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William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
and Williams's Farm.Jerusalem Road, Va 142 654 2,166 2,962 June 22-29 Cavalry engagements.Wilson's Raid, Va 71 262 1,119 1,452 June 20-30 Petersburg Trenches, Va 112 506 151 769 July 2 Fort Johnson, S. C 19 97 135 251 July 5-7 John's Island, S. C 16 82 12 110 July 9 Monocacy, Md 123 603 568 1,294 July 12 Fort Stevens, D. C 54 319 -- 373 July 13 Tupelo, Miss 59 453 16 528 July 18 Island Ford, Va 65 301 56 422 July 20 Carter's Farm, Va 37 175 30 242 July 24 Winch the missing. Sherman's Army captured 12,983 Confederates during the Atlanta campaign, which should be added to the above losses. 414 May 15 New Market, Va 34 484 13 531 June 10-11 Brice's Cross Roads, Miss. 96 396 ---- 492 July 1-11 Johns Island; James Island, S. C. 33 92 ---- 125 July 13-15 Tupelo, Miss 210 1,049 49 1,308 Sept. 19 Opequon, Va 226 1,567 1,818 Not including the loss in the cavalry, which was reported as slight.3,611 Sept. 22 Fisher's Hill, Va. 30 210 995
idences of numerous concealed works on Folly and James Islands. The rebels are in force in this vicinity. We look for an attack at any moment. Coles's Island, now occupied by our troops, is at the confluence of the Stono and Folly Rivers. It is about two miles long, and one eighth of a mile wide. It might be considered a part of James Island, as the dividing line (if it may be so called) is a marsh. A causeway connects Coles's with James Island. The island is in proximity to Kiawah, John's and Folly Islands, and Stono, Folly, and Kiawah Rivers. The topography of the island is of an undulating character, and is covered with a sparse growth of pine and palmet-to-trees. The ground is covered with thick switch-grass, interspersed with cactus and semi-tropical wild plants. In the water-front, or rather, the sea-front of the island, there is the debris of a round fort, occupied by the rebels at the commencement of the war. There are two embrasures still visible, and portions of p
secrecy from the pickets of the enemy within rifle range opposite; precautions ordered by General Benham, and which effectually concealed the massing of these troops, horses, and guns, at the Edisto, up to the latest moment, as was eventually shown. This force which General Wright had stated he expected to be able to ferry across the Edisto in twenty-four hours, was intended to move thence by one night's march, (some twelve to fifteen miles,) on the east side of Bohickee Creek, across John's Island to Legareville, and there meet the balance of the available force, (all that there were vessels to move at once,) which was to arrive at the Stono by starting some twenty-four hours after the orders to move had been sent to General Wright. It being a part of General Benham's plan to divert the attention of the enemy, and obstruct the railroad between Savannah and Charleston, he had previously arranged with General Stevens for this. Stevens stated that it could be done at any time when
220 killed, wounded, and missing; Confed. No record found. July 3, 1864: Fort Johnson, James Island, S. C. Union, Troops of Department of the South; Confed., Gen. W. B. Taliaferro's command. Losses: Union, 19 killed, 97 wounded, 135 missing; Confed. No record found. July 4-7, 1864: Bolivar and Maryland Heights, Va. Union, Maj.-Gen. Sigel's Reserve Division; Confed., Gen. Jubal Early's command. Losses: Union, 20 killed, 80 wounded. July 5-7, 1864: John's Island, S. C. Union, Maj.-Gen. Foster's troops; Confed., Gen. W. B. Taliaferro's command. Losses: Union, 16 killed, 82 wounded; Confed., 33 killed, 92 wounded. July 5-18, 1864: Smith's expedition, La Grange, Tenn., to Tupelo, Miss. Union, First and Third Divisions Sixteenth Corps, one brigade U. S. Colored Troops and Grierson's Cav.; Confed., Forrest's Cav. Losses: Union, 85 killed, 567 wounded; Confed., 210 killed, 1049 wounded, 149 missing. July 6-10, 1864: Cha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of Charleston from July 1st to July 10th, 1864. (search)
r Manigault, siege train, commanded the general picket line. The enemy shelled our lines and pickets with mortars all night. On July 5th and 6th, the enemy maintained the show of strength on the peninsula, which, as far as could be ascertained, had not been diminished, and made several demonstrations on our lines, which were checked. He continued to shell our pickets and batteries without cessation. Several transports, some with troops, came up the river, and stopped at Battery and John's islands. On the 7th the position of the enemy remained unchanged: several additional transports arrived in the Stono. The fire upon our pickets continued, and the attack of the enemy with his monitors, the Pawnee, and other gunboats and mortar boats upon Battery Pringle was very heavy, but little damage, however, was done to the work, and the fire was returned with evident effect. Colonel Harrison, with his regiment, Bonand's battallion, and the Forty-seventh Georgia regiment, was ordered t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Letters on the treatment and exchange of prisoners. (search)
