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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for Missouri (Missouri, United States) or search for Missouri (Missouri, United States) in all documents.

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Since known as an active and bitter Rebel. of Missouri, rose, and, amid a shower of objections and id Nicholson, of Tennessee, Green and Polk, of Missouri, R. W. Johnson and Sebastian, of Arkansas--28nia, 12 1/2; North Carolina, 10; Georgia, 10; Missouri, 4 1/2; Tennessee, 11; Kentucky, 9; Minnesotana, 6; Mississippi, 7; Texas, 4; Arkansas, 4; Missouri, 4 1/2; Tennessee, 1; Kentucky, 3; Ohio, 23; na, 6; Mississippi, 7; Texas, 4; Arkansas, 4; Missouri. 5; Tennessee, 11; Kentucky, 9 1/2; Californi, Mr. Caldwell, of Kentucky, and Mr. Clark of Missouri, announced the withdrawal of the whole, or of with Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, the District of Columbia, and the Territoriee, of Ohio 49 42 1/2 24 1/2 Edward Bates, of Missouri 48 35 22 William L. Dayton, of New Jersey 14S. Prentiss, of Mississippi, Edward Bates, of Missouri, George W. Summers, of Virginia, John J. Crit Jersey 3; Ohio 8; Indiana 4; Illinois 5; and Missouri 6 anti-Republicans to the House; rendering it[2 more...]
Louisiana, and Texas Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware, refuse to doKentucky, and Tennessee); and Douglas barely 12--those of Missouri (9) and 3, as aforesaid, from New Jersey. But, though no3,143 66,058 Tennessee (no ticket) 11,350 64,209 69,274 Missouri 17,028 58,801 31,317 58,372 Arkansas (no ticket) 5,227 2November, 1860, were ardent advocates of Secession. In Missouri, Mr. Claiborne F. Jackson had been chosen Governor Elenominal support to Douglas, who thus obtained the vote of Missouri in November, when Gov. J. and a large proportion of his sd in due time united openly in the Rebellion. Outside of Missouri, the Douglas Democracy had been so thoroughly, overwhelmi to 45, decided not to pass an Ordinance of Secession. Missouri, under Gov. C. F. Jackson's rule, had a Democratic Legislcky930,223225,4901,155,713 Maryland599,84687,188687,034 Missouri1,067,352114,9651,182,317 North Carolina661,586331,081992
vices for saving the Union. Mr. John Sherman, of Ohio, suggested a faithful observance, on all hands, of the requirements and compromises of the Constitution, with an immediate division of the territories into embryo States, with a view to their prompt admission into the Union. Mr. John Cochrane, of New York, revived the old scheme of dividing the territories between Free and Slave Labor on the line of 36° 30′. Mr. English, of Indiana, proposed substantially the same thing. Mr. Noell, of Missouri, proposed an abolition of the office of President of the United States, and a division of the Union into three districts, each to elect one member of an Executive Council, to which the functions of President should be intrusted. He suggested, moreover, a restoration of the equilibrium between the Free and Slave States, by a division of several of the latter into two or more States each. Mr. Thomas C. Hindman, Since, a Rebel Brigadier. of Arkansas, proposed to so amend the Constitution as
nia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri. Ex-President John Tyler, of Virginia, was caas--10. Noes-Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvanted by the following vote: Ays--Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia--4. Noes-Connectted by the following vote: Ays--Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia-5. No Ays--Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island Ays--Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvanaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New-Jersey, New York, New Hampshire, Ohio, P Ays--Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island Kansas-12. Noes-Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, Vermont, Virginia--7. Thllows: Ays--Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Isla[6 more...]
