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rtially uniformed, and had no arms on their arrival. This regiment — officers and men — are a quiet-looking, steady, determined set of men. Captain Hayden's company of artillery, with six pieces, accompany the Iowa Ninth.--St. Louis Democrat, September 30. This morning, about one o'clock, as some of the Federal regiments were advancing in the neighborhood of Munson's Hill, Va., Colonel Owen's Irish regiment mistook a portion of Colonel Baker's for secessionists, and commenced firing upon three officers. During the day some disgraceful acts were committed by a portion of the Federal troops, such as the burning of several houses, stables, &c. These acts met the decided reprobation of General McClellan.--National Intelligencer, September 30. A brisk fight took place at the bridge across James Bayou, six miles southwest of Norfolk, Ky. A force of about one hundred Federals were guarding the bridge, when a force of rebels, some two or three hundred strong, infantry and cavalr
September 30. Early this morning Colonel Geary marched from Point of Rocks to Berlin, Md., with three companies of infantry and two pieces of artillery. Immediately upon his arrival there he opened upon the rebel works with shell, and in a half hour dislodged the rebels effectually from every position they occupied.--Baltimore American.
Nationals a large quantity of commissary and quartermaster's stores. The Twenty-sixth New Jersey regiment, one thousand strong, left Newark, N. J., to-day, en route for the seat of war.--The Twenty-third regiment New Jersey volunteers, Col. Cox, one thousand strong, fully equipped, left Camp Cadwalader this morning, in steamers, for Washington. In the rebel House of Representatives majority and minority reports were submitted by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whom had been referred certain resolutions relating to the policy of the war, and which recommended to Jeff Davis the issuing of a proclamation offering the free navigation of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, and the opening of the market of the South to the inhabitants of the North-Western States, upon certain terms and conditions.--An unsuccessful attempt to capture the steamer Forest Queen was made at Ashport, Tenn., by a band of rebel guerrillas under Capt. Faulkner.--Louisville Journal, September 30.
els still held their position in the vicinity of Winchester. The Twenty-second regiment of New Jersey volunteers, nine months men, left Trenton for the seat of war. The regiment was fully equipped, and composed principally of young men from the farming districts.--Brig.-Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore, having been assigned by General Wright to the command of the district of Western Virginia, entered upon his duties to-day, establishing his headquarters at Point Pleasant.--A spirited cavalry skirmish took place near Sharpsburgh, Md., in which the rebels were dispersed, and a squad of them captured.--Baltimore American, September 30. Three hundred and sixty-three disloyal citizens of Carroll County, Mo., were assessed eleven thousand dollars by the Board of Commissioners appointed under General Order No. Three, for killing and wounding loyal soldiers and citizens, and for taking property belonging to said persons. The sums levied ranged from two to one thousand dollars on each person.
September 30. A fight took place at Newtonia, Mo., between a force of Union troops under the command of Gen. Salomon, and a body of rebels under Col. Cooper, resulting in the retreat of the Nationals.--(Doc. 213.) Commodore Harwood, commanding Potomac flotilla, reported to the Navy Department that the rebel bomb-proof magazines at Lower Shipping Point, Va., had been destroyed, under the super-intendence of Lieut. Commander Magaw. They were seven in number, and the work was found heavier than was anticipated. A small body of rebel cavalry made its appearance, but dispersed upon the discharge of a volley of musketry from the Nationals. A fight took place at Russellville, Ky., between a force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Harrison, Seventeenth Kentucky, and a body of about three hundred and fifty rebels, resulting in a rout of the latter with a loss of thirty-five of their number killed and ten taken prisoners.--Grayson, Ky., was this day entered and occu
