, containing 676 acres, to Messrs. T. I. Grymes and Charles Berry, for $9,000. Sixty-two workmen were discharged from the Gosport Navy Yard on Wednesday last mostly from the ship-building department and the bolt-driving and laboring gangs. Oliver I. Taylor, editor of the Burlington (Iowa) Journal, died on the 26th ult. He was from Wheeling, Va. A census is shortly to be taken of the inhabitants of Cuba, by order of the Queen of Spain. The last census was taken in 1836. Rev. David Clattery, a Roman Catholic priest, died at Sacramento, Cal., on the 8th ultimo. The small-pox is making sad ravages at Puerto Principe, Cuba. Entire families have been swept away by this loathsome disease. Mrs. Margaret Burns died in Baltimore, on the 2d inst., from an over-dose of opium, taken to relieve pain. The New York Tribune states that Gerrit Smith has withdrawn his libe
at Fort Morgan, and proffered the services of twenty negro men as laborers on the works. Sudden Death Of A Clergyman.--The Rev. J. T. Woodbury, of Milford, Mass., died very suddenly Wednesday morning, probably in an apoplectic fit. He was brother of the late Hon. Levi Woodbury. A son of Capt. James R. Fleet, of King & Queen county, Va., accidentally shot himself in the right arm while hunting, a few days ago. Amputation was rendered necessary. The stable at Farley Vale, King George co., Va., belonging to S. W. Corbin, was destroyed by fire recently. Loss about $2,000--partly insured. The last County Court of Northampton Va., issued bonds to the amount of $5,000 to arm the people for resistance to Northern invasion. A man named James Ibson, on board a vessel at Fredericksburg, Va., fell against a stove on Wednesday night, and was burned to death. Rev. Dr. Stockton, Chaplain of the House of Representatives at Washington, has been called home to Philadelphia
House of Delegates. Friday, March 22d, 1861. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, by Mr.Yerby. A message was received from the Senate announcing the passage of a number of bills. Senate bill transferring the Cacapon and North Branch Turnpike to the County Court of Hampshire, was passed. Adverse reports were returned to the petition of Henry C. Perkins, of King George county; to the petition of Samuel E. Lee, of Lunenburg county; to the expediency of incorporating the American Agency. The Orange and Alexandria Railroad was brought to the attention of the House by a motion of Mr. Barbour for its relief. The bill proposes that the collection of the interest on $400,000 shall be deferred until 1864. The mover explained the bill, and advocated its passage, saying that, on account of the condition of public affairs, the road receipts had been diminished, per month, from $60,000 to $25,000. Mr.Magruder advocated the passage of the bill. Similar o
For the Penitentiary. --At the late term of the Circuit Court for King George county, Va., Shelton who seriously wounded Clift at a fishing shore in that county, was sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of three years.
Sentence commuted. --The Governor has commuted the sentence of Richard, a slave, condemned to be hung during the present month, for burning a dwelling-house in King George county, to work during life on the public improvements of the State. The boy had been once before respited. It was proved that he was an idiot, and therefore deserving of Executive clemency.
Gen. Bonham's Staff. --Col. John Taylor, of Chatterton, King George county, has been invited to the Staff of Gen. Bonham, of S. C., now in command of the Alexandria Department at Manassas.
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], The last hours of Hon. S. A. Douglas. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.affairs in King George county. Port Conway,Va., June 6. The roar of Federal guns, distinctly heard throughout the limits of our county in their attacks upon the battery at Aquia Creek, during three successive days of last week, has had the effect of arousing whatever of slumbering patriotism there may have been in our midst. Since the first engagement at that point, numbers have withdrawn their names from the militia roll and entered the ranks of the volunteers. A new volunteer company, raised under the auspices of E. Poinee H. Tayloe, Esq., will meet at our Court-House to-day for organization. Mr. T., it is understood, will be chosen captain. Our Potomac border is constantly menaced with invasion from the Northern forces. War steamers are continually anchoring off our shores, greatly to the annoyance of citizens resident immediately upon the banks of the river. A number of armed troops landed from one of these steamers la