will depend greatly upon whether we present to the world, as I trust we shall, a better government than that to which they belong. If we do this, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas, cannot hesitate long; neither can Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri. They will necessarily gravitate to us by an imperious law. We made ample provision in our Constitution for the admission of other States. It is more guarded-and wisely so, I think-than the old Constitution on the same subject; but not too guae proper. Looking to the distant future-and perhaps not very distant either — it is not beyond the range of possibility, and even probability, that all the great States of the North-West shall gravitate this way, as well as Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, etc. Should they do so, our doors are wide enough to receive them; but not until they are ready to assimilate with us in principle. The process of disintegration in the old Union may be expected to go on with almost absolute certai
the names of those whom he had chosen to preside over the several Departments, and who thus became, by a usage which has no express warrant in the Constitution, his official counselors. They were William H. Seward, of New York, Secr'y of State; Salmon P. Chase, of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury; Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania, Secretary of War; Gideon Wells, of (Connecticut, Secr'y of the Navy; Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana, Secretary of the Interior ; Edward Bates, of Missouri. Attorney-General; Montgomery Blair, of Maryland, Postmaster-General. Mr. Jefferson Davis, ruling at Montgomery, had already constituted his Cabinet, which consisted of Robert Toombs, of Georgia, Secretary of State; Charles G. Memminger, of South Carolina, Secretary of the Treasury; Leroy Pope Walker, of Alabama, Secretary of War; to which were afterward added Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, Sec'ry of the Navy; John H. Reagan, of Texas, Postmaster-General.
t 1 New York 17 New Jersey 4 Pennsylvania 16 Delaware 1 Tennessee 2 Maryland 4 Virginia 3 North Carolina 2 Kentucky 4 Arkansas 1 Missouri 4 Ohio 13 Indiana 6 Illinois 6 Michigan 1 Iowa 1 Minnesota 1 Wisconsin 1 The 94 regiments thus called for would form a total of 73,391Slave States--save a portion of those of St. Louis and Knoxville — gave the call a more cordial greeting than this. Gov. Claiborne F. Jackson, April 16th. of Missouri, gave these among his reasons for disregarding and defying the President's call: It is illegal, unconstitutional, revolutionary, inhuman, diabolical, and cannot be complied with. He added: Not one man will the State of Missouri furnish to carry on so unholy a crusade. Gov. Burton, of Delaware, deferred his response to the 26th, and then stated that the laws of this State do not confer upon the Executive any authority allowing him to comply with such requisition. He proceed
irginia Tennessee North Carolina Arkansas Missouri Blair and Lyon rally a Union force at St. Loly when exercised in defense of the Union. Missouri was found in a most anomalous condition on th present, there is no adequate cause to impel Missouri to dissolve her connection with the Federal Uad not these machinations been countervailed, Missouri would have soon fallen as helplessly and passt. Louis on one side and Kansas on the other, Missouri could scarcely have been saved. But Kansas hesident's call. The Federal Arsenal in Western Missouri was located at Liberty, Clay County, in te, whereof the object was the pacification of Missouri. But this did not prevent the traitors from ll in force, and insisting that the people of Missouri should be permitted, in peace and security, ts consecrated by your homes. Thus, though Missouri had authoritatively and overwhelmingly refuseere present but from Kentucky, save four from Missouri and one from Tennessee. John J. Crittenden pr[1 more...]
ict of Columbia, over Twelve 12,315,372. Millions. As the Free States all adhered to the Union, while, of the Slave States, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri Kentucky and Missouri are claimed as having done so; and, hence, were both represented, from an early day, in the Confederate Congress. But the claim is baseMissouri are claimed as having done so; and, hence, were both represented, from an early day, in the Confederate Congress. But the claim is baseless and impudent. did not unite with the Confederacy, the preponderance of population in the adhering over that of the seceded States was somewhat more than two to one. The disparity in wealth between the contending parties was at least equal to this; so that there was plausibility in the claim of the Confederates to that sympatt committal shall stand. Should there be any unexpected change in the aspect of affairs at Washington which would hold out the hope that the publication of my Missouri Compromise letter would do any good, it shall yet be published. In this spirit, Northern aspirants and office-seekers had for years been egging on the leader
ates and of the Southern States at the mercy of the armies of the Confederate States. It would leave the 25,000 majority in East Tennessee, the vast majority in Missouri, and everywhere else, at the mercy of the Rebels. I say, further, that, if we remain idle for such a period of time, doing nothing upon the borders of these re Riot Act to an excited mob, and sending a squad of police to disperse it. Hence, the many prisoners of war taken with arms in their hands, in West Virginia and Missouri, had, up to this time, been quite commonly permitted to go at large on taking an oath For the first year of the war, no regular list of prisoners taken by us rished a shadow of doubt that the independence of the Confederacy was secured. The vote of Tennessee for Secession, the sudden uprising of a great Rebel army in Missouri, and the strengthening of the cause and its defenders everywhere, owe much of their impulse to the dispatches which flashed over the rejoicing South assurances t
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