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The horses that will run on next Friday and Saturday. --The race at Fairfield, next Friday and Saturday, will bring out some of the best blood of the country. There is to be a colt race, at two-mile beats, on Friday, in which the contestants at New Market will reappear; and on Saturday there will be a two-mile purse face, open for all ages. Let us state who these noble rivals are: Friday's race. Beauregard.--This fine, large bay colt was bred in North Carolina by Colonel Green of that State, and is partly owned by Col. Hare, who has trained him His name was changed some weeks before his recent successful race, Col. Hare believing that Beauregard would prove invincible. He is by Hawkins's Priam, out of a Trustee mare, and is a fine-looking and fine-moving horse, of a most remarkable turn of speed. We have seldom seen a racehorse which, at the last moment, could so suddenly make up a gap. His rush at Ninette, at the finish of the fast heat of the New Market race, was a
The identity of the Church might be more or less called in question, and questions in regard to property might arise, and litigation ensue. Judge Phelan, of Alabama, maintained that if the corporation remained the same, so would its rights and liabilities. Rev. Mr. Trapier mentioned several facts in the history of churches in Charleston, New York, and Vermont, substantiating this view — that if the essence, doctrine, and discipline be preserved, its form might be changed. Bishop Green considered the term Protestant unmeaning from its generality, and that it involved the Church in the odium of the follies and heresies of various sects. Episcopal, as a term, was not distinctive, because there were other Episcopal bodies. He preferred the title "The American Catholic Church." Mr. Williams, of Virginia, glorified in the term Protestant. Does the Church still protest? The Articles are explicit upon that point, and any change of the kind advocated would subject the
The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1861., [Electronic resource], The great naval expedition — from Fortress Monroe and Hatteras Inlet. (search)
ohn Kennedy, charged with passing counterfeit notes of the Bank of Hamburg, South Carolina, were examined by a called court on the 14th inst., and discharged in consequence of the Commonwealth being unable to prove the notes to be counterfeit. Kennedy had in his possession three ten dollar notes and three fives of the same bank, fresh and new in appearance, although date; in 1824. Many of these notes have been circulated in this city. The notes found in the possession of Price, Perryman, and Kennedy, were burnt by order of the court. Our family market is well supplied this morning with poultry, beef, mutton, vegetables, &c., all selling at pretty high prices. Groceries have advanced considerably this week. Butter is very scarce, and high of course--price 60 cents. Salt is held at $15 per sack; usual price before the war, $1.25a$2.50. There is scarcely any pork or bacon for sale — prices enormous. Green pork, $14a$15 per cwt. Flour and meal advancing.
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