tant, in which they assure you that they are as pleasantly and comfortably situated as is possible for prisoners of war, receiving from the Confederate authorities every privilege that we (they) could desire or expect; nor are we (they) unnecessarily exposed to fire, gives you all the information in regard to their treatment that you can reasonably desire. In conclusion, let me add that I presumed, from a copy of your confidential order of the 29th ultimo, found on the battle field on John's Island on the 9th. instant, that you were commanding in person the troops operating against this city, and as you had particularly requested me to communicate with you only by way of Port Royal ferry, I felt bound to delay my reply until I was assured it would promptly reach you by the route you were pleased to indicate. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Sam. Jones, Major-General Commanding. To Major-General J. G. Foster, Commanding United States Forces, Hilton Head. Hdrs. Depart
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The private Confederate soldier. (search)
ave seen them employ their leisure and amuse their ennui at Chaffin's farm by mechanic arts for the army of a blockaded country! I have seen their efficiency on the peninsulas of the James and York, and of the Chickahominy and Pamunkey. I have seen their successful strategy at Williamsburg and Whitaker's Mill, and their steadiness in the din of metal at Malvern Hill. I have seen their temper and spirit tried in the lagoons and galls of the Edisto and Stono, and their pluck on John's Island, in South Carolina. I have heard the shouts of the Virginia men when ordered back from South Carolina and Florida to rally again around the altars of home, and heard them raise the slogan of Old Virginia never tire, when they pressed forward to open the defile at Nottoway bridge, and rushed to Petersburg in time twice to save the Cockade City against odds of more than ten to one. I have seen them drive through the barricade and cut at Walthall Junction, and storm the lines at Howlett's not for f
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hatch, John Porter 1822- (search)
Hatch, John Porter 1822- Military officer; born in Oswego, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1822; graduated at West Point in 1845; served under General Scott in Mexico. In September, 1861, he was made a brigadiergeneral of volunteers, and assigned to a cavalry brigade under General King. He commanded the cavalry of the 5th Corps in the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley in the early part of 1862. In July he took command of an infantry brigade, and in August that of King's division. He was wounded at Manassas, and at South Mountain. He also commanded forces on John's Island, near Charleston, S. C., in July, 1864, and commanded the coast division of the Department of the South from November, 1864, to February, 1865. He cooperated with Sherman while moving through the Carolinas. He was brevetted brigadier-general, United States army, and major-general of volunteers, March 13, 1865; commissioned colonel of the 2d Cavalry in 1881; and retired Jan. 9, 1886.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revolutionary War, (search)
possessed by the State collector. At Washington's suggestion, a circular letter, containing an earnest call for men and money, was sent to the executive of each of the States; but the people were so much impoverished by the war and exhausted by past efforts that the call was feebly responded to; besides, the general expectations of peace furnished excuses for backwardness. Some Americans, led by Captain Wilmot, a brave and daring young officer, were engaged in the duty of covering John's Island, near Charleston, in September, 1782. He was always impatient of inaction, and often crossed the narrow strait or river to harass British foraging parties on the island. While on one of these excursions, in company with Kosciuszko, he fell into an ambuscade and was killed. This, it is believed, was the last life sacrificed in battle in the war. The 25th of November was appointed for the evacuation of the city of New York by the British. The latter claimed the right of occupation u
tted, and were thus enabled to fire their long-range rifled guns upon our camps on James and John's islands, thereby causing much annoyance to our troops, and occasionally killing a few men. It hadiver, passing our batteries (which were masked at Legare's Point Place and at Grimball's, on John's Island), and came to anchor a little above them. She was immediately fired upon from our guns posted at Grimball's, on John's Island, when she attempted to make good her escape, fighting our batteries (which had then opened) on John's Island as she passed. She succeeded in getting as far as LegaJohn's Island as she passed. She succeeded in getting as far as Legare's Point Place, when she dropped anchor and unconditionally surrendered. We took prisoners her entire crew, consisting of eleven officers, one hundred and five men, and three negroes. The enemyide one man wounded (since died). Major Allston commanded the batteries at Grimball's, on John's Island; Captain Harleston those at Point Place. Captain Mitchell commanded the sharp-shooters. Li
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