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The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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any, to execute their contract made in August last, for the purchase and completion of the James River and Kanawha Canal. Mr. Duckwall submitted the following resolution: Resolved, by the General Assembly, That the Commissioners to audit and settle the accounts for services at Harper's Ferry, shall be, and they are hereby, authorized to allow pay to the field officers and to the four companies of the 39th Regiment, in the county of Morgan, designated in their report of the 5th day of February, 1861, in the manner reported by them. On Mr. Duckwall's motion, the resolution was laid on the table, in consequence of the thinness of the House. Petition Withdrawn.--Mr.Rives, of Prince George, asked leave to withdraw from the files of the House the petition of citizens of Surry for the formation of a volunteer rifle corps of less than the minimum number required by law, Granted. Street Railroads.--Dr. McGruder, from a special committee, reported a bill passed March 20
From Charleston.[Special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Charleston, S. C., Feb. 5, 1861. The telegraph has just told us that 800 recruits have gone to Fort Sumter within the last few nights, with mufiled oars, and that they went there from "landwards."Bah ! All who can, may go. This comes from the Black Republican quarter. Another dispatch, just received from Richmond, states that three strong Secessionists were elected, yesterday, to your Convention — viz Messrs. Randolph, Macfarland and Johnson. I saw it in a few minutes after being posted, and I insisted that it should be taken down for there was certainly a mistake somewhere as Messrs. Macfarland and Johnson were nominated by the Union party, and it was accordingly taken down. I see, also, that the Charleston correspondent of the Baltimore American has found a "mare's nest"--that Maj. Anderson has actually dug out a pit, under the causeway, outside of Fort Sumter, leading to the entrance, and will, if attack
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.from Wythe. Wytheville, Feb. 5, 1861. Since my last, we have had rain, snow, and a general mixture of the elements. No mail from your city has reached here since the 1st inst — the trains on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad being unable to pass through, on account of the numerous slides — the worst of which is at Clark's Summit, some 20 miles from this place. The "Champion of America,"the renowned John C. Heenan, arrived at this place yesterday evening on the Eastern train; of course he was greeted with rounds of huzzas by the "boys," and followed and tormented by the "curious."The frogs that were showered upon the Egyptians could not have been a worse plague than this. Such fame! Save us, we pray, from the plaudits of "Young America." Mr. Kent is elected to the Convention — an able representative. We shall certainly expire if you don't soon send us the Dispatch. If "Uncle Sam" can't afford to put the mail thr<
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.the secession of Texas. Long Point, Washington Co., Texas, February 5, 1861. The Convention of the people of Texas has passed a Secession Ordinance; but, in consequence of some of the counties not being represented in the Convention, (which was caused by the opposition of Gov. Houston,) it is referred back to the people for adoption or rejection — the election to take place on the 23d inst. It will be adopted almost unanimously. Old Sam has always exercised a magic influence over a large portion of the old settlers of Texas until the recent secession movement, which he opposed; but when he saw most of his old guard leaving him, he wheeled, and has come right side up. The offer of the State of New York to furnish money and men to coerce the Southern States into Black Republican rule, has aroused the latent sparks of his once flaming patriotism, and he now says that he is with Texas either for weal or for woe, and that he will sanction a
General Assembly of Virginia.[Extra session.] Senate. Tuesday, Feb. 5th, 1861. Called to order at 12 o'clock, President Montague in the chair, and opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Seeley, of the Second Baptist Church. A communication from the House was read, announcing the passage of a bill to incorporate the Berkeley Border Guards' Armory Company. Referred. Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported: A bill providing for the location of the Court-House, Jail, and other public buildings in the county of McDowell: a bill authorizing the sale of a portion of the Armory Grounds, and out of the proceeds thereof to purchase a site for an arsenal and quarters for the Public Guard, and to erect buildings for that purpose; a bill to distribute Mayo's Guide to coroners; a bill for the protection of the fisheries in the waters of the Potomac and Chesapeake Bays; a bill incorporating the Chesterfield Car, Locomotive, and Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company; a
House of Delegates. Tuesday. Feb. 5th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Speaker Crutchfield, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Deshiel. Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported from committees, viz: Amending an act marking the boundary line between Fluvanna and Albemarle counties; repairing and furnishing the Governor's house; amending an act providing for the working of the county roads of Loudoun: amending the 2d section of the act passed Feb. 9th, 1860, providing for a further subscription to the Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad Company. Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry into expediency were offered: By Mr. Phelps, of reporting a bill securing to the Commonwealth in any internal improvement company in which the said Commonwealth is a stockholder or has an interest, a representative in the directory of any such company proportionate to the amount of stock held by the Commonwealth in such company, and s
The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Boston courtesy to a Southern merchant. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.election returns — election day — Police affairs, &c. Harrisonburg, Va., Feb. 5, 1861. The following is the official vote of Rockingham for delegates to the Convention, and on the question of referring the action of the Convention back to the people: Cofiman, (Contingent,)2,604 Lewis, (Union,)2,081 Gray, (Union,)2,002 Woodson, (Union,)1,120 Newman, (Secession,)705 Liggett. (Secession,)505 Reference2,199 No reference593 From the above it will be seen that Messrs. Coffman, Lewis and Gray are elected, and may be considered a Union delegation. Messrs. Williams and Conn, Secessionists, are elected in Shenandoah. On election day, in Harrisonburg, there was considerable excitement. The display of partizanship was exhibited in a goodly number of fights. There were so many cases to be tried by the Mayor, that he was compelled to hold his Court in the open air, taking his position in the large yard adjoining th
s1,044 00 notes and checks on other banks29,374 43 Coin, in vault and at Richmond agency42,601 78 $511,170 83 Nov. 1, '60.Dec. 1, '60.Jan. 1, '61. Loans to Directors$6,975 00$7,500 00$7,335 00 Specie72,250 1243,157 6642,601 78 Circulation259,299 00257,087 00251,219 00 Deposits56,705 9957,079 9964,244 52 We have examined the foregoing account and believe it to be correct. William Kenney, President. Wm. A. Bell, B. F. Pointz, Hugh W. Sheffey. February 5th, 1861. I certify that the agency of this Bank, under the act of April 2, 1858, is at the Banking House of Messrs. Enders, Sutton & Co., in Richmond, Va. William Kenney, President. Augusta County, to wit: On this 4th day of February, 1861, William H. Tams, Cashier of the Central Bank of Virginia, made oath before the subscriber, a Notary Public in and for the county aforesaid, that the within statement is correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. Wayt,
Edward Everett. The furious war speech of Edward Everett on the 4th of July finds a complete refutation in a letter addressed by him to a great "conciliation meeting," held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, February 5th, 1861, just five months before. The following is an extract from that letter: "To expect to hold fifteen States in the Union by force is preposterous. The idea of a civil war, accompanied, as it would be, by a servile insurrection, is too monstrous to be entertained for a moment. If our sister States must leave us, in the name of Heaven, let them go in peace." That is enough! The man who could utter the sentiments of that letter and then make the speech of the 4th of July, cannot respect himself, much less be held in respect by any one else.
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