September 30. Colonel Rowett, with the Seventh Illinois and Seventh Kansas regiments of cavalry, had a fight with the rebel guerrillas under Newsome, at Swallow's Bluff, on the Tennessee River. Colonel Rowett came up with the rebels while they were crossing the river. About one hundred had already crossed with the horses and baggage, leaving a major and twenty men on this side. The rebels were sheltered by the bluff, and defended by their comrades on the other side, who were in supporting distance, but the Unionists dashed in and captured the whole party with the loss of one killed and two wounded.--the bombardment of Forts Sumter, Johnson, and Simpkins, in Charleston harbor, was continued all day, Forts Moultrie and Simpkins alone replying.--(See Supplement.) Leonidas Polk, a Lieutenant-General in the rebel service, being relieved from his command in consequence of an unfortunate disagreement between himself and the commander-in-chief of the rebel department of the Missi
, has never been equalled. From the obstinacy which the superior force of the enemy encountered, they estimated our force to be at least two thousand, when in reality it was but a little over five hundred. This report is corroborated by a number of persons who participated in the engagement, but were afterward captured. Our whole loss will not fall short of four hundred in killed, wounded, and taken prisoners, and two pieces of artillery. Another account. Morganzia's Landing, September 30. We are still snooping around here, as Captain Gray says, with no immediate prospect of getting away, and no great present chance of doing any good. I will tell you why we came here. Nearly a month ago a transport was fired into near this place, which is very favorably located for enterprises of that description, the river being unusually narrow right here. The perpetration of the outrage having been reported to headquarters in New-Orleans, General Herron was forthwith ordered to pr
ieutenant-Colonel S. C. Kirkpatrick commanding; the Seventeenth Indiana, Major Wm. Jones commanding; the Ninety-eighth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Kitchell commanding; the One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois, Colonel James Monroe commanding; the Eighteenth Indiana battery, Captain Eli Lilly commanding; a battery of four mountain howitzers, Sergeant Edward commanding; and a detachment of pioneers, Captain Kilborn commanding, in the vicinity of Blythe's Ferry, on the Tennessee River, September thirtieth. Here I received orders to leave my train, lead horses, three pieces of the Eighteenth Indiana battery, and three howitzers, and proceed with the remainder of the command to cross Waldon's Ridge into the Sequatchee Valley, which I did, reaching the valley, crossing it, and encamped on the Cumberland range on the night of the second of October. On the third I crossed the Cumberland Mountains in rear of Colonel Minty's cavalry brigade, who skirmished with the enemy through the day. La
ove the balance of my command during the evening and night to a position on Missionary Ridge, so as to cover the road along the valley of Chattanooga Creek, and to send Wilder with his command up Chattanooga Creek, and also that running up the valley of West Chickamauga Creek, to feel his way carefully, and who is to join General Thomas as soon as possible, the latter ordering me to hold myself in readiness to execute to-night the orders sent to me at twenty minutes past twelve to-day. September 30, at half-past 6 A. M.--Received despatch from Colonel Goddard, stating that it was the instruction of the G<*>eral Commanding, that I should move before daylight to Mission Ridge, and that it was perhaps his unfortunate wording that prevented it. I at once commenced the movement. In the night Colonel Minty, with the balance of his cavalry brigade, reported for duty. I sent him in the rear of my two divisions. Wilder with his command I sent to join General Thomas, then in Chattanooga Va
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The battle of South Mountain, or Boonsboro‘ (search)
e substantially corroborated by the reports of his subordinates,--division, brigade, and regimental commanders. They indicate, moreover, that there had been great straggling in the Federal army, as well as in our own. On p. 97, General Ingalls, chief quartermaster, reports, October 1st, 1862, means of transporation for 13,707 men in the First Corps; for 12,860 men in the Ninth Corps . . . and for 127,818 men in the entire Army of the Potomac. The return of the Army of the Potomac for September 30th shows a total present for duty of 98,774 officers and men, including 5714 cavalry and headquarters guard. General Ingalls's statement, partly estimated as shown on its face (he counts cavalry 7000, it being actually 4543), is obviously in error in the figures, 30,926, set down for the Fifth Corps, which the return shows to have had 17,268 for duty, and 31,688 present and absent.--Editors. This was after the wastage of the two battles (14th and 17th of September), reported on page 204 